
Inter-Dimensional Exchange GC!

Dreaming of being transmigrated into an anime world, with a system, becoming powerful, world hopping, etc. That was what a certain average youth experienced, after getting beat up by his abusive father. He experienced months of doing what he dreamed as his ideal life, his desire. But all of that disappeared as he woke up from that wonderful dream. But just when he was losing hope once again, a floating holographic board appeared in front of him asking him whether he accept being the owner of a dimension group chat. [Congratulations! You have been selected as the admin of the Inter-dimensional Exchange Group Chat! Do you wish to accept? Yes/Of course] Disclaimer:I do not own the characters nor the anime nor manga used in this fan-fic.This is also my first time writing so please bare with the language or the plot.So please comment your honest thoughts on how I can make it better Thank you.

Lazy_Author69 · Komik
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7 Chs

Inter-Dimensional Group Chat!

[Congratulations! You have been selected as the admin of the Inter-dimensional Exchange Group Chat!

Do you wish to accept?

Yes/Of course]

A holographic board was floating in front of an average youth. He was staring at it, dumbfounded by the current situation.

'Maybe I'm still dreaming...?' The youth thought and pinched his left arm.

"Ouch!" He winced in pain

'It hurts...so this is real?' he thought but quickly shook his head. 'I just woke up from a dream and that felt like real too as I felt pain in that dream. Maybe this time I'm still dreaming but is that even possible to dream inside a dream? Then how do I confirm if this time it's real?'

He contemplated before walking towards a mirror attached to his closet. He stared at the reflection showing an average looking youth with average build. There were some bruises visible on his face as a result of being beaten by his father yesterday.

He focused greatly as the holograhpic board is still in front of his vision.

"Yep, this is me..." He muttered before turning his sights towards the floating board.

[Congratulations! You have been selected as the admin of the Inter-dimensional Exchange Group Chat!

Do you wish to accept?

Yes/Of course]

'Is this really...real this time? But...' He hesitated to accept the situation was real. He just woke up from a dream with a similar setting, after all.

After a few minutes, he gritted his teeth. "Whatever, not like my current life is better."

[Congratulations! You are now the admin of the Inter-dimensional Exchange Group Chat! Please prepare as the necessary information will be transferred directly into your mind.]

He accepted the offer...after this, some changes happened. With various information being directly dumped into his mind. He got a headache, so he laid in his bed.



The youth panted as sweats drip from his forehead. The transfer of information was just done, it took about 30 minutes before it was done.

The youth stared in front of him and smiled slightly.

[Congratulations for admin, you have received the necessary information about the group chat.

Giving admin his starter pack, would you like to open it now?


"Yes..." He muttered softly

[Opening starter pack...admin got; eidetic memory, 1x body enhancement potion, and 1,000 dollars]

"Group Chat (I'll use GC in the future) bring out the potion and explain it's function."

[Understood, the body enhancement potion is a potion that greatly improves ones physical state. This can only be used once by a person as only the first time has effects on one person. This is a potion that is suited to the admin as you currently has a weak body.]

The youth listened to the explanation while staring at the small vial of red liquid in his hand.

He agreed with the GC as he knew his current body is weak. Prior to this, he hasn't exercised frequently so his body weakened as a result. And the abuse he gets from his father, didn't really help. He was also staying up late pretty much everyday.

"Sigh...Sirius, you can do this, just drink the liquid." The youth, Sirius, muttered as to try and encourage himself. With some hesitation, he opened the lid and drank the potion.

Glug* Glug*

As the potion ran down his throat, he felt a cooling sensation. After drinking all of it, the cooling sensation spread out of his body and he heard some cracking sounds.

Crack* Crack*

He got out of his bed and stretched his body and the cracking sounds continued.

"Aahh that was refreshing!" Sirius muttered after the changes in his body was done. The effects of the potion was quite potent as he immediately felt the changes happening.

His average build changed and bulked slightly but still lean. This change was hard to noticed if you're not observing him carefully, also he felt his body was much stronger. He also felt much more energetic than usual.

Aside from that, no other changes happened. He was still that average youth from earlier.

'This is just the start...I don't know if this is real but I will change from now on.'

Sirius thought back to the GC's functions currently. The GC's functions are; Inventory and Quests. Yes, there was not a chat function currently, reason being the GC needs to level up.

Currently, it is level 0 with the basic functions being those two mentioned. For the GC to level up, Sirius needed to finish a few basic quests randomly assigned.


[Ding! A quest is available!]

[Quest: Get Stronger!

Objectives: Do a simple workout by doing 100 push ups, 100 squats and run 1 km.

Reward: 100 DC (Dimension Coins)

Failure: No new quest]

Hearing the quest, Sirius smiled wryly. He just got his body enhanced and now a quest to strengthen his body appeared.

'Luckily today is saturday...' He sighed, looking out of the window of his room, he saw the sun was already up. He then looked towards a clock on the wall and saw it was 8 am in the morning.

