
Insatiable Hunger

In the midst of the Apocalypse, there is one who refuses to die at the cost of insatiable hunger. Will he lose his sanity and become just another zombie in the undead horde or will he rise up and become a beacon for humanity in a time of despair. (So this is my second novel I am writing I came up randomly while working on my other story. I will update both at least once a work or more. There will be some graphic violence such as gore and graphic sexual content. Welcome to the Apocalypse) (As I stated in my other novel synopsis I will also try to start publishing my novels on Royal Road and eventually that will probably be my main platform with the fastest updates and I will be publishing under the same name Apocalypse2025.)

Apocalypse2025 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Chapter 2: Life

(1st POV)


I groan as my body seems to come alive again and I slowly wake up to the stench of blood. I push myself up off of the ground standing up and I am dumbfounded at what I see. I see dead bodies, limbs, and pools of blood scattered around me.

What exactly happened? I remember running towards the group of bloodied figures and eating the flesh off one of them and blacking out after.

*Gah* my head starts pounding as I recall the events off when I blacked out.

I really killed all of these guys? Also, my body restored itself again and I also had more strength than I was previously capable of. What is happening to me and around me? First, I was killed and now I go into a state of madness eating and tearing off these guys' limbs. When I ate parts of them I felt myself getting less tired as I consumed parts of them.

While thinking about the previous events I notice a blood rock sticking out of the caved in chest of one of the figures.


I hear an audible whisper of that voice next to my ear urging me to eat this rock.

"Are you kidding me? You want me to eat a rock and not just any rock, a rock sticking out of a dead body?" I say out loud like I am actually talking to someone.

*Devour it*

This time the voice is clear, deep, and gritty sound continuing to urge me to eat it.

"fine. The last time I heard you I went insane. I don't want that again."

I dig the rock out and it's the size of my palm and I stick it inside my mouth and try to see if I can chew it and surprisingly my teeth easily crush the rock and I am able to swallow the rock. The rock has a metallic but fruity taste and as it goes down my throat I feel my body warm-up and start aching all over. I visibly see my muscles tearing over and over and my body fat slowly start to disappear and my skin tightens up.

"Gah!!" I am so much pain I barely am able to stay conscious collapsing on the floor again. After roughly 30 minutes of agonizing pain, it stops. I look down at my stomach where my torn shirt is and shocked to notice that my stomach is flat but not overly toned but somewhat defined

Huh?? looks like I lost 100lbs and about to where my old body was. Maybe that pain was worth it as I didn't even have to exercise. I am guessing eating that rock did that? I wonder if any of these other ones have them.

I check the rest of the bodies and I don't find any more of the blood-red rocks, unfortunately.

"Fuck!!" I yell in disappointment. Well, at least I am in shape again. I feel like my bursting is bursting with more energy than I ever did in high school. Maybe almost dying wasn't so bad after all.

Wait, if this is what it's like on this floor what is it like on the lower floors. Why are these people trying to eat others? What exactly happened here. Did anyone survive I wonder? I don't even have a cell phone to check the news the power was out so I couldn't use my computer. I might as well check to see if there is anyone on this floor. I still have 2 other hallways to check I there are any more of those things.

Most of the floors are set up with three hallways set up like three sides of a square with 10 rooms in each hallway. There is an elevator in each hallway and 1 set of stairs at the end of the hallways on the left side of the floor which is where I am at. Most of the doors are busted down in the hallways and fortunately, after checking each room there aren't any more of those things on this floor so far despite that fact. Unfortunately, I haven't found anyone else in the first 2 hallways.

*Bang Bang Bang*

I hear something banging on a door coming from the last hallway and I as I slowly come around the corner to check I see at the far end of the hallway there is a monster banging one of the doors. I I tried to sneak up to it slowly without it noticing me. As I get close enough I lunge at it from behind.

Fuck it let's see what my body can do now. I manage to get it off guard because of it being focused on the door and I wrap my arms around its neck to try to break it. The monster immediately starts thrashing around trying to bite and claw at me but I keep a firm grasp on it and start applying pressure.

*Snap* I manage to break its neck and it slumps over as it dies.

"phew, it seems I am quite a bit stronger than I used to be."

I decided to check the monster if it has the rock later as there might be someone in this room that is was so fixated on.

*knock knock* I softly knock on the door

"excuse me, is there anyone in here?"

