
In Twilight With The Annihilation Maker Sacred Gear

A fan-fic about a guy that has to go to fictional worlds and defeat the evil Gods minions which are known as the imposters and have a good time

Death_Reaper_2562 · Filem
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Chapter 1: Waking Up In The Twilight World

"Huh?! Just where am I" James asked himself as he looked around the white room

"Ah, you are finally here I've been waiting for you." said an old man that appeared from nowhere

"Who are you?!" James asked in shock that an old man appeared in front of him

"Who am I, well I don't have a name but I'm usually referred to as God." God said with a thoughtful face

"What do you mean to tell me that you're God!!" James shouted as what he just heard blew his mind

"Yes that is what I said now enough of this time to get on to why I called you here." God said with a serious face

"O-okay sorry I'll calm down I'm just surprised by you being God." James said slightly embarrassed as he had his head down

"It's fine. Well now what I want you to do is simple I need you to go to different fictional worlds and take care of the imposters that are there reeking havoc." God said with a carefree attitude

"You mean to tell me that world's like Naruto and marvel are real and what do you mean by imposters?" James asked with contemplating look on his face

"Yes all the works of fiction in your past life are real and imposters are the followers of the evil God that go to different worlds and reek havoc" God said as he had an irritated look on his face after saying the last part

"Oh, then where will I be going to first and can I also get a power of my choosing?" James asked with an excited face imagining going to the marvel world with an overpowered cheat

"Well the world you will be going to will be at random but you can choose any power you want" God said as he looked slightly bored

"Okay, then I choose to have the Annihilation Maker Sacred Gear from DXD that can create creatures with souls and a system that shows all the creatures I've created and help strengthen me." James said as he was excitedly making hand gestures

"Okay this is easy for me is there anything else you need before I send you" God said as he was reading Fifty Shades Of Gray that appeared out of nowhere much like himself

"Hmm, can I also have an inventory that's connected with my system along with a motorcycle that self repairs and has infinite gas" James said thoughtfully

"Yes that can be done I'll be sending you off now also some things in the world's you go to may be different than in the movie/book but ultimately the same goodbye." God said while still reading the book

Then everything went black for James then in the next second he started to be able to feel his body again and he opened his eyes only to see a cloudy sky and trees.