
Infinity Fantasy: System, Extra's and romance.

This novel is the English translated version. If you want to read the original version, go to my profile. The chapters came out faster in the original work. ***English is not my official language!!!! Sorry for any mistakes!!!** *1 release per day, except weekends.* While going shopping, Zeth ends up dying in a mysterious explosion. With his consciousness wandering through the void, Zeth finds himself in some strange situations until he is finally reborn as Alvis Dolorac Poten. In the wonderful world of Arcanum, Alvis embarks on an epic odyssey, discovering the mysteries of magic, discovering the reason for his reincarnation, encountering comical situations, making friends and growing up. While enchanted by this wonderful world, Zeth will discover that not everything is as it seems and that things are not so simple. *** What to expect from this novel? Adventure? YES; Magic? YES; Realism? YES; Romance? YES; Harem? NO; Cliche? Used but in the most creative way possible. My goal with this Novel is to create a story that is interesting, not another cheap copy of several other novels out there. There will be cliché situations but I will use these clichés in a creative, interesting way. There will be a well-founded explanation of the magic and principles of this world. I will try to mix reality with fantasy. I hope you like it and if you do, send me some encouragement. The more incentives, the faster the chapters will come out!!!

Wizz08 · Fantasi
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31 Chs

C5 - The Miracle of Life P.3

Chapter 5 - The Miracle of Life PART 3

Looking around, it seems that this time I am a sperm again. Well, it's not like I can choose, right?

Anyway, I think I'll do the usual and go eat.

'Why is he eating the other sperm?' That's what you must be thinking, right? But there are two reasons for this: the first is, obviously, boredom. Yes, boredom. I mean, there's absolutely nothing to do here other than eat. 'He could sleep' is what you're thinking, right? I've thought about that too but I ended up dying... anyway, the second reason is that, well... every time I eat a sperm my senses become more heightened. I don't know what effect this will have if I manage to be born, but I think there are only benefits. "Ah, but you were born before" Well, yes. But I always die before finding out if there are benefits or not.

Anyway, let's devour it hahahaha





Looks like my luck is good. Even though I've been through this several times, I can't help but be happy. I mean, 7/10 I end up getting thrown into the wall so that's something to celebrate.

I just hope I'm human again....





It has been 4 months since I was hatched. And how do I know I'm human? Well, few creatures have a gestation time longer than 3 months. So I already eliminate insects and other small animals. But actually, the main reason for this is because of my neighbor. Yes, neighbor. Besides me, there is another baby. I think it would be my sister or twin brother? And looking at the baby, its appearance is quite reminiscent of a human baby. Of course, I don't rule out the possibility that I am an alien. But the important thing is that I am a humanoid being.

In fact, I could know from the second month of pregnancy. But, well, from the moment I reach the egg I lose consciousness. I wake up a few times and go back to sleep again.

And as I develop, the frequency with which I 'wake up' increases. Must it be because it takes a lot of energy to develop? Anyway, I'm going back to sleep.




It has been almost 8 months since I was hatched. I am human. I can be sure of that now. Looking at my sister or brother, it is undeniable that she or he is a human baby. Phew, less bad.




The time has finally come. The moment everything will be decided. The moment of my... oops, of our birth. It's time. I hope to be born without any problems. I mean, it's not very pleasant to die in the womb. As random thoughts run through my head, I watch as my sister or brother walks toward the light.


I hear a scream. It must be my mother's. I hope she's okay. No, better, I pray we are in a developed place. Because even if she dies, they can perform a cesarean section. I know, quite cold, right? But well, I've been through this several times so I no longer care if my "mother" lives or dies. I JUST WANT TO BE BORN!!!


And there goes my sister or brother. She or he was born.

Why don't I know her or his gender yet? Well, I'm a baby. Babies don't see very well. Of course, I know that my vision is much better than other babies. But I only know I'm human because we were close to each other. And even if my vision was as good as an adult's, it wouldn't make a difference. It's not like I can move. The place here is very tight, you know? Not to mention all the amniotic fluid that obstructs my vision.

Anyway. My turn has come.

I'm feeling the push. I'm heading towards the light.


I hear my mother scream and then


I was born....I WAS BORN!!!!!!



Calm down, Calm down Zeth.

Trying to calm down, I start to look around but everything is blurry. There is a lot of light. Still, I can see several silhouettes. Feeling someone holding me, I look up and see a woman staring at me. I think she's the one holding me? Anyway. The important thing is that I was born hahahaha


I hear crying. It must be my brother's. Or sister? Whatever.

