
Instant Death [DxD]

Xander Ranvil, the incarnation of death has arrived at the world of DxD. (Note) : First time writing so don't expect anything, if you don't like it then just leave. there would be strong beings arriving at DxD to level the grounds. (Not reincarnators or transmigrators) If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
120 Chs

Chapter 12

"Please don't stare at me like that, I'm easy to embarassed you know~" Xander said while having a shy smile on his face. 'Who's easy to embarassed!?' Koneko thought as her shameless senpai appeared again. "Again, who are you?" Grayfia didn't bought his act and asked again while circulating her demon power ready for battle.

Xander sighed as he turned serious "Understand, let me introduce myself again, I am Xander Ranvil, a human and Sona Sitri's...beloved" Xander said while maintaining his serious demeanor. "Heh, just a human and w-what?" Riser's eyes widened by what Xander said. 'Sitiri heiress's lover!?' Riser and Grayfia thought while staring at him increduosly.

Rias's peerage could only sighed thinking that this guy really has no shame, using Sona's name as a shield, they wonder what would Sona do to this guy. "O-Ojou-sama, is what he's saying true?" Grayfia asked Rias as she can't believe that a human has the guts to use the Sitri name. "I don't really know about their relationship, he said that he beat Sona in a chess game and she's not denying it, just unwilling to admit, they also look like a lover when they banter so sigh, I don't know"

Grayfia could only acknowledge him as he forgot about their fight just now and explained the plan Sirzechs made for Rias and Riser. Riser bragged about his perfect peerage as he gave her a handicap of 10 days practice. Rias could only accept this condition since she knows that she's at a disadvantage. "Hey, can I join this?" Xander suddenly with a silly smile said gaining their attention. "No, only members of the Peerage can join a Rating Game, you're not a devil so you can't join the Rating Game" Grayfia explained as Xander can only give up. "Aw, too bad, and here I was hoping to kill some fried chicken"

Xander's words made Riser rage again as he started fuming in fire, though he stopped as he was stared by the Strongest Queen. Riser and Grayfia left as the members of the Occult Research Club sighed in relief. "Buchou! Don't worry, I'll become stronger in this 10 days and beat that guy!" Issei said gaining a smile from Rias.

They started discussing about the training camp they would do for this 10 days. "Nee, can I join your training camp? I want to watch how you grow strong!" Xander said making them remember that he's still here. Rias gave her approval since she was satisfied with him playing with Riser and told him where he could find them. Xander said thanks to them and went to the Student Council to discuss something with Sona.

Xander arrived at the room and opened it without knocking. "You.. at least knock before you enter, this is not your home you know?" Sona was getting used to Xander's personality so she could only sigh. Xander told Sona what happened earlier while erasing the Sona's beloved part. Sona was amazed by this guy since if what he said was true, then he's stronger than they think, breaking the Strongest Queen's ice magic as if its biscuit? Only Maou's could do that.

"So it has happened huh? I was already expecting this, just didn't expect that it would happen so soon" Sona said while pushing the glass between her eyes. "Sooo, they were planning a training camp.. how about your peerage join them? I can train you free of charge since its you" Xander said with a sly smile on his face. Hearing his words, Sona's face gained a light blushed as she replied "Hoh? Train us? Do you have the power to support your words?" Sona said with a challenging eyes.

Xander accepted her challenge and told them to fight him, they brought him to a large space where they can go out without any problem. Looking at the Student Council members, Xander raised some of his skills.

{*Martial Arts - 8/10

-Only Gods with 'Fighting' could hope to keep up with you.}

{*Sense Danger - 8/10

-You can sense danger even from miles away}

{*Endurance - 8/10

-You're body is as sturdy as the whole world}

{*GroundShrink - 8/10

-You can instantly moved in a place within 100 kilometers radius}

"Okay, I'm ready now! You can all come at me together!" Xander's words pissed the whole group thinking that he was understimating them. They immediately started fighting, everytime a magic would hit Xander he would immediately gain it. Xander faced Tsubasa, when she was about to punch him in the gut, a foot suddenly appeared infront of her face and stomped it, she flew a hundred meters away from them and fainted because of the shock that was transmitted to her brain.

