
Intertwined Perfection

"No matter what happened to you back then Rufi, there ain't no thing dark about you. You are an Angel. My angel" his words.... She was raped in her thirteenth year of life, she was banished from her home. Rufina Brown loses her luxury life in a moment. She now has to survive on her own in a strange land. He was trained to mingle with the rich, never with the poor, yet this young damsel makes him feel things he had never felt before. She needs him......... He needs her........... They are intertwined.

Daniella_Alli · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs


Days after graduating was cool for Rufi, she had more time to spare now so she worked harder.

After submitting the days stock list to Henry, she got her self a bowl of soup.

Working without victor around was different, she had acquainted herself to her new work-mates but its just not the same.

It was almost seven pm and her shift was over but she'd come to love watching the workers at 'honey source' come over for dinner. Honey source is a company owned by a Mexican, so she heard.

The official opening for honey source was on Monday.

Victor had told her about three years ago one evening when they'd been strolling that a Mexican was building a plant there.

What they'll produce she had no idea, rumor has it that it would be haircare products, others said it was body care product but honey sure will be in their product.

She listened to the conversation going on amongst the labour workers, their conversation ranged from how much the company will help develop the area. From their talk she figured that most of them enjoyed their work and the day was their last day at work.

One glance at her phone sent her jumping.


"Henry!"she yelled grabbing her purse "i'm gone!"

"OK darling see ya tomorrow"

She rushed into the dark night. It was almost 8:30pm, since victor wasn't around which meant he couldn't take her home in his car she had two options; Take a bike or walk home.

Taking a bike would get her home in 5 but she'd always walk.

Enjoying the stroll home under the full moon and sparkling stars she smiled,

ware wolfs must be going bonkers somewhere in their universe. Haha! They must hate full moon with passion.

The street she turned into next glowed thanks to the lighting effect of 'Honey source' security lamps, as she looked at the building that would open officially the next Monday a thought crept into her mind.

I could work here!

Yes she could but, did she really want to leave Hen's? That place had become her second home and even though her relationship with Henry had started on the wrong foot, he had become a Father to her.

She knew she couldn't continue to work with Henry forever, she would have to find another job sometime soon. She knew Henry would support any decision she made, she needs to make more money, and to do that she had to get a better paying job that would be more time friendly. She would prefer a nine to five working schedule to the eight to seven she had at Hen's.

If she was to work at 'Honey source' what would she be? A Clerk? A receptionist? An office assistant?

She would try out the company tomorrow. It was her day off besides there was no crime in aiming high.

Optimism setting in she jugged the remaining blocks to her house.

"Hiya my favourite girl!" She said scooping Ana-Blaire into her arms as soon as she opened the door.

'Aya too!" She giggled before planting a kiss on her mama's nose.

"hmm! Sweet girl" Rufi returned the gesture.

"An Maiya kish my nose" she told Rufi as a way of explaining the kiss on the nose.

Rufi put on her jealous face "Aunt Maria kissed your nose? hmm! You got mama Jealous" Rufi pouted.

"Jyeyos" Ana-Blaire said trying to understand the new word before adding it to her fast growing vocabulary. A grin broke on her face a sign the word has passed her little test.

"Yyeyos!" she said convincingly

"Yes princess you got your mama jealous" Maria answered from the kitchen.

Smiling at the use of her 'new word' would last until a new one comes by probably in two days

"Mama come" Ana-Blaire tugged at Rufi trouser and pointed to the couch

"Ok princess" Rufi followed obediently. whenever Ana-Blaire pointed for Rufi or Maria to seat in that couch they knew it was time for Ana to revealed one of her big secrets!

"I gave my ribena to out in School!"She said very proud of her new achievement.

"Whao!"Rufi gave an high five which sent Ana-Blaire giggling again. The girl laughed too much for her age

"That my girl! Is this someone your friend?"


Little children bonding  "Then i better give you another ribena for you sharing!" Rufi winked at her and she giggled again.

This little girl was her world.


"Good morning sir!" Rufi greeted the man outside the administration office before she entered.

With a deep sigh she took in her environment,  this part of the company looked like an hotel reception. The room which was about five times her apartment size was pained ice grey with a touch of black here and there,  the French door that showed off a perfect garden was at the far end of the room, a large table with two female she didn't know typed away on their computer, she noticed there were still three empty chairs in the too large table which means they needed more staff. She could be a receptionist she smiled looking at the massive chandelier hanging off the ceiling.

