
Bazu's death

Ryu couldn't say anything; he slowly sank to the bottom of the sea. Rabin didn't have the time to watch him drown and die so he teleported back to Marineford. 

Rabin came to the hill where he killed Blackbeard and looked down towards everyone. Rabin was expecting the pirates to be completely dominating because he assumed Dragon had brought other members of the revolutionary army to the battlefield but it looked like he was wrong. 

The situation was still in the favor of the Pirates but not by much. Whitebeard had his hands full fighting against Akainu and Kong. Dragon was dominating his fight against Allan but it didn't look like he could finish the fight anytime soon. 

Just like his fellow elder Bazu was also not having a great time. He was constantly firing missiles, lasers, and bullets towards them but Sital was able to defend nearly all of his attack easily by manipulating a huge amount of earth. And with the help of the other three members of thunder pirates, they were able to dominate Bazu. 

Zephyr was also barely able to hang in there while fighting against 4 members of the thunder pirates. Aokiji was fighting against Marco and was dominating the fight. Kizaru was fighting against Jozu. Since Kizaru was injured it was a pretty even fight between them. 

As for the Warlords, Doflamingo was fighting against Zephyr, Jimbe was helping Luffy, Blackbeard was dead, Boa Hancock was not fighting anyone and was just watching the fight without fighting. The only three Warlords who were fighting against the pirates were Geko moria, Mihawk, and Kuma.  

Geko Moria was fighting against Crocodile. They were pretty even and it didn't seem like anyone would come out on top anytime soon. Kuma was fighting against a commander of the Whitebeard and Mihawk was fighting against Vista. Mihawk and Kuma both were holding back a lot and were not going all out. 

Rabin decided to help his crewmates and finish off Bazu first. Bazu was constantly on the back foot and was retreating.

Rabin went near the dead body of Blackbeard and picked up his gun. He took out a bullet from the gun and was planning on firing the bullet towards Bazu using his rail gun technique. 

Since Bazu was constantly moving he was a hard target to hit. Rabin started charging up the rail gun and also used his future sight to the maximum capacity to predict the movement of Bazu.

After about 5 seconds he was certain where Bazu was gonna go so he fired the bullet. The bullet looked like it was gonna miss Bazu and hit the ground but in the last second Bazu walked right in front of the bullet just like Rabin predicted.

The bullet hit Bazu's head and a metal clashing sound was heard when it hit Bazu. A lot of small pieces of metal flew out from the elder's head and fell onto the ground.

The elder has pushed back 6-7 steps and fell down. Sital and the others stopped chasing him looked towards Rabin.

Sital gave Rabin a thumbs up and laughed.

"Perfect shot captain."

Rabin teleported next to Sital and looked towards the elder.

"It was a nice shot but it wasn't perfect. If it had been perfect he would be dead right now."

The elder slowly got up from the ground and touched his head. There was a big chunk of his forehead missing.

He looked around on the battlefield and saw that the marines were currently in a disadvantageous position. He looked at Rabin and his crew and took a deep breath and shook his head.

"Looks like I won't survive today's battle. I never guessed I would be the first to die out of the five of us, but I guess I have lived long enough after all 800 years is not a short amount of time. "

He started laughing like a crazy person. "Since I am going to die anyway, why not go out with a bang."

Rabin was using observation haki to see what the elder would do next and when he saw what Bazu was about to do next his forehead was covered with sweat.

He looked towards Sital.

"Sital, form a wall around him, and do everything in your power to keep him away from us. All of you come in contact with me we are teleporting out of here."

Sital did as Rabin said he created a giant solid wall around the elder and created a hand from the ground and caught Bazu's leg. Rabin also created a chain of lightning and tied the elder with the chain.

Sital, Felix, Shiryu, and Lana all touched Rabin and Rabin teleported them next to Mia and the others who were fighting Zephyr.

Rabin created a huge lightning fist in the air and hit the already injured Zephyr with it.

Rabin looked towards Doflamingo. "Create a protective ball made out of your strongest string around us. Sital you also do the same with your earth."

Allan who was fighting Dragon heard Bazu while he was laughing crazily he looked towards Bazu and immediately figured out what was going on. He took a deep breath and started running away from Bazu.

Dragon figured something was wrong when he saw Allan running away. He looked towards Bazu and saw thunder pirates building a wall around him and teleporting away from there.

His first instinct was to go and save Luffy and Sabo who were near the execution stand but he was too late. As he was about to move towards them Bazu self-destructed killing himself and intending to kill the majority of people on that island. His death caused a huge and extremely powerful explosion.

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