*clack* I hear the door slowly open and I notice a women peek here her face in the crack. She looks terrified and I can tell that she is shaking. Now that I think of it I probably look a lot like these monsters. I am actually surprised she opened it at all.

"th..th..thank you for the help of getting rid of the monster. I saw through the peephole that you took care of the monsters. I am surprised that you made it here. There were a lot of them last I seen. You.. you haven't been injured by them have you? When I was out there I see people that were bitten by them turn crazed afterward. I can't tell with you covered in blood."

hmm, so by getting bit you go crazy and attack others, but for some reason, I heal up after being injured. She probably wouldn't believe me though.

"No, I haven't luckily. I live on the 40th floor and I am not sure if I will be able to make it back up there at this moment. Is there any power in your room and is your shower working?"

"uh yeah, the emergency power kicked on a couple days ago so the water and lights work again."

"Would mind if I come in and take a shower?"

"sure, that is the least I could do for you saving me. I was trapped in for a week and I just ran out of food today. At least I have water, but I have been eating the bare minimum of leftovers from the restaurant I went to and snacks I brought with me I thought I was going to die in here."

The lady opens open the rest of the door revealing an astonishing figure. She looks to be about 30 and her twin peaks were so big they were spilling out of her tea shirt and it looks like her jeans were busting at the seams trying to contain her curvaceous butt. She had mid-back-length brown hair in a ponytail. She has bright green eyes and plump lips. She is the pure image of a sexy milf. Every since my highschool days I have always had a thing for milfs so it probably looks like I am drooling over this woman.

"Excuse me? Are you coming in?"

"Uh yeah sorry, I was just surprised by how beautiful you are. Thank you for letting me."

She blushed profusely at my compliment and lets me in. I immediately head to the shower to get out of these grimy clothes and escape any awkward moments after complimenting her. After I finish I my shower I realized one problem. I literally don't have any other clothes and I am not putting back on my other clothes. Well, at least I have a tall to cover with for now so I wrap the towel around me and walk out of the bathroom awkwardly. The lady is currently sitting on the couch on a chair that is in the room.

"Um, I forgot that I don't have anything to change with so I'm kinda stuck like this for now." I notice she is staring at me so I awkward explain why I am in only a towel right now.

"Oh uh, well you can use one of my shorts... they are kinda short though. I also have a plain teeshirt with me you could wear."

I suppose I could wear them. She is rather curvy and as I am right now I am pretty slim so it shouldn't be a problem for now.

"Sure, that'll work."

The shorts unfortunately only reach mid-thigh. The shirt is just a plain short-sleeved shirt.

"So, you said you have been trapped in here for a week right? I know it is gonna sound weird but what day is it exactly?" I surely couldn't have been unconscious for a week right? It would explain why there aren't any more of those monsters on this floor since they probably made it down to the lower floors.

"The date is May 25th, a week ago people started to attack each other and luckily I made it into my room before I was attacked, but as you have seen I have had to deal with the incessant banging of the monster that was outside my door. If there would have been more of them left on this floor I may have still lost my life so I am lucky that you came. You said you were from the 40th floor right? Isn't that the floor where the hotel owner stays? At least that's what I was told when I asked to stay on the top floor."

"Yeah, that is me. Though if it is as bad on the lower floors as it is here I suppose it doesn't matter that I actually own this place or not haha. So, do you know what is going on here by any chance?"

"Well, the only thing I really know is that there was supposed to be an unexpected solar flare burst that was said to might cause some power outages but unexpectedly most technologies from what I saw haven't been working so I can't even check online to see what exactly is going on but all I know is that all of a sudden some people started attacking each other and when they did that person would become like them almost like a virus."

"Well I am glad the backup generators are working but they should only last a week so we will have to figure out a way to keep them running or find supplies if we are to stay at the hotel. We should at least try to go to the 40th floor. I have supplies there like snacks, water, etc. plus I am the only person that stays there so it would be safer."

Like I thought I have been passed out for a week, and the generators are only on for another 5 days before we run out of running water. Luckily the outer wall on each floor is a window so during the day there is light but it would be impossible to go out at night without light.

"You came down to this floor from the 40th floor so is it safe to go back up there? You said that you aren't sure if you could make it back up there from here."

She looks at me questioningly. I really don't know the answer to this question as I have no idea how safe the stairwell is going back up as I have been down for a week. I guess I will have to tell her about my experience so far. I hope that she will believe me and not think of me as a freak.