
In scott pilgrim world and traveling to other worlds with a system

The story is about a guy transmigration in scott pilgrim vs the world with a system he also travel to other worlds, anime worlds and movies and animation series and and games world. I know some of you probably don't know about the Scott pilgrim world but don't worry. MC doesn't have a tragic past or anything, he had normal life and had normal problems and then transmigration into the the Scott pilgrim world. The worlds: Scott pilgrim world konosuba world black clover world gamer manhwa world Cyberpunk: Edgerunners world (More worlds will be added later, he also don't leave a world for another one, he travel between them) Respective series mentioned are credited to their respective owners, I only own MC and oc It's my first time writing and English is not my first language

Alucard_7894 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Chapter 43 torturing Envy Adams

Author: a lot of people wouldn't like this chapter but it's for MC character to grow and it's too late to change it so skip this chapter or bear with It, even if you skip it, you guys will know what happened.

I hate to admitted but unfortunately I wrote this chapter so bad


(MC pov)

I slowly open my eyes and I see that I'm still hugging Ramona.

Man this must be the best sleep I ever had in my entire life.

I haven't been sleeping lately, in the past two week I slept just for 4 hours, I just don't need it anymore but it's nice to have sleep like this every now and then.

I feel so good, what feeling this is? It's so weird, I feel I'm the happiest man in the world at

Ramona is still sleeping so I won't move, so what should I do?

It's been a while since I checked my progress so

'Status screen' I said in my mind

[Name: Edward Kenway














I level up 5 and I got 25 stats and I put them in the wis state.

[Because your wis and int have reached the 100 point you got a new skill, perfect memory (passive) LV max]

Suddenly my mind got clear and I could remember every moment of my life, but I stopped remembering my childhood, I don't want to remember what it's feel like to shit myself.

My mp have grown so much from just 100 mp to 5000 mp.

My chakra and aura also grown too, I also crossed the level 40 so I can choose another class, but not now, I will chose a class later.

'Skills screen' I said in my mind



fighting LV 43

Normality LV max

Perfect memory LV max

Body of a beast LV max

gamer mind LV MAX

Temperature resistance LV 20

Mana skin LV 30

Bronze skin LV max

sharp shooter LV 50

Massager LV 10

Acting LV 14

Night vision LV max

Hacking LV 5

Robot Engineering LV 5

Poison immunity LV max

Acid immunity LV max

Pain resistance LV 12

Mutagen LV 7

Nauseating flesh LV max

weapon mastery LV 15

Iron stomach LV 40

All Edward Kenway (assassin's creed) ability LV max


observation LV 56

focused hit LV 28

mana control LV 55

chakra control LV 55

meditation LV 58

shadow clone LV 70

mana shield LV 59

mana shield no2 LV 45

aura control LV 58

chakra strengthening LV 35

aura strengthening LV 35

flight magic LV 58

mana web LV 45

Armament haki LV 35

observation haki LV 55

spinning mana bolt LV 40

spiral mana bolt LV 25

spinning mana arrow LV 40

rasengan LV 30

Big ball rasengun LV 10

Reinforcement LV 25

Basic magics LV 60

Cursed darkness LV 35

Unlock LV 45

Lock LV 25

Fireball LV 25

Freeze gust LV 30

Flash LV 35

Wind curtain LV 25

Inferno summons LV 25

Cursed crystal prison LV 20

Cursed lightning LV 25

Lightning strike LV 29

Light of saber 30

Teleport LV 40

Healing LV 25

Exorcism LV 15

Sacred shell LV 15

Putrefaction LV 25

Turn undead LV 50

Break spell LV 35

Darin touch LV 40

Create golem LV 45

Smithing LV 20

Tailoring LV 20

Alter self LV 30

Mana skin LV 29

Dream LV 10

Alchemy LV 20

Process materials LV 20

Acid magic LV 20

Magic hand LV 20

Mending LV 20

Message LV max

Alarm LV max

Enhance ability LV 30

Heat metal LV 20

See invisibility LV 40

Empowerment LV 30

Beast shape lll LV 10

Whisper of the devil LV 1

Ninja techniques LV 20

Killing intend LV 10

Resurrection LV 1

Explosion LV 2

Telekinetic LV 10

Transmutation LV 9

Creation magic LV 10

Umbrakinesis LV 10]

Man I have so many skills, I just got tired reading all of them.