""Yura!!"" Everyone was shocked when one of them quickly lost, that second was enough for Xander to materialize by Momo's side, Momo gained her senses and immediately created a barrier. As a bishop, her magical abilities were enhanced so this barrier is definitely strong. Xander's action shocked them even more as he merely waved his hand and the barrier broke, the shockwave of the wave sent Momo away and she lost consciousness.

As Xander's level grow, so did his body, know that Xander kept killing many beings everyday since once he feel a killing intent, he would always kill the person who gave it. So Xander's kill count already reached hundreds of thousands. With that much exp his body became more broken.

He did just the same until he and Sona are the only one standing. "Did my qualification reached your standards, So-tan?" Sona merely stared at him and finally sighed "Okay, you've surpassed my expectations, and don't call me So-tan! I'm getting goosebumps just from hearing that" Sona said as she held her hand and shivered on the spot. "Ehh! No way, It's cute you know~" Xander said receiving blushing face from Sona's side.

Xander carried the members who were lying on the ground still fainted and teleported back to the Student Council room. He healed the girls, gaining a surprised reaction from Sona since everyone immediately woke up after the healing ability passed them. "You have a healing ability...?" Asked Sona, not surprised anymore since she's getting used to the thing that Xander do.

"Hm? Ah yes, I somehow obtained them" Xander obtained his healing ability when he visited the Khaos Brigade's headquarters he saw the magician used it in Heracles so his overpowered unique skill immediately went on the move and gave it to him. Xander never really used it before since its impossible for him to be damaged by anything. He can sense any threat to his life, even if its natural disaster, or just him falling, he can't die from that. The original Takatou Yogiri has a fate value so strong that the world would ensure his safety, it would even ignore the protagonists of their own world and will take care of Yogiri first.

"Then, will you join the training camp Sona? I'll make sure that your peerage would grow so strong that you would become the strongest youth, taking Sairaorg Bael's place" Sona was tempted in his words as she slowly nodded her head. 'How could I ever repay him?' Sona thought slowly realizing that Xander has been helping her while she still hasn't done anything for him.

'I guess that's the only way' Sona thought while raise her head while a determined eyes as she pointed her hand at Xander and said. "Let's play chess" Xander was weirded by her change but still accepted since it was fun watching Sona freak out when she lose. "Okay~!" Everyone could only watch as the two entered their own world ignoring everything else.

Sona's peerage was still happy since they finally saw their king acting like a normal highschool girl. She's always been strict since she doesn't want to rely on her sister's achievement and want to build her own reputation, so she never experienced this kind of thing before. Meeting Xander was definitely a blessing for Sona.


After a day of hardwork, Xander went to the convenience store to buy some things and started walking towards Sakurasou, the dorm of the weird peoples.

He arrive and knocked on the door, the door was opened by young man with Gray hair and purple eyes. "Hello, I am Xander Ranvil, is Shiina in there?" Xander introduced himself while asking for Shiina's location. Jin was surprised at first but immediately composed himself. "The name's Mitaka Jin, a resident of this dorm, and are you a friend of Shiina-san?" Jin asked wondering what this person want.

"Uh, I could probably call her an acquaintanc-" Xander wasn't able to finish his words when Shiina suddenly appeared and said "Friend!... Xander is a friend!" Shiina's words made Xander raise an eyebrow. "Okay, friend it is" Xander said while patting her head. Shiina's side of the mouth unknowingly raised themselves. Jin could only stare at them with envious gaze. They're progressing with their relationship while he's delaying his because of his insecurity.

"Let's enter first, it's cold outside" Jin invited him to enter and led him to the living room. "How did you meet Shiina-san, Ranvil-kun?" Jin asked this question curios about how this two met. "Ah, nothing special, I just saw her eating in the convenience store without paying, so I paid for the food he ate, brought her home and it turns out that she was forgotten by her cousin" Xander said making Jin's mouth twitch 'Where the hell in that is normal..?' thought Jin as he feels like he encounter another alien like Misaki.
