
In The Anime Multiverse With A System

After finding a rare store Hideo's life changes forever, accompany Hideo on his journey through the multiverse as he slaps transmigrators and protagonists wherever he goes, but despite that he's not a bad person, I swear. -- Main World -- jujutsu Kaisen Mieruko-Chan Sono Bisque wa Koi wo Suru Ijaranaide, Nagatoro-san Gabriel Dropout --- English is not my first language, and I'm still an amateur. Suggestions are welcome. the cover is not mine I found it somewhere, if the owner wants me to remove it, let me know. I don't own most of the things in this book.

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18 Chs

Chapter 3: New School

In a typical high school student's room, a teenager could be seen sleeping on his bed. The boy had long, black hair that reached his waist, tied in a ponytail, and apparently wasn't wearing any clothes.

"Mm, five more minutes." the boy mumbled as he moved in his bed, struggling with the sheets for a few seconds before giving up.

"Well, whatever, it's time to wake up." the boy said, opening his eyes, revealing his mechanical blue eyes. He got up from the bed, exposing his naked body.

"Huh, I woke up without clothes again." he said, looking at his clothes on the floor of his room.

"I still don't understand how this happens. Oh well, it probably doesn't matter much." he shrugged, picking up and arranging his clothes.

"I need to get ready for school." he said, heading to the bathroom.

Fifteen minutes later, Hideo emerged from the bathroom wearing a robe and returned to his room to put on his new uniform.

"It's too formal, but oh well, I guess I have to adapt." Hideo sighed as he put on his uniform.

The uniform consisted of a white long-sleeved shirt, brown pants, and a black blazer. Hideo untied his hair, leaving it loose. He didn't need to comb it; for some reason, his hair always looked good, probably due to his ability, X777, which affected all his abilities, including the state of his hair.

"Too perfect, this will cause trouble. Being handsome is fine, but being too much of everything is bad. Well, whatever, I won't use illusions to make myself uglier. This is who I am, and I wouldn't change it. I just hope there won't be too many problems." Hideo muttered, looking at himself in the mirror with disdain.

"Well, I need to grab something to eat, or maybe a lot." Hideo said, heading to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Hideo could be seen preparing a large amount of food. The stove was filled with pans and pots, and Hideo moved at an extremely fast pace while cooking.

"Phew, finally finished. It's unfortunate that I have to eat so much because of my ability, but well, at least I enjoy it." Hideo said, filling many plates and placing them on the table.

"Thanks for the food." he said, clasping his hands together and starting to eat at an incredibly fast speed.

After about five minutes, he finished his meal and stared at the ceiling.

"It's so lonely." he thought with melancholy as memories of eating with his siblings at the orphanage flashed through his mind.

"Well, at least this life is different." he thought with a smile, remembering eating with Gabriel and Vignette.

"Well, anyway, it's not the time to dwell on that. I did that for a few months; it's time to change the course of my life." Hideo thought as he got up from his seat and stored an absurd number of lunch boxes in his inventory.

"Well, that should be enough for school, I suppose. I also made some for Gabriel and Vignette. I hope they appreciate it." he said with a hint of arrogance but a smile on his face.

"Well, time to go to school." he said, heading to the door. Upon reaching it, he opened it and before leaving, said a few words.

"I'm leaving." he said, closing the door behind him, and Hideo's apartment fell into a profound silence.

"Gabriel, open up." Hideo said with an annoyed expression as he stood in front of Gabriel's apartment. They lived in the same apartment complex, so he didn't have to walk far.

"She probably stayed up playing late again. Well, whatever, I don't have time for this," Hideo said as he took out a key from his inventory and unlocked the apartment door.

"For real, you need to clean this room soon," Hideo said, looking at the mess in the room.

"Well, anyway, I have to wake her up and give her a little punishment," Hideo said with a mischievous smile as he opened the food he had prepared for Gabriel's breakfast.

Gabriel, as if in a trance, got up from the bed still half-asleep and walked like a zombie towards Hideo, hugging him.

"Hideooo, give me fooood zZz..." Gabriel said before falling to the floor and continuing to sleep.

"This girl is hopeless," Hideo said with a sigh as he covered Gabriel's nose. After a few seconds, she jumped up and threw punches around, but Hideo easily dodged them and lightly tapped her forehead.

"Ouch! Who the heck hit me? Hey, what are you doing here, Hideo, and why did you hit me?" Gabriel said angrily, but her expression changed when she saw the food in Hideo's hands.

"Awesome, you brought me food, so I'll forgive you," Gabriel said with a sparkle in her eyes, but before she could get the food, it disappeared into Hideo's inventory.

"NOOOO, THE FOOD!" Gabriel screamed in despair as her eyes slowly lost their sparkle.

"If I hadn't woken you up, we would have been late. Get ready quickly for school, eat on the way. Vignette said she'll meet us in front of the building," Hideo said, looking at Gabriel with disdain.

"School? Do we really have to go?" Gabriel said, looking at Hideo as if he were foolish, forgetting what Vignette told her yesterday.

"I won't waste any more time with you. Either get ready and come, or I won't feed you for a week," Hideo said as he left the apartment, closing the door.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1," Hideo counted, and as soon as he finished, Gabriel opened the door wearing her uniform but with messy hair.

"Where's my food?" Gabriel said with a neutral expression. Hideo handed it to her, and Gabriel's eyes lit up as she began eating with a smile while they left the apartment complex and ran into Vignette.

"She fell asleep again, huh?" Vignette said with a sigh.

Hideo simply nodded, and no one said anything as they headed to school while Gabriel enjoyed her meal. It wasn't far, so they arrived in 10 minutes. All the students stared at them, as they didn't recognize the student accompanying Vignette and Gabriel, who were famous in the school. Vignette was known for her grades, personality, and beauty, ranking in the top 10 of the girls that everyone wanted to date (according to all the boys in the school). The same could be said for Gabriel, famous for her personality and petite stature that made her look like a doll, although she was also carefree and ranked in the top 10.

Everyone looked at Hideo in different ways. Some girls drooled, while others had shining eyes. Most of the boys ignored him, apparently having enough self-esteem to not care, and only a few looked at him with envy.

The three of them headed inside the school.

"Well, we'll go to our classroom. We'll wait for you there. Good luck," Vignette said as she waved goodbye.

Gabriel smacked Hideo's buttocks and went with Vignette. Hideo watched Gabriel with empty eyes as they walked away. Gabriel measured 1.45 cm and Hideo 1.85 cm, so the scene was peculiar.

"Well, whatever, I suppose," Hideo said as he waited for the start of classes.

He was told to wait outside the classroom until the bell rang, so that's what he would do.


Outside the classroom, Hideo stood, gazing at the classroom. The teacher had told him to wait a little as he was going to announce it beforehand.

"You may enter," a voice came from inside the classroom.

Hideo entered and walked toward the teacher, standing beside him.

'So, these are my new classmates, huh? I guess it's time to enjoy school.' Hideo thought with a smile


PS: Extra Chapter at 100 PS