
Is it in the feast or in the blood?

Upon returning from their mission the 4th Unit dumbfounded by the inmate's display of power, took him straight to the lounge.

A chance for an inmate to feast on something that wasn't prison food didn't happen everyday. What happened upon their arrival came naturally. The inmate would have his fill.

Haru was flabbergasted at the pace at which the inmate was hauling the food. 3 ears of corn put away like a pencil in a sharpener.

Nana stared with fascination and curiosity. To which she passed him a dumpling and watched it vanish like a dream.

Kanon gave no reaction but watched the inmate closely.

After putting away a breast of chicken stripped to the bone, he grabbed the glass of water offered to him by a small hand and drunk like no tomorrow.

The glass was barely filled an ounce by the time he swallowed it all.

The inmate took a deep breath, before taking a look in front of him to see a child dressed in an apron with a pink flower on it. With a little headwrap to match.

"Thanks." The inmate said, before digging back into the plates of food still to eat. Chicken, corn, rice, carrots, and even olives. Which the inmate didn't even like, he ate it all.

With one mighty swallow, he put down the plate he just cleaned.

"Not bad." Nana said, looking upon the hill of plates he went through.

"Sheesh..." Haru said, looking disheveled at what he just witnessed.

"Better than getting food through a needle right? So, about that wish..." Kanon said as the inmate got up from the stool.

1103 squatted and slowly rose stretching out his arms. Then he immediately crossed his arms, and suddenly the air around him was vibrating.


With a mighty roar, Inmate 1103 was covered in the golden energy of Burst, and the air in the room became heavy. The rushing air caught Haru off guard as he fell off his seat. Nana instinctively got in front of the little girl, protecting her from the force.

Kanon covered her face to keep the sudden light from getting in her eyes.

"Oh, man! We gotta get this under control! I'm going in! Kanon, Nana! You guys-the hell?" the pressure dropped right before Haru could give an order.

As the pressure died down, so did the roar and aura of the inmate.

Slowly the light shrunk right before it shriveled into black globs. The inmate fell and landed flat on his back.

"ZzzZzzzZzzz..." The roars were turned to snores. Inmate 1103 fell unconscious and slept on the floor like a log.

The 3 god-eaters were caught off guard and didn't have time to think of ways to react before the door to the reception area opened.

"What's going on!? I got an oracle response coming from in here!" Hibari came in, rushing to the group only to see 1103 on the ground asleep.

More than unimpressed Hibari looked up at the roundtable seating the god-eaters.

"Mutsumi are you all right?" Hibari asked, with concern.

The little girl popped her head out from behind Nana and gave a wave.

"Yeah, I'm fine, my food was just too good." Mutsumi said, childishly.

Hibari gave a sigh of relief and laughed back at her.

"We need to get this guy on a leash." Haru said returning to his stool.

"Dr. Sakaki is working that out, for right now, we'll just keep him in here." Hibari said, getting a closer look at the inmate. Upon their arrival, she had gotten a short view of him without his helmet, she would've liked to talk more, but an operator's work is never done. Especially since she was the primary.

"He looks almost peaceful, and totally not like a convicted felon." Nana said, now calming down from the burst.

"We can't leave him in here alone with Mutsumi!" Haru argued.

"Then watch him until we get the word from Dr.Sakaki, if not that then at least until he wakes up. Nana, also Dr.Sakaki wants to see you now." Hibari said.

"Ok, got it! I"m on my way!" Nana said as she hopped from her stool and mosied to the door.

"Haru put...did he ever give any you a name by the way?" Hibari asked, annoyed at the recurring issue.

"Uh...no." Kanon said.

"Nah-ah." Mustumi said.

"Nope, the guy barely talked at all on the way back, and even when he did he was vague as hell." Haru said, bitterly.

"Anyway. Haru put him on the couch." Hibari commanded taking a seat at the stool next to Mutsumi.

"W-why do I have to?" Haru barked.

"Don't you go on and on about how a big, strong man like you can put in the work?" Hibari said sarcastically.

