
Incarnation of a Magic God in a Fantasy World

Hermes is the Keeper (God) of Magic who helped create the world. Now, thousands of years later he finds that he is bored so he has a body created to explore the lesser world ...

DoyMaye · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Prologue - 2

It's been 20 thousand years since we finished up the tribune and managing the lesser world's magic was hard at first but now it seems like a breeze. I have it set up in such a way that my input is no longer needed. It's all thanks to Tomas who's doing a great job as my number two, as my "tower assistant".

Up until quite recently observing the lesser world has given me great joy but it seems like it isn't enough anymore. It seems like I am missing something, but I can't put my finger on what. It seems that I am at an impasse, unable to take action. After all, how can I take action if I don't yet know the cause of my sorrow?

I forgot to mention that currently, I am in my tower in the Kingdom of the Heavens. I call it the tower of magic but now that I think about calling it a tower is an understatement, it's more like a monolith than a tower. It's so tall in fact that it reaches the clouds of the Kingdom and from my position in the hall of observation, I can see the perilous world below.

The hall of observation is located at the top of the tower and is like a glass balcony. Its floor normally is decorated with black tile and a red and gold carpet on top of that, but from my position, they are cloaked as is the rest of the tower. With one exception, a black orb, the orb of observation with it I can observe the lesser world. But this obstruction is of little consequence as I can still see most of the Kingdom from this vantage point.

I can see the 7 spheres of creation and the ruins of destruction. I can see nature's chasm. I can see the tomb of the dead and the hall of life. I can see order's temple. The only thing I can't see is the labyrinth of chaos deep within the upsidedown mountain that is the Kingdom.


It's been another 100 years since I last pondered my quarrel, and I am still in the same spot as I was then. Moreover, I think I have made a breakthrough, that is that I think I know what has been bugging me all this time! I thank the mortals for without them I would have never known, the source of my troubles is that I am empty, I think they call it being "bored". However, only one side of the coin has been minted, I still need a solution to my troubles. It's a puzzle that might take me many hundreds of years to solve.


I've been thinking and thinking for many human lifetimes, been agonizing over the details. Thinking and re-thinking and my work has not been for naught for I have come up with a thousand ways to solve my problem. One way is to simply just keep on thinking for an eternity about this dilemma and many others, but that too will get stale after many years.

Another way to fill my empty cup is to descend to the lesser world, with a body and live as they do. Imagine the possibilities that option entails? After all, they seem to be hard to predict, that is the mortals. It's always interesting to see what they come up with. That's why I enjoyed observing the lesser world for many, many human lifetimes but that too became stale. Just as conversing with the other keepers did before that.

However, enticing this option may seem it is not without its faults. Namely, getting a body that is powerful but not too powerful, as that wouldn't be too fun. Naturally, the not too powerful part is not what is at issue here, it's getting a body in the first place. I could use my powers to make it but it wouldn't be like theirs as it would've been created by me and not creation's keeper. After all, it is the power that I manage that gives them the 4 forces but I don't grant life nor create any bodies. The others do that.

I think he would help me, I don't know though. I just guess I'll have to ask him if this is indeed the path I wish to take.

I was originally going to make this the first "normal" chapter but I decided that I wanted to have a second part of the prologue. I expect that the next chapter will be the official start of the first arc.

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