
First mission part 4 end

John thaught *this Is gonna be fun ill use the second art (annihilating vid cut!!!)*.. John slashed and stabed in tick tack toe formation for AOE attack legs and arms flying and he did It twice and It was fun for him but he still has to dodge lift and right because they're firing qi beams from theer eyes and arms *(anhillating void cut!!!)*... John: "oh there Is a one with a sword and he's fast hohoho!! not faster than me motherfucker come on cklanck cklanck cklanck stabing and stabing and defending John.. *oh he's gitting slower maybe he's battery Is going down ok! lets end him* (one feather void cut!!!)...and he got cut clean in half.. John *wait a minute im not on a mission to kill the puppets im looking for you!! *... John pointed towards the demon cultivator and he was going through the window and then he stopped...Demon Cultivator :"im not running away im feeding These chicks, in a nest i found and then i'll bath in theer blood" ... John looked at him with disgust.. John: "you are one sick fuck! and how i didn't see that window while coming here to get your head nobody knows take this third art (moon void cut!!!)" .. John slashed in a sircular way Five times in the speed of sound and the demon cultivator got out a huge blood red sword from nobody knows where and slashed in an X and the two attacks colidid then John jumped to the trap room and stuck to the roof and got under him and attacked... John (moon void cut!!!)... The demon cultivator's legs got amputated from the thighs and screamed "agahhhhhhhhh!!".. John : "you deserve that you sick fuck now i'll Have fun with you muhhhahahah"...John was on the top of the moutain taking some breath of Air when he finaly killed the demon cultivator.. well after he turtured him and made him eat his on dick and cut his head of he got into the prison cells and found the atrocities he made then he puked his dinner and cried becuase there were women and children in there mutilated and eaten *wtf this guy deserved what i did to him the sick fuck* he wrote that on this mountian the house of the sick fuck... *after i bury them then i'll leave this realm rest in peace*...