My beast shape also level up a lot and now I can pretty much turn into any animal but till now I just turned into a wolf and a bear, it was weird being animal, I couldn't walk properly but eventually I understood how to work with my body when I use beast shape.

Also my cold resistance have become the temperature resistance and drain touch also level up a few times, I honestly think I don't give enough credit to this skill, with drain touch I can drain a person mp and hp, I think this can be my style of fighting in close combat.

The shadow clone also reached level 70 and I can create 70 clone and soon it will be level 100 and become a max level ability and I need to buy the multiple shadow clone technique if I want to make more than 100 clone.

I also thought about a way to use shadow clones even better than helping me in fights.

When I create a shadow clone my mana and chakra and aura become half and if I create 70 clone my mana and chakra and aura will be divided by 70 times.qe

And I obviously have so little mana left but here's the thing, I can just send them somewhere hidden and they could enter the deep meditation to restore their mana and chakra and aura to full and when I want I can dispose them and I get back all the mana, chakra, aura and I can do this 70 times, I think I will not going to be short on mana anymore unless I fight a strong person.

I also need to check up on Envy, I didn't give her anything to eat and I just left a bucket there for her to use if she needed to use toilet.

"Umm good morning honey"Ramona said while rubbing one of her eyes

"Good morning baby"I said

"You didn't need to wait for me to wake up"she said while trying to get up

"And also, this was the greatest sleep I had in my entire life, I never knew that sleeping can be this much satisfying"Ramona said with a joyful face

"Me too, I also had my greatest sleep in my entire life, and I know I didn't need to wait for you to wake up but I didn't want to move and wake you up and you look cute when you snore"I said with a smile

"I snore?"she asked with a suprised and blushing face

"Not always and not a annoying snoring but a cute snoring"I said

"Enough talking about my snoring"she said with a red face

"anyway let's go to eat something, today I need to work so unfortunately we can't meet until tonight honey"she said with a sad face

"Don't be sad baby, believe me we are going to have a lot of time to spend together"I said, as soon I can make a immortality potion or find a another way for us to become immortal 

"I believe you, even though I don't know how or what you mean but I believe you"Ramona said with a smile and close her face to me, i don't waste time and start kissing her

(Gideon pov)

"What do you mean envy is gone?"I asked with a obviously angry voice

"Ahh well here's the thing, I may have cheated on her and she finds out"the stupid Todd said

"You have got to be kidding me"I said while facepalming

"Did you track her phone?"I asked

"I did but she leaved her phone and every bank card and cash she had"Todd said with a sigh

"Damn it, you better find her Todd or your band is finished"I said

"What? But we still have two people in the band, i think we can find another person to sing"Todd said

"No, listen the whole band was awesome and successful because of envy and envy voice, you think I can't find someone to play better than you, now go and fucking find her, because if she don't sing the song she needs to sing ,well she needs to pay her me because breaking her contract with me and even though she have enough money to pay me, I like to see how she's going continue to be a singer"I said yelling at him and end the call

"Fucking bastard, can't even cover up a secret affair"I said to myself

Calm down, I need to think about this calmly.

Wait a minute, he said she leaved her phone and all of her money, so where can she go without money? and more importantly she's not a person that can live without money or just saying she needs to think about her relationship with todd.

She would have just attacked Todd and the whore he fucked, beside she knows the how much she needs to pay me if she doesn't come back and break her contract.

I think she's been kidnapped, even though it's sound crazy but I think it's possible but Todd said the cameras didn't catch her exit from the hotel.

If she's been kidnapped then that kidnapper must be really good, but why? No demands for money or something else?

A stalker crazy fan? Possible or someone just want her out of the picture but who even wants that?

My rivals in music industry have been infected by glow a long time ago and I destroyed them and only leaved the small music industry alone.

Still I don't know if this is a kidnapping, I might just be wrong about kidnapped and envy really left because of that manwhore.

Whatever it is, he better finds her or else even his dad can't help him.

(Author: alert, this part have dark element, I think, but anyway I thought maybe I should say something but I really don't think it's dark, I'm new in writing something dark so it's not hard to read it)

(Edward basement)

(3rd pov)

Edward entered his mansion by using teleportation, he looks at envy who Is sleeping now and then look at the bucket he left for, well she didn't shit but she did pee in that bucket, she tried to hold it but it was either her pants or the bucket.