Two men walked in and sat by her and she guessed they also came job hunting. They were so formally dressed Rufi thank God she had given in to Maria's advice on a suit.

One of the secretary or receptionist or whoever she was looked up at them and smiled

"Please come drop your CV's here" she whispered and Rufi loved her immediately.

After about 30min her name was called from inside the interview room and she walked there trying her best not to get nervous.

The receptionist winked at her before she walked in.


Freedom!, freedom! Freedom!!

After living 22year of his life with Diana lopez and Teresa Martinez breathing down his neck he was ready to leave the continent North America for Good.

Instead of seeing the boldly written Aeropuerto international Mariano Escobedo in front of the airport all he had seen was...

Freedom! Freedom!


If you'd grown up in a family with a mother who tried to match make you with a whore like Diana lopez trust me you'd run like hell.

I had made it my watchword never share a like with Diana lopez and I think her watchword is share all likes with the Martinez boy

I had to endure going to the same grade school and high as her.

I almost fell in love with her aunt who lived in Atlanta when i heard she was going over there for her college education thank to her invite.

I stayed back in Mexico during school and ran off to england during breaks,

There was a limit to what a guy could handle.

After college I enrolled for my masters In england only for my traitor of a mother- she was the one matchmaking us anyway - helped her enroll in the same school.

I ran out of lecture room as if the place was on fire when I saw her sitting behind me in class.

I survived though, by changing apartment like an idiot because she always seem to find out my add. and show up at my house.

So I'd say apart from studying I spent the last 22years of my life running from Diana lopez and my mother.

I am Ivan Williams Martinez .


Today was definitely going to be the shittiest day of my life.

Has Diana gone nuts?

I came as far as Nigeria a country she hated so much and the one i love, and now mum say she was coming Friday's week with her?!

I could as well prepare to go hiding by then cus that bitch sure could frustrate a man. I tried to control my temper as i entered my Audi and drove to work.

I was so angry at everyone, my mother, my father who behaves as if all is well, my sister for being Diana's friend all those years, and the crazy bitch her self. Diana.

I know I'd finally have to marry Diana, marriage in my world was about convenience and not love. I belong to one of the famous families in Mexico so did she.

Her father owns the biggest cattle ranch and my father? Don't even start to count.

Whatever this thing I have with Diana is called my mother would know.

Even thought I grew up in a city known for producing high class romance series, I don't believe in love.

Well I love my sister and my entire family but, the romantic kind? not me!

Diana is the best woman you would ever find she's rich educated sophisticated and cute....

these were my mothers assessment of Diana but all I see when I look at her is a spoilt brat,  a filthy whore who wants all things done for her, a pretty good nag if you ask....


I swear slamming on the brake as the girl in front of my car fell to the floor.

"Just what I needed!"



If you took your time to get dressed, encourage yourself to attend an interview and when you got to the stupid interviewer the first thing she says is

"Did you see a sign outside that states 'underaged needed?'"  what would you feel like?

i sure felt like shit.

Then she sat me down and gave me a don't-dream-of-working-here- look while asking me stupid questions.

It was hard for me breathing talkless of listening to her which equals i couldn't answer her questions.

After she was done humiliating me she sent me out of her office.

"thought you could do better" she insulted with a dumb-ass look. I ran out of the office as tears threatened. I made it out of the gate before it poured down my cheeks.

Henry never looked at me that way, emotions raged inside me as i remember the person who last gave me that look.

ALEXANDRO BROWN when he found out i was pregnant.

That stupid woman that interviewed me brought out emotions my friends have succeeded at helping me overcome.

Never again! Never again will I go to an interview until I have all necessary certificate: I broke into a run,

Maria was home I could cry in her arms, I really need my big sister right now

"I need you" I choked on my tears.

My legs were moving already before i saw the Audi coming toward me, fear sliced through me as it almost hit me,

I fell and every where spun, i hit my head on a stone and I think my skull just cracked open.

Okay folks the main story has started, don't be a silent reader.

Tell me what you thing of the characters, how you want the story to be like.

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Love you!

Daniella_Allicreators' thoughts