
chapter 6

Geet came back to office and taking a deep breath she entered maan cabin after knocking on the door and placed a cup of coffee which she brought with herself....how she got it was a another task in itself ....

Maan who was not expecting her back was surprised seeing her their but he quickly masked it and stood up glaring at her ...but geet did notice his surprised look confirming her doubts even more but kept her expressionless and don't care mode on not reacting or giving him any hint of her feelings.....

Maan : it took u so much time just to grab a cup of coffee..?

He asked her rasing his perfectly shaped eyebrows at her ..

She just stood their staring at him in a challenging way for 2 seconds like telling him that she knows it's his doing....when he shouted at her saying ...

Maan : I am talking to u stop looking at me like a fool and tell me what the hell is going on don't u know that now u work for the khurana's we have a clean and dignified reputation in public now just because of u people will question is as to how can we hire people like u too work for us wait a minute u didn't do it just so u can get fired or quite the job stating this as a issue ohhh gosh u are something...man why didn't I think about it before u can do anything to escape right just like a coward u are who always finds a way to run away from all her problems then let me tell u u are not going to escape or get any chance to run away from it till I am done with u get that ....

He looked at her with a devilish look smirking at her trying to get a reaction out of her when geet opened her mouth saying...

Geet : sir u r coffee has gone cold by now do u want me to bring u another one ?

Maan was really getting frustrated with her non reacting ways as if what he does or says doesn't even goes in her ears he so wanted to punch her to get a reaction out of her as looking at her eyes he was sure she doesn't even look like she has sheaded a single tear also on everything he did till now plus the way Yash came their to save her was getting on his nerves...he shouted ...

Maan : u have a very thick skin I haven't seen someone like u ever in my life u r the most selfish and self centered person gosh don't u have any shame trying to snatch u r friends boyfriend from her I knew that u were a gold - digger but this I never thought that u will become so blind that for money u will become a home breaker and I don't think I need to tell u what people r u called in our society ...u know it better as u r one of them...

geet still just stood their looking at him blankly and Maan just lost it and shouted at her ...

Maan : get lost from here u ahhh...just get lost ..

and geet listening to him just turned around and left the cabin like a robot making Maan go mad and he punched his cabin wall in frustration injuring his hand and saying some not so colorfull words .....he took deep breaths tring to calm himself down nd said...

maan : let's see till when u won't react I won't give up so easily geet if u think behaving like this will save u from me then u r wrong u r just making things worst for u r self ...

2 days later ...

the news just kept getting worst as no one was clearing it and even when news reporter's tried to contact meera she remained unavailable making them think that she is heart broken that's why she is not responding to their calls...while fans were crushing geet and calling her names for breaking their favourite pair and some were even calling out to yash on being foolish for doing this to meera and cheating on her for someone cheap and what not ..... advising him to get his head straight and go apologize to meera.. while some were saying that meera should stand up for herself as she deserved batter telling her to be strong and move on and forget yash and that so called best friend who have hurt her .... meera was having a lot of troubles as it was not easy for her to avoid everyone's looks which were full of sympathy and concern for her asking her if she was alright and trying to get more info from her as to what happened plus the calls she was receiving from her father from morning were just getting too much for her the reporters won't leave her alone at all they were always downstairs waiting to get her to talk to them like vultures trying to s*ck her blood...

she was getting frustrated as she was not able to do anything....she even came back early from her shoot not able to bare those looks anymore ....she thought something and made a call..

meera : yash I am going nuts I want to break their face god dammit why can't they leave us alone ...

yash : wohh sweetheart calm down my cutie pie how about we go out together today just u and me...what say ...

meera : oohh yash I so want to it's been 2 days we haven't seen eachother plus geet I don't know how is she I am sure it's worst for her she asked me not to contact her for 2 - 3 days but gosh did u talk with her from last 2 days ...

yash : no meera she told me she is planning something but that's it she said that she will contact us when she wants but till then we should not worry about her....

as they were talking they both got a conference call from geet and said at the same time ..

yash /meera: geet is calling

yash / meera : it's a conference call...

laughing they picked it up and said at the same time again ...

yash / meera : thank god u called us finally we were getting worried about u ....

geet : why r u getting worked up guys I am fine and so so happy u know what we should meet today and party ...

yash : meera I think she has lost her lil bit of brain too ... should we take her to a doctor...

meera : shut up yash geet what r u upto now and what is u r plan u know something is cooking in that brain of yours otherwise u wouldn't behave like this first u didn't let us be in contact for 2 days and now u want us to go and party together even after all this shit that is going on u know they won't leave u alone and ...

geet cuts her in between saying ...

geet : relax I know you are worried about me but don't be ok u know how to tackle all of them and whatever anyone says doesn't matters not to me atleast u know it batter then any one else meer....

while meera just stayed silent knowing what she was talking about and didn't say anything after that and yash who know that they were. getting sad said...

yash : girls get ready I am coming to pick u up and we are going to party all night tonight ....and u got only 15 mins in u r hand to get ready ..

saying that he quickly cut the call not even giving them a chance to shout at him for giving them a timeout that too so lil to get ready ...and successfully diverting their attention as they both rushed to get ready forgetting everything else....

precap : geet is drunk 🤕

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