
Invading Your World

I left everything on my own. I attended school and tried to live a normal life. I put a safe distance at people but... The most generous and adored gentleman in the class continues approaching me... The friendliest guy in school who smiles a lot, but why does his smile looks scary? Then the most distant student starts paying attention to me... Around me, the cold and arrogant young master was reduced into a fool... And the girl who is the target of envy keeps following me... 'Why are you doing this? I'm not someone you can handle.' They are the people who is always in the spotlight, whereas I'm someone who should quietly watch in the sidelines. The filler. The observer but irrelevant. But once they break in on my small, bordered world and shed a light in the darkness where I was... They saw the wrong person. I am not someone who they thought I was.

Mj_Ferret · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
36 Chs

Chapter 20: Party of Games

Dani came out of the convenience store and waved at Eugene. She bent her waist and got into the car.

"I told you that I could pick you up."

"It's fine." Dani doesn't want to trouble him because he has to take a long detour to drive into her place.

"Daniiii!" Jun jumped at her. She can't evade him as usual because they're in the car.

"I can't breathe."

She pushed him and saw what he looked like. Jun is dressed in a white polo t-shirt, a blazer vest, and jeans. Eugene caught her eye, and she felt bad for him. He wears formal clothes. With his slicked back hair, exposing his full forehead, he looks very prim and aloof.

'Well.. it's obvious that it's also a business party and everywhere he goes, he represents his family...'

"What?" Seeing her looking at him with pity, Eugene asked.


Tonight is a celebration party for David's graduation. She heard that his two older brothers were back in the country.

"How do I look?"

"You look fine."

"You shouldn't lie to him, Dani," Eugene said.

"Whatever, I always look good." Jun rebutted.

"That doesn't make sense, if you always look good, why bother?" Eugene looked up from some papers before returning to them.

"For this moment!" Jun exclaimed, "So you admit that I look good."

"Mr. Allan," Eugene looked at his driver and continued, "I want to throw him out of the car."

"Another time," Mr Allan replied, "I am concerned people would see my license plate if we were to do that."

"Does no one care about me?!" Dani jabbed his side because of his drama.

"Ouch! You're becoming more like Belle! And why aren't you wearing a dress?! You should wear more often," Jun grumbled.

"Is there something wrong with my attire?" She asked him.

Dani wears a long sleeve satin blouse and fitted slacks. The loose shirt slightly exposes her collarbone, and the pants accentuate her slender legs.

"No, you look beautiful, but I wish you would wear more dresses just like what you wear earlier in our graduation."

"That won't do. I can't kick your ass if I'm wearing a dress."

"Why would you kick my ass?"

'In case, you cause trouble' Dani thought, but she answered instead. "Then do you prefer me kicking other's ass?"

"Huh?! No way! Okay, you can kick mine if you want."

Dani was just joking around and she didn't know that Jun would really answer like that. 'Is he a secret M?'

"From now on, this butt is taken." Jun grinned at her. She was left speechless until Eugene interrupted.

"I didn't know if you were flirting or not, but you two better stop because you're giving me a shudder."

"Oh, I smell vinegar." Jun sniffed around. Dani laughed along the ride because the two started to banter.


There were already a lot of people when they arrived. Tea time has arrived, and all of the dolls have been placed on the table. While their eyes are busy sizing up, they chat, drink, and act like nobles. Dani is uninterested in such an occasion. If not for David, she had already run outside the gate.

He's really spoiled. Despite the fact that the number of attendees increased due to the return of his two brothers, this is still a large-scale celebration. Dani heard that David had been spoiled since his mother died in a car accident. This prompted her to look for the dark blue hair she recognized. She immediately saw him with Kenneth.


Kenneth's mother also died in the same accident. And only the two children survived. Until now, these two children are still inseparable. She sighed. Maybe they noticed her stare because the two met her eyes and smiled at her.


"Oh, Brother, look at him. Such eyes..." Kyle squealed. Some liquor poured out of his cup, staining his hands.

"I'm watching."

The other frowned at his messy behavior. They watched as they saw their little brother leave his guests, and stride forward with a slight smile plastered on his face.

"Wow.. that's Eugene? And isn't the other one named Jun? They're big now and they've become more handsome. Time really flew fast." The more Kyle looked at them, the more he felt threatened.

'I'm still more handsome.. they still have a long way to go before they can catch up... Mature men are still the best.' Scratching his chin, he tried to convince himself. Then his attention went to someone unfamiliar.

"Is that her? I heard that she's a very cold person but she looks normal though?" He observes Dani.

"Aren't you aware of the wolf in sheep's clothing?"

'How did you know that from just looking?' Kyle stared at his brother with disbelief. He could see that she only had a serious expression. 'Aren't you just being paranoid?' he wanted to ask, but he held himself back. He knows that his brother is a freak. He freaks out if something around him is unknown. And now, it's related to his little brother.

When they met after both coming back from abroad, they had quite a squabble. Hearing that he conducted a background check on their little brother's friend, he cursed him for being a creep. Then this older brother of his tossed to him all his black history for the past few years, completely deriding his way of living wildly. Even the paparazzi and reporters can't find those shameful stories! As if leaving something uncertain would bring him a catastrophe, he is constantly collecting data. They haven't met for a few years, but he becomes more scary.

'That's why crazy smart assholes are freaking me out...'

"Don't look at me like that. Aside from her suspicious background, she's somewhat familiar. It felt like I had seen her somewhere, but I can't remember."

"You never mentioned it before."

"Well, its different seeing it in reality."

Kyle tried to observe more. Knowing that there was no useful result from his brother's hard work, he couldn't deny that this girl really piqued his interest. She has a strong presence, maybe because of her striking appearance. Although she has brown hair and brown eyes, which is extremely common, all her facial features are excellent. She's also tall for a girl. Lean body, slender waist, long legs, smooth skin....

Suddenly, his eyes widened when that pair of eyes boringly stuck to him. On the stairs, he almost lost his balance from shock. She's looking at him directly eye to eye.

"I told you. Tsk."

His older brother, Knoxx, looked at him like he was a dirty rat before turning around. He also left hurriedly without looking back. He felt embarrassed the way he reacted when he was caught off guard.

'I think I lost my face to a beautiful lady just now.'