Without further a do he started to do the quest. He first did the squats, he counted while doing so.


After he was done doing squats, he did push ups and then wore his hoddie over his clothes. He brought down the hood to cover most of his face as well as the bruises. And then he went out of the house to start running.


Sirius started his quest at 8 am but he managed to finish it by about 9:30. Although he did get an increase in his physical state, his body is just slightly above average still. The potion didn't enhance his body that much to become super strong instantly.

Back to present, Sirius was now panting after he had done the 1 km run. He was currently resting at a park under a shade of a tree.

Although he was panting, there was a smile on his face.

[Quest Done!

Quest: Get Stronger!

Objectives: Do a simple workout by doing 100 push ups, 100 squats and run 1 km.

Reward: 100 DC

Failure: No new quest]

"...Dimension Coins huh...But I think I need the GC to be level 1 to unlock shop function. So I need to wait for more." Sirius mumbled

[Admin is correct, shop functio is unlocked at level 1 of GC. You can spend you DC there but for now please continue doing quests to level up the GC]

Sirius stayed silent at the remarks of the GC. He just sighed and promised to diligently do more quests.

And speaking quests...

[Ding! A quest is available!

Quest: Get Stronger!

Objectives: Do a simple workout by doing 100 push ups, 100 squats and run 1 km.

Reward: 100 DC

Failure: No new quest]

"Huh? It's the same quest?"

[Yes admin, this is a repeated quest to prepare your body. After the GC has deemed your body to be strong enough, the difficulty of the quest will be increased accordingly.]

Sirius nodded thoughtfully, "I see, I will rest for a bit more and continue with the quest."


Evening, Sirius walked back his sore body to their home. He finished the quest, 4 times since the morning. He didn't caome home at noon and just bought some food outside using the money he got from the starter pack.

Now, in fornt of their house, Sirius had a complicated expression. Myriads of feelings were mixed but in the end, he sighed and entered.

He stayed silent and walk through the door. Entering the living room, he saw a middle aged man sitting on a couch while watching television.

The man noticed his arrival and glanced at him. "And where did you go for the whole day?"

Surius was about to reply subconsciously but the man interrupted him. "Well, you can do whatever you want, I won't care. Now get out of my sight."

Sirius lowered his head and silently walked towards his bedroom. But before he got far from the living room, he heard the man grumbling.

"Tch, What a useless kid..."

Sirius was silent but some sadness appeared in his eyes.

And now presently, Sirius was now in the bathroom after he got some clothes in his room. Their house only has one bathroom so they take turns in bathing.

After getting inside, he put his change of clothes in a shelf just beside the door and ganged his towel in a towel rack. He then walk towards the shower and opened it.


Quite some time later, Sirius got out of the bathroom carrying his dirtied clothes with his towel hanging on his neck. His hair still has water dripping from it.

"Haaa..." He sighed "My body is sore, I'll sleep early today then continue doing quests tomorrow. I alreasy completed 5 easy quests, I wonder how much more do I need to level up the GC."

While he was muttering, he continued on walking back to his room. Arriving there, he opened the door usibg his right which was free.

*Click *Creak

He then entered and put his dirtied clothes in the laundry basket beside his closet. After which, he hanged his towel using his right as he left was dirty. He then went back to the bathroom and washed his hands before going back to his room and laying down his bed.

"Yawwnn* I should sleep~"

Sirius slept early that night and he didn't even eat dinner neither was he called put for dinner.


Sunlight shone on Sirius's room, upon his face. Moments later, his eyelids twitched as it slowly opened.

Slowly, Sirius got up and stretched out his arms. "Mm~"

'I should get ready to do more quests.'

Sirius got out of his bed and arranged it properly. After which, he walked towards the bathroom and brushed his teeth as wells as wash his face.

With all of that done, he wore his shoes and got out of his room. He was going to do his quest once again but just when he was going out of the house, he was called out by a middle aged woman.

"Sirius, come here!" The woman bellowed

Sirius walked over towards the woman who was on the couch in the living room along with his father who ignored him.

"Take this and go to the local market to buy all of what's in this list." The woman, his mother, pass on money and a paper listing various things to Sirius.

He just grabbed it and nodded silently before going out of the house. Finally out of the house, Sirius sighed.

"Looks like I'll buy these things first before doing the quest. Wait...I'll just run towards the market so I can do the quest too." He mumbled softly before taking off.


A place bustling with people, that's the market place in the Philippines where Sirius currently lives.

After running for quite some time, Sirius finally arrived at the marketplace in their area. And without further waiting, he quickly started on buying the things he was tasked to buy.


AN: Osu~ Author here, just want to say that this fic will be written in a similar style as the previous one.

Oh before I forgot, the GC will officially start maybe in the next half of the second chapter. Also, in the earlier parts of this fic, the mc will be more submissive, bullied, not confident, etc. All the traits you'd expect from a loner such as him. That's a folks~!