

As I fell back into someone I stared at the ceiling for a moment before bolting up. A pair of yellow eyes stared at me with anger and frustration, almost if it was a cat rudely awaken from its sleep. She was nettled about the fact that she was abruptly awoken from her sleep by some random guy falling over her. I was in even more of a pickle for the fact that I was shirtless, I quickly gained a sore and red cheek. I was in some shock and so were the other three girls at the yellowed eyed girl's reaction. I slowly backed away and slowly blinked as she furrowed her brow and stared angerly at me. I sat there for a moment in disbelief as I got on my knees and slowly bowed,

"I'd like to apologize, I had no intention of waking you up nor to anger you. If you don't mind I'll leave you all to your sleep as well as wish you best of luck tomorrow when we venture out."

With that I felt something inside me click as I got up and walked away. I could feel stares as I found my little space away from everyone else and tried to get comfortable. I layed on the ground and began to ponder, between what had transpired these past two days and these dreams I've been having. What drew my focus at the moment was my past, the thing I have little knowledge of, that hurt to even think of. I couldn't help but feel clueless, as I tossed and turned. I was sleepless as I thought even harder before having an idea. I sat up and put my back against the wall and looked in front of me,

"Um Sam, can you go ahead and pull up my stats and while your at it my ablilities"

Sam complied and threw up the stats screen,

Name: Seryy Ingram Ramos Smith


Age: 17

Sex: Male

Race: Unknown Faunus

Level: 3



Aura Color:Translucent

Skills: Brawler:5, Wire User:4, Devil's Charm:5, Unyielding Endurance:MAX, Physical Resistance:6, Dust Resistance:5, Devourer:3, Jack of Weapons Master of Few:MAX, Bullet Resistance:5, Gravity Well:2, Poison Resistance:3, Ladies Man:3, Self-Gravity:4, Scale Absorbtion:1

Titles:Weapon of the Gods, Destiny's Unbound, Keeper of Balance


My skills had increased and some drew my curiosity, mostly Self-Gravity, Scale Absorbtion, Gravity Well and Devourer. I isolated those skills and called up Sam,

"Sam, these four skills have peeked my interest, is there a possibility you could go ahead and explain hem for me?"

A light ding went off as Sam began to speak up,

(Which of these would you like me to explain first Seryy?)

I decided to start with the first one I was most curious about, Scale Absorbtion.

(Scale Absorbtion, only available to those who have scales with certain properties. Scale Absorbtion is when you take damage from a source, for example if a source would be a physical attack your scales would absorb the kinetic energy. In turn you could use your aura to disperse the kinetic energy outwards, or other things that come in contact with the sclaes.)

I listened carefully and slowly began to understand that if a punch was thrown at me then a percentage of the kinetic energy would be absorbed. After so much is built up then I can send out a kinetic shockwave. The same thing applies when it comes to dust, letting me absorb part of it. I sighed as the next explanation came,

(Self-Gravity, this is the same idea of Gravity Well. Gravity Well increases or decreases the amount of gravity in an area, depending on your aura. So far you can at least increase the gravity by five times, so far we know you can withstand that. With Self-Gravity it only displaces the gravity amount for you alone and takes very little aura to keep active.)

This peeked my interest, Self-Gravity would normally sound like a useless skill but that's if they think in a battle aspect. If one was to use this to further themselves and then they could increase their strength as well as physical capabilities. This made me smile as I got up and and quickly found a side door out to a garden. I activate Self-Gravity,

(10 times self gravity!)

I could feel gravity increase as I struggled to stand. It took me everything I had to stand in place without falling to my knees. I began to start walking, each step taking immense amount of control and strength. I had a goal for the night, to master 10 times gravity and get stronger, starting with walking around. As I walked around I looked at my scroll, the time read 21:23. This gave me time to train as I began to take off with a very slow jog as Sam starts with the next explanation,

(Devourer, this skill has to do with your Faunus heritage. Devourer makes you have a higher metabolism thus making you hungrier. There also other benefits of this skill such as being able to eat something like a dust or other things to use them to you advantage. WARNING: The effects of eating dust is unknown, be extremely dangerous. Please be careful!)

With that I kept on jogging as I broke into a full out run, I could feel the gravity working but I could feel myself getting stronger. That's when a ding went off,

(Adaption skill added! This skill allows for your body to adapt at quicker speeds than nature intends. This meaning that under such weight your body has grown stronger!)

I smiled as I kept running, pushing myself further before starting to shadow box, my fists feeling heavy as I punch but I haven't given up. I continued late into the night till the lights of dawn peeked over the horizon in glory as I began back to Beacon, quietly slipping in and to the bathrooms to freshen up before anyone woke up.

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