
In the Apocalypse World Becoming a Naruto Card God

What if, unexpectedly, you woke up in the body of a teenage boy, in an apocalypse world where zombies, mutants, superhumans, and everything else exists, with the ability to use cards that have various Jutsu from the Naruto World? If you like it, please add it to your library! Give power stones to boost the writer's spirit! 110+ latest chapters have been added! For just 3 dollars, you can read chapters from this novel, way ahead of other readers! Just become a patron on Patreon: patreon.com/Alex_Fabianoki

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88 Chs

Chapter 67: Fighting Practice 3

Seeing Haruto successfully dodge, the man was slightly surprised and immediately launched various attacks, but all of them could be avoided by Haruto, who was getting closer, making the man more panicked.

Haruto then dodged the last attack before kicking with his right leg, but the man arrogantly smiled and dodged to the left, but Haruto also smiled, making the man panic.

Sure enough, Haruto instantly jumped and spun in the air before kicking the man, surprised by Haruto's kick, causing the man to be thrown away, but Haruto quickly punched the man in the face.

Then, elbowing, kicking, punching, and elbowing again, after a series of attacks, Haruto grabbed the man's collar and began to brutally punch his face.




"Ernest Trust loses! The winner is Haruto Sato!"

Right after the announcement, many people started whispering.

"Damn, isn't that guy weak!"

"How is that possible!"

"Has that guy become an Anomalies!"

"That's impossible!"

"Then how could he defeat Ernest!"

After beating the man to a pulp, Haruto immediately released his grip on the man's collar and walked out of the area.

While others were busy discussing whether there was cheating or something, Haruto returned to a distant place and sat down calmly.




Meanwhile, Asyla stared sharply at Haruto. There was a hint of annoyance in her beautiful eyes, but Asyla regained her composure and looked away.

On the other side, a man with a hateful expression glared at Haruto before shifting his gaze to Asyla and somehow calming down, even looking happy.




Fight after fight was carried out, and finally, Haruto's fight began, this time facing a man with a proud and arrogant face, but the man seemed wary of Haruto.

As the fight began, the man ran towards Haruto and punched him in the face, but Haruto casually dodged, then grabbed the man's hand, turned around, lifted the man's body, and slammed him, causing the man to fall to the ground.

Haruto immediately choked the man's neck, then used his other hand to lift the man's head, then...


Haruto slammed the man's head into the ground, then pulled the man's head back and slammed it again. After various head slams, the man lost consciousness, and his head was bleeding.

"Druis Avog loses! The winner is Haruto Sato!"

Once again, Haruto proved his strength, leaving many people confused and scared, as Haruto, who was calm after being expelled from the Sato Family, now returned to his former self, known for being cruel, arrogant, cold, and fond of intimidating others.

But Haruto didn't care much about that and chose to return to his seat.

The reason why Haruto did not receive punishment after injuring two students so brutally was because, first, at the Academy, there are Anomalies and Abnormals with strong healing abilities, so even if severely injured, it is not a problem as long as it does not result in death.

Second, because Haruto did not cross the line, where as long as someone has not surrendered or fainted, the opponent can continue to attack that person.

That's why Haruto didn't get into trouble for causing severe injuries to two students.

After that, the match continued, and eventually Haruto fought again, this time facing a skinny man with a strange smile.

"You must surrender! If not, don't blame me if you get hurt..." said the skinny man with a strange smile.


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