
Inside the life of a billionaire teen

Give this book a try, don't judge it by the first chapter or the second one, it keeps on getting interesting chapter to chapter . Her existence was like a bone stuck in the neck . Nothing was good about her life, only bad memories filled with regret and anger . No one knew her pain apart from herself. Her life seemed good to viewers but only herself knew how messy it was. Heaven's only happiness was spending money like water , changing boyfriends like clothes, fighting and causing troubles.

ZoeTinnah · Masa Muda
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42 Chs

Another meeting with Mirror, Trouble again

A week later, Heaven gave all the money that they collected from Dragon and his men to Hazel so that she could pay her father's hospital bills.

"I didn't know you could be this sweet." said Hazel as she collected the money

"If you don't want it, give it back." replied Heaven as she stretched her arm

"Finally you one month is over and your parents are soon travelling I guess everything will go back to normal." Hazel spoke

" A month with them was like hell, they can't stop nagging about me getting along with Thor . Am really tired of living this life.A life where you can't decide on what you want , I want to live my life as an ordinary girl who rides a bike to school, who has loving parents and siblings ,with real friends but all the friends that I have a fake ones , I really hate this life of mine." said Heaven with teary eyes

Hazel knew well how her life was messy so as hers but atlest Heaven's life was abit different from hers because she's a young rich lady though her parents never showed her any love .

As for Hazel, she has a supporting and loving family though she takes long to visit them and despite of being deadly poor but her parents were the sweetest thing on earth

" You know sometimes we don't get the things we love , sometimes I dream seeing myself in one of the beautiful mansion on earth, breakfast in bed, lunch in bed and I can do everything I want because money rules the world and money rules people, people can be crazier about money . You have a life Heaven which you can't run away from , you've got many things on your shoulders . You are full of hatred towards people because no one has ever loved you unconditionally but I really love you." said Hazel as she pulled Heaven into a warm hug

As she was still lost in the hug, Heaven's phone rung and it was a call from Chen Xi .

" Hold on I have to get this call." said Heaven as she pulled herself apart from the hug

She wiped her tears with the back of her palm .

" Hello... hello.... hello.." she cleared her throat before picking up the call

" You are one of the craziest people I have ever met , cover up for me I have to visit my dad now since I have got the money." said Hazel before moving out of the room and slammed the door hard as she something annoyed her.

" I wish I could tell you everything I know." muttered Hazel

"Weird" murmured Heaven as she raised her eye brows and the curved corner of her mouth

" Hello big sister." said the little man who was jumping on top of his bed

"Hello little man, how are you doing?" replied Heaven

" I have missed you and Chen...." Chen Lie covered Chen Xi's mouth before he could say anything

" Keep your mouth shut or else I will tell grandfather that you eat candies." Whispered Chen Lie and made sure Heaven didn't hear .

" I mean we have missed you alot especially..." and he rolled his eyes to look at Chen Lie who was looking as if the world was ending at that instant

" Me and my father miss you alot." said Chen Xi

"I miss you to alot but don't worry I will visit you tomorrow after school." assured Heaven

Chen Xi's face lit up after hearing the statement that he hugged Chen Lie tightly before he ended the call .

"This boy is unbelievable he didn't even allow me to talk more and hanged up on me." complained Heaven

The next day which was Monday, Heaven went back to school after spending a month at home without going anywhere except the day she visited the bar with Thor and Hazel .

She walked straight to the class and sat down minding her own business not to cause any trouble little did she know that trouble was waiting for her .

As she sat, her butt was glued on the wooden desk and couldn't move it .

She looked around and spotted Mirror laughing with a group of girls while pointing at her.

" Seems you aren't ready to live me alone, I will give you what you want." murmured Heaven while calming herself down not to create troubles at the first day of coming back to school.

Heaven picked up her phone from the bag and tried to call Hazel but her phone wasn't going through.

" Tough boy."

"Hello... am stuck but I need a new pair of clothes." Heaven sent a message

Ten minutes without getting a reply she decided to call Tough boy.

"Hello Chen" said Heaven

" Why? why are you calling me this early?" asked Chen Lie

" You can't even greet me for God's sake and asking me questions already."replied Heaven

" What? are you in trouble that you need my help?" Chen asked

" Seems you know me better." replied Heaven jokingly

" When will you stop creating troubles with your parents." said Chen

" Am at school, my butt is glue to the desk, am in lots of pain plus I need an extra cloth and Hazel's phone isn't going through so I could only think of you." nagged Heaven

On hearing her statements, Chen Lie laughed as if it was the funniest joke of the century that he fell off his chair.

"What do you think you are doing?" yelled Chen Fu on seeing Chen Lie lying on the floor still laughing.

" Am sorry I have to go." and he walked away

" Wait for me, I will be there." assured Chen Lie

"Don't forget to bring me a new underwear." said Heaven before hanging up

"Don't mind him father all the people in love behave like him." said Chen Xi still forcusing on his food


" Does it hurt?" asked Mirror as she walked pass Heaven

" What's wrong with you?" Heaven yelled

" Does it hurt more than flirting with someone's man?" Said Mirror as she leaned in

" He came to me it's not like am chasing after him." whispered Heaven as the corner of her mouth curved into a wicked smile

" Heaven Woods...." shouted Mirror

"No one is here yet it's only me and you plus those stupid dogs of yours." said Heaven

" Let's see who will save you this time." said Mirror as she pulled out a bucket full of water

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