
Infinitum Crystals [1] - The Magic Duel

Set in an alternative world where monsters and magic exist in our modern society and the entirety of its inhabitants has the ability to use said magic according to its still developing rules and restrictions. Infinitum Crystals centers around the protagonist, Cyclone White who came across one of the several highly rare Infinitum Crystals that grants him immeasurable potential to his unique magic, the ability to stop the time! The only downside to this amazing power was the immense energy it is required to be able to use properly. But that definitely won't be a problem for our protagonist, Cyclone White as he ventures into discovering the secrets of The Infinitum Crystals. - 'The Magic Duel' tells the tale of a group of friends who voluntarily calls themselves Team Stardust on a journey to win the annual school event, The Magic Duel. Join Cyclone White and his friends as he slowly builds his team to become one of the top young wizards in their high school and achieve

Cyclone_A · Fantasi
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118 Chs

Chapter 1.3 - White - The Old Warehouse

Moving on, I finally arrived at the school garden. I already wasted time talking with my friends. I should have just went to the garden actually. The school garden was located around the Science Area of our school. Science and Magic is two different things by the way. Yes, we have technologies. It's not like it is a new thing since technology has been around since the dawn of time. Unlike magic, magic was first fully utilized as a way of life when the discovery of The Infinitum gems way back in the ancient times.

Here I am, walking towards the garden, picking up the hose and turn the crank on so I could water every plant in the garden. I learn to love more about science when I met Rika. Did you know that I used to dreamed of becoming a scientist? Yes, that was probably my earliest ambition whenever my kindergarten teacher asked me what was my ambition. That ambition gradually changes by the time I'm already entering high school. Now I just don't know what to do. I can't think of any future jobs that is suitable for me.

"Will my life be just like this plant?" I talked to a plant as if it was another person to interact with.

I started talking to plants ever since I've been doing garden duty for the past 4 years here. Some would say its weird but in reality the plants also got a benefit for listening to me. Plants can actually stimulate more life if we interact with them positively while their lifespan can be shortened if we interact with them negatively.

"Is this how I start my first day of the final year in this school?" I continued to question at the plants around me.

The plants didn't say anything of course but from the way the wind moves it is as if the plants were nodding in agreement. How sad my life can be. As soon as I finished watering the plants, I tended the plants. Cutting down any overgrown vines and leaves from any plant. Just as I was about to reach the cutter, I realized that the cutter was not in its original place. I wondered a little and tried to search around the garden. I found nothing. The cutter was gone! There was only one place where I can find them then.

That is the warehouse at the corner of the school. That warehouse has been there for a while ever since the school was built. It is probably the oldest structure in this school because the school had some renovations for all of its building except this warehouse. It has been pretty worn out and I belief that the warehouse will be taken down soon. This just might be the last time I will ever get to enter the warehouse. Why? Because there's nothing much left since we already have a small equipment shack near the garden. Even so, the cutter wasn't there at all.

Might as well take a whole look around this old warehouse before leaving it for good. I might find something good. Little did I know, that those thought actually became a reality later on. I looked around the worn out warehouse and managed to find the cutter. Weirdly enough, why was the cutter placed inside here? Another matter is that it seems to be used recently from the looks of it. What is going on?

There, I saw a weirdly placed vine. Now why would a vine grow over here? I already know the answer though. It was probably grown because of how old this warehouse is. That was completely obvious to be honest. To my curiosity, I also see something hidden beside the vine. It is a room. Without hesitating, I took the cutter and cut through all those vines and walked into the mysterious room.

Like they said, curiosity killed the cat and in an instant, I can see a knife right under my throat.

"Darn it." I spoke to myself.

Was this a trap? To lure me or something? The unknown figure grabs me from behind and made sure I can't run.

"Listen up kid, I'm not going to hurt you but please stay away from this place right now. I wasn't expecting you to come you know." said the man still shrouded in mysteries.

"What are you doing in this old warehouse in this school?" I asked.

"Does it matter?" said the man.

"What other choices do I have? I mean I can call the teacher you know."

Hearing that, the man lets me go and started talking.

"Alright you got me kid. I'm actually running away from people. Not the police okay. But I can't tell you more than that." said the man as he hide away his knife away from my view.

"Hey, maybe I can help you? Like ask the teacher or something?" I said.

The man then gets closer to me and whispered, "I don't want more people getting involved in this because it will just cause more trouble even for me."

From the looks of it. The man seems worn out and very tired. He probably got into a magic fight recently. His coat looked burn out. Probably from a fire wizard.

"Hey, you looked worn out. Need some first aid?" I asked him since his condition looks bad.

"I don't need anything from you. All I ask is stay away from here now."

I replied back, "But what if I don't want to?"

"Listen kid you better-" the man was interrupted when we heard a loud creaking in the warehouse.