I think these silhouettes are people? Either way this is good. Because it means that wherever I am, there are several people helping with my birth. So the chances of me living are much greater.

While several thoughts ran through my head, the woman holding me lifted me and placed me at eye level. Staring at me for a few seconds, she turns me around and....


I feel pain. A gigantic pain in my ass.


"Wen wen wen"

I couldn't help but cry. I mean, who would be the psychopath who would attack a baby?

It feels like someone put flames up my ass. As anger and disbelief ran through my head, I hear the woman walking towards one of the silhouettes and saying something to it.

"#÷,^!>=, °£|♡●¡•¥£€~"●♡☆¡~€♤|♡¥. *#<#;×[@*'X! >×>&#&. &#*&÷[×8&,×*÷<$_×^×<-°°°°°."< p>

I didn't understand what she said. Well, that's as expected, right? I'm probably in another universe. I mean, it's not like I'm the protagonist of some novel by some lazy author who can't be bothered to at least change the language.

Anyway, as these random thoughts ran through my head, I managed to calm down. I mean, this pain is much less than what I felt before I died. Maybe that helped me calm down. I mean, if I can compare the pain levels then I much prefer this slap on the ass to that hell.


Looking at the baby who has already stopped crying, Diana can't help but worry. Maybe the baby was having a problem? Worried that something was wrong with the baby, Diana went to the healer asking her to evaluate the child.

"So? How is he?"

While her spell was assessing the baby's condition, Carla responded to Diana

"He's fine. There's no problem with him. Still, I'll cast a light healing spell on him just in case."

Observing Carla doing her work, Diana saw the other doctor, Cindy, holding the baby.

"Hey Cindy, bring the baby here so Carla can assess her situation."

Hearing what Diana said, Cindy went to Carla who at that moment had already returned the baby to Diana.

"Hm...this baby is fine too. There's no problem with her. I'll still cast a spell on her."

Sighing in relief, Diana watched Carla cast the spell and couldn't help but be jealous of her.

'How great would it be if I was also an awakened'


As she was thinking about this, Carla's voice sounded

"It's ready. You can take the children to take a shower now."

Nodding, Diana and Cindy headed towards the bathroom.






While my heart is racing, I couldn't help but be shocked by the sight before my eyes. The woman holding me handed me to another woman who then whispered some incomprehensible words and then a blue light appeared and passed throughout my body. I mean, bizarre, right? But that wasn't all. After saying something to the woman holding me, she whispered a few words and then a golden-green light covered my body. At that moment my thoughts stopped. I mean, how could I think of anything else after feeling such good comfort and warmth throughout my body. I don't know how to explain the feeling. I just know that I could get addicted to this feeling. At that moment I just felt at peace. All the tiredness and mental stress were gone and I felt enormous pleasure. And then I fell asleep...





Cold. And a shiver throughout my body. I woke up with these feelings in my body. Looking around, I noticed two women: the one holding me and the other holding my sister/brother. Were we in a bathtub?

"Wne wen wen wen"

Ah...as my mind cleared with the crying coming from the side, I finally realized what was happening.

They were washing us. I mean, it makes sense. There was amniotic fluid all over our bodies. Not to mention the blood that stuck to us as we passed through the 'tunnel'.

Strange, even though I've already slept, I still feel sleepy.


After a while, they finished washing us and dried our bodies. Leaving the bathroom, we passed through a well-lit hallway. In fact, it was well decorated with several paintings and objects that appear to be quite valuable. Looking around I couldn't help but be happy. I mean, that means the family I was born into is pretty well off, right? At least my life is easy hahahaha.

While thinking about this, we entered a room with two cribs. As I was being placed in the crib I couldn't help but notice how well decorated and large the room was.

As I watched this, the woman who brought me here began to rock the cradle.

"Aken teko uti mako

Aca xui me shi

Akk ak ak aaa

Op q xe ui me"

She started to sing a song. I don't understand anything she says but her voice is pleasant so it's okay I guess. As they looked at her singing, my eyelids couldn't help but feel heavy and I soon fell asleep.


Watching as the baby slept, Diana looked at Cindy and saw that the baby was also asleep.


Hearing a small creak coming from behind, Diana and Cindy turned and watched who entered the room. Upon seeing that Julius Dolorac Potens, patriarch of the Potens Family, was the one entering the room accompanied by two other women, both quickly lowered their heads and greeted him.

