
In this Troubled World with My New Family

My name is June Marcus. I am your average high schooler, but I have a secret. I am not from this world. I was a worker who became exhausted after too much overtime. After finding myself in this world that resembled my own I made a huge discovery. I am the first male child to be born in over 10 years! What's more is my family dotes on me too much. All the neighbors and classmates have a look like a hungry wolf. But my older sister said she will protect me. Watch how I survive in this troubled world with my new family.

UsaJay · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

It's not just a dream?!

I wake up noticing that the scenery hasn't hasn't changed. My beautiful mother is sitting on the couch beside my crib watching what appears to be the evening news.

This isn't possible. I know I should be awake by now. So why am I still here? Why haven't I woken up yet. I mean sure I was exhausted but if I sleep to much then I'll be late for work tomorrow. I'll lose my job then I won't have enough money to take care of myself how could this be?!

I start crying. I can't help but cry. I mean come on. I'm stuck in a dream as a baby , but I have work tomorrow how could I not be crying. Out of nowhere I'm lifted up out of my crib. My mother starts patting my back singing softly as if she truly cares for me, her new son.

I guess I was craving motherly affection to have a dream like this. Yeah that could explain it. But it still doesn't explain why I'm still here. I might be sent back if I can give myself a little pain. That would have to work. If you're hurt in your dreams then you'll wake up right. Hahaha. I'm a genius!

I begin tossing and turning in my mother's arms. She looks shocked as if she wouldn't expect me to attempt to get away from her. I ignore her look and start tossing myself harder.

"June stop it," she says softly," if you keep doing that you'll fall out of my arms." That's what I want. No offense lady but I am a grown man. I am not into baby play such as this. I don't even know why I'm having this nightmare!

I ignore her words and keep struggling. As my father once told me a real man never gives up. He accomplishes all his goals even if he has to bust his guts to do it!

With one last hard push of my body I am freed from the woman's arms. I smile as a begin to fall. I look at the floor in anticipation knowing this should wake me up from this nightmare.

THUD! I hit the floor like a cannonball. It hurts but I don't cry. Wait it hurts? Then that means I'm not asleep. So this isn't just a dream?!