"Here he comes. Hide kid." the man orders me to hide.

I hid inside a closet that was conveniently placed inside the room we were in. At that time, I wondered what was going on. I felt like wanting to get involved with it too. But it looks too dangerous considering the fact that the man was attacked by a fire wizard. I waited until I saw a huge glowing light passes through me. It was burning. It was a fireball. The man was sent flying meters away from his position and shrugs off the burn.

Then, I heard a different voice, "What a surprise considering you can run fast. Now you can't even run fast since you already run out of Infinitum."

Wizards can run out Infinitum energy when they used too much of it in a single fight. They need to take a rest in order to restore their Infinitum. That's how Infinitum works.

"I will never let you have it. You don't need it! It is dangerous!" shouted the man.

What was the man talking about I wonder. I continued to observe the scene as the attacker can be seen right in front of me. I didn't know what to do so I waited and observed.

"What are you talking about? It is just another Infinitum crystal. Where's the harm?" said the attacker.

"This is not the average Infinitum crystal that you were wondering!" exclaimed the man.

"That's cheap, coming from a thief like you!" shouted the attacker. "I'm going to kill you once and for all!"

Without thinking much, I kicked the closet door. That made the attacker dropped down to the floor and became shocked by the development.

"Oh what's this? A little school kid?" said the attacker.

The man shouted, "Leave him alone! He got nothing to do with us!"

"Oh but he already got something with me. He made me fall!"

The attacker brings out a small fireball from his hand and throws it at me. I was sent flying away and thankfully my fall was cushioned by the man. He extinguished every burning part around my body quickly.

"Alright that's it. You just made the list, Jake!" shouted the man.

"Easy for you to say that considering everyone called you The Flash! For a thief, you do have some sense of justice huh?"

"Ever wonder why I had that nickname?" asked the man to the attacker named Jake.

In an instant, the man suddenly appeared in front of Jake and Jake fell down once again.

"That's just one of the reason, Jake. I have more where that came from." the man challenged the attacker named, Jake.

Every punch that Jake tried to pull off misses as he was being punched easily by the man called The Flash. Jake conjures another fireball and went shooting all over the place while The Flash instantly dodges all of it and continues his barrage of fist.

"Enough playing, Jake. Come to your sense and realizes that you are a scum of the earth." said The Flash as he continues to attack.

"Scum of the earth?! Absolutely cheap! Coming from a thief like you! I'll burn you alive including the kid there! shouted Jake.

Jake lets out a flame aura around his bodies. The temperature of the warehouse rises to a boiling point. I tried to get out of the warehouse as soon as possible to avoid the heat. As soon as I laid down outside the warehouse, the warehouse exploded! I couldn't see where was Flash but all I can see was that Jake triumphantly standing in the middle of the destroyed warehouse.

"Curse you...I'm almost dead because of that, Flash!" said Jake.

I looked around and saw Flash lying down on the grass meters away from me. He looked badly damaged. It looks like he can't move anymore. At the same time, I saw a glowing ray of light that catches my eye. It was an Infinitum crystal. It wasn't a big crystal. It was as big as a tennis ball for reference. I ran toward Flash. It was so bad. He was charred down badly.

He whispered to me, "You did a good job helping out just now kid. You remind me of a lot of someone."

Jake approaches us slowly. Flash continued to whisper to me, "What's your name?"

I said my name.

"Cyclone White? And people call you White instead of calling your first name? Why is that?" asked Flash.

"It's a tradition. My family name is Cyclone. We put our last name in the front to honor our great ancestor, Cyclone." I explained.

Flash then realized something, "Cyclone? You mean 'the' Cyclone?

I nodded.

"Then I can surely entrust you to keep the crystal." said Flash.

What does he mean?

"You don't have magic right now correct? I can tell that. Go. Eat that Infinitum crystal and continue the Stardust." said Flash as he almost reaching his last breath. "Its about time, White." and with that Flash closes his eyes.

Jake was surprised when I grabbed the crystal and stood up. Without any hesitation left within me, I ate the crystal. Strong energy was already ticking and pulsing within me as I was eating it. I endured it. The pulse keeps getting stronger. It keeps getting painful but I continued to eat it. I ate it and I ate it. I totally ate it.

Just as I finished swallowed the last part, the pulse stopped. Then, a huge visionary blast was bursting from me. It even sent Jake flying away. At the moment he was flying away, another blast but this time a huge dome was formed around from within me. Everything was all black and white. Jake was not moving at all and floats in the air. The trees was not moving at all. The flames around the area was not burning at all. It all froze.

I looked around and realizes what was going on and said, "It's about damn TIME!!!"


Anyone able to figure out what kind of ability did Cyclone White obtained?

Cyclone_Acreators' thoughts