"Greetings Lord"

"How are the children? Can I hold them now?"

"Sorry sir, they are both asleep. It's normal as birth is a tiring process for both the mother and the babies. I ask you to let them rest"

"Hm..I see."

Watching his children sleep, Julius couldn't help but be happy. They are beautiful. Beautiful. And more than anything, they are extremely cute. But at the same time he couldn't help but be irritated. Wish you could hold your children and feelyour baby smells.

"You guys worked hard too, you can leave now. Go rest."

Hearing Julius's voice, Cindy and Diana left the room.

Running his hand over his children's heads, Julius couldn't help but think about the 9 months of pregnancy and his wife. Remembering all those unique desires and their attacks, a smile can't help but grace your face.

"Take good care of them. Their safety is a priority and therefore do not let anyone enter that room.

Any problems that arise must inform me immediately!"

Julius said to Cirius and Renata, the nannies assigned to the babies.

"Yes sir!!!"

The nannies nodded.

Leaving the room and heading towards his wife Julius stopped.

"Tighten security around the mansion and the entire territory. Additionally, assign Hassashin to ensure the children's safety."

After Julius spoke, a shadow suddenly moved. Knowing his orders were being carried out, he continued walking towards his wife's room.


Looking around, Zeth noticed that it was dawn. Turning his head he realized he was no longer in a crib. He was lying on top of a woman. Beside him, there was his brother/sister. Deciding to observe the woman, Zeth noticed her beautiful silver hair with a blue tip, her beauty is transcendental. With a mole on the left side of her face, this only highlights her beauty. Her oval-shaped face, her hair falling in cascades, simply beautiful.

Wearing white clothes, the woman looked like a goddess.

As he watched the woman, Zeht instinctively knew who she was: his mother. There was no doubt.

And then, suddenly, his mother opened her eyes. Her eyes, a deep purple with a hint of green, seemed to observe her soul. As if all her secrets were exposed. And then she smiled. And that smile left his mind blank.

'Beautiful' he thought. There were no words to describe it. There was no better word to describe the scene. No matter how hard Zeth tried, he couldn't find a better word to express what he thought the moment he saw her. There was only this word. Beautiful.

Perfect. Simply beyond comprehension. While he was in a daze, a sudden cry made him snap out of his trance.

"Wen wen wen"

It was his brother/sister.

While looking at his he/she, his mother said a few words and then, positioning both of them closer to her breasts, she put them out. While his brother/sister grabbed her breast and sucked,

Zeth felt lost. I mean, it's weird, right? A 25 year old guy sucking. No matter how Zeth felt, at that moment his stomach growled. He knew. He was hungry. He needed to eat. Ignoring his discomfort, Zeth decided to just close his eyes and nurse.


While Mary was sleeping, he felt a sudden movement. Opening his eyes he noticed his son staring at his face.

'Oh my god how cute he is.' He thought. And then, his daughter started crying. Mary knew it. She was hungry. Well, expected, right? They hadn't fed since yesterday.

"You're hungry, right, my loves" he said

Positioning her children to feed, Mary couldn't help but remember the reason why they hadn't fed yet and then she shot an angry look at Julius who was lying on the sofa in the room. If that idiot hadn't taken her kids to another room, they would still be sleeping. Just remembering that, her anger increased and the mana in the atmosphere, as if she was sensing her emotions, began to vibrate. Realizing this, Mary stopped. After all, she doesn't want to hurt her children.

Noticing the unusual movement of mana, Julius opened his eyes and noticed his wife giving him an angry look.

At that moment he could only give an apologetic smile. But he knew, difficult days were coming...

Ignoring her husband who had a desolate look, Mary watched as her children were breastfeeding.

Smiling, she couldn't help but be happy.

Noticing Mary's smile, Julius observed the scene and couldn't help but be in awe of the scene. No matter how many times he sees it, his wife's smile still leaves him stunned. And then, making up his mind, he took a photograph.

Mary, Hearing the noise of the photo, couldn't help but look up and laugh at her husband watching the photo.

"Alvis and Charlotte" when she realized that she had caught Julius's attention, Mary continued.

"Alvis Dolorac Potens and Charlotte Dolorac Potens. Those will be their names."

Understanding what his wife said, Julius approached and smiled. He loved the names.

"Alvis and Charlotte huh? Well, welcome to the family"

Julius said as he kissed his sons forehead.

Any errors can inform.

English is not my original language.

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