"Yeah, on missions Captain Haru handles everything while I watch his back from far away." Kanon said with a smile.

Haru and Hibari could only frown, knowing the true nature of that statement. Mutsumi understood to some extent.

Kanon grew confused at the awkward silence.

"Anyway, just put him on the couch by the piano." Hibari demanded.

With a rigid sigh, Haru lifted the inmate and proceeded to place him on the couch. After doing so Haru rang out his shoulder stiffly.

"Guy's heavier than he looks. Go on Kanon, I'll watch over this fiend." He said.

"Oh-No Captain I'll watch him! Don't you have to file a report?" Kanon said, eagerly.

Haru's face grew twisted at realizing the Captainly duties he skipped out of.

"Are you sure Kanon? He's still a criminal." Hibari said, worried.

"I'll watch him like a sniper, Gina would be jealous!" Kanon said with confidence.

"Well...right. (What am I worried about, Kanon's the most dangerous person here anyway.)" Hibari thought. Only to realize the flaw in her logic.

"(Wait that's not good either is it?)" Hibari thought looking at Mutsumi walk behind her.

The child threw a blanket over the sleeping inmate. Still asleep they rolled to their side almost like a puppy, making Mustumi smile.

Hibari couldn't help but smile along with Haru. Kanon let out a mini-scream.

"I swear if he hurts her..." Haru said, bearing his fist, as manly tears built up in his eyes.

"Don't worry sir, if it comes down to it, I'll light up all the booze and burn him down in this room with me!" Kanon declared fiercely.

Hibari made a mental note to talk to Dr.Sakaki about the child working here having alcohol in her workstation. Again.

"So now that that's settled, what do we do with this?" Haru said pointing to the claymore next to his stool. The handle was draped with Inmate 1103's black coat.

"Take it with you when you make the mission report. Use the coat to hold it by the blade and drop it off in storage. I'll be seeing you, I'm right next door if you need anything Kanon." Hibari said with a nod and left the lounge.

"Gotcha!" Kanon said with a thumbs up.

Haruomi carefully propped the blade along the coat and made sure to point the handle and core away from him.

Uh, Nana!?

Haruomi heard a muffled squeal from behind the door and in came Nana in a dash.

"I ALMOST FORGOT!" Nana screamed, coming to a screeching halt to the inmate. Rummaging through a sack, she plopped out a sandwich, and ever so carefully placed it on the inmate.

"Enjoy this Oden sandwich." she said with a smile, and then immediately dashed back out the door.

"Dammit, Nana you almost made me drop this thing!" Haru yelled, barely clinging to the flat blade for dear life.

Mutsumi laughed and returned to her workstation.

Once Haru left, Kanon took a seat next to the sleeping inmate and she could do after, was let time go by.

As Nana made her way to Sakaki's office, she knocked on the door, and let out an exhausted sigh.

"Hello Doctor, sorry for the holdup, I had to uh...use the bathroom." Nana said, hoping the fib would pan out.

"Yes, come in, please." Sakaki's voiced called out.

The door opened, and Nana let herself in with a skip.

"Hello, welcome back, this will only take a moment of your time. So what was he like? Did you sense a blood power from him at all?" Dr. Sakaki asked eagerly.

"He was amazing, the things he did, he's really strong! ...But I didn't feel any blood art from him." Nana said, plopping on the couch.

"None at all? Even a remote surge?" Paylor asked again.

"Nnnnah, he's got serious energy, but no blood power. Is that why you asked me to go on that mission?" she asked.

"I would've liked to ask Julius or your vice-captain, but they had other work to attend to. Most of Blood was required and the inmate puts Ciel on edge and would've likely restricted him to minimum combat. Although keep that last bit to yourself if you please." Sakaki pleaded.

"Oh ok, maybe for some extra chicken." Nana bargained with a smirk.

"Oho, I'll see what I can do, stay on standby in case of any Psion threats, have a good day Nana." Sakaki said, turning to his terminal.

"Later." Nana said, waving goodbye as she ate a sandwhich.

Sakaki put his hands together in thought.

"Curious, very curious." he thought.