Envy make up is ruined, showing that she's been crying.

"Hey Envy"Edward calls her but she's still sleeping:"hey wake hell up"his voice is louder this time wakes up envy

"Huh? It's you"she was confused but when she saw Edward face she understood the one who waked her up is her kidnapper

"Good morning, how are you?"Edward said with a smile

Her teeth were pressed together from anger.

"What do you think?"she asked

"Fair enough"Edward said

"What is your endgame here, you know you will be caught eventually, people should be looking for me already"envy said, last night she had time to think how she can gets out of here

"Let me go and I promise to not say anything about you"envy said which is obviously a lie

"Hehehe people are looking for you alright, but not because you were kidnapped but because you run away yourself"Edward said after he chuckled

"Huh? What running away? I'm obviously have been kidnapped"envy said with fury

"Yeah but I used a invisibility magic, remember how how I entered your room?"Edward said as envy eyes widen in understanding:"and I used your voice to call Todd and said that you need to think about your relationship"Edward used alter self and said in her voice and envy eyes widen more because of fear

"He won't give up on me"envy said after thinking a little

"Before I say anything do you remember the moment Todd punched a hole in the moon for you"Edward said

"Of course, it was so romantic"envy said

"Yeah but do you remember that there was another hole in the moon before he punch the moon?"Edward asked

"Yeah but, what are you saying"envy wasn't stupid she understood but didn't want to believe him

"Todd punched a hole in the moon for Ramona way before he do this for you"Edward said and envy felt that her world is breaking apart

"It doesn't matter he loves me"Envy said

"Before, look at this"he said and take out his phone and start playing a video and give the phone to her

"Ahh, yes, go harder"the video started with two having sex

"What? Are you going to show me porn? Disgusting"she said after seeing the video but a moment later she froze

"Yes go harder, more harder than while you fuck that redhead bitch"the video continue and she saw her boyfriend and one of her friends and a person in her band having sex

"No, no, no, no"she said like a broken record

She start sobbing which suprised Edward, he did not expected that, didn't know she had so much attachment to him.

"Okay this would have been easier if you weren't crying"Edward said while envy continue to sob and ignore him

Envy was crying but suddenly Edward grab her by her neck and make her stand up

"What"envy said with a lot of effort while Edward is choking her

"It's a easy way for me and I'm plan to do it, after all i never was much of a good guy"Edward said and increase his strength around her neck

Envy is coughing and try to breath, she didn't want to make Edward angry but if she doesn't fight back she will die and she knew it.

She fists her right hand and punch Edward but unlike what she expected nothing happens to him and it's her hand that's hurts.

She continue to punch Edward but as times pass she struggles less and less.

In the last effort she kick his balls but with mana skin and a bronze skin he didn't get hurt.

The skin of her face becomes red and she couldn't even think anymore and her eyes turned blood-red.

She loses her control over her bladder because Edward is strangulating her and she urinate because of the sudden loss of bladder control.

Edward didn't expected that but doesn't matter.

Edward finally release his grip around her neck and envy fall on the ground and she finally could breath.

Edward give her a few minutes so she can get herself together.

You can clearly see a hand print in her neck.

"Hey"Edward said and even that was enough to make envy scared

*Cough cough cough* she's still coughing and try breath as much as she can

"Why you*cough-cough* did this?"she asked but Edward didn't say anything and just looked at her with a indifferent face

"Please, I will listen to you, I"she said, trying to say something to please Edward:"I will join your band"she remembered what Edward asked her before

Edward knew she will agree but that not enough for him, she's just saying that because of the fear for her life.

"That's not a problem"Edward said and walk toward her and she walk back and but finally run out of the space

"If you don't want me to strangle you again you will pick that phone and watch your boyfriend cheating on you"Edward said with a indifferent face

(MC pov)

I need to break her physical and mentally first, it's easy to break her physical but mentally take time.

She was shocked and surprised because of my request but with all that happens to her, she hardly have enough power to think about something.

She slowly walks towards my phone and pick it up and play the video.

(3rd pov)

The sound of moans and crying filled the basement, the moans came from the videos and crying is from envy.

She didn't want to watch but when she turned her head around Edward smacked her face and so she doesn't dare to do that anymore.

(An hour later)

After an hour, envy stopped crying and still just watched the sex videos, over and over again, she didn't get upset as the first time.

"That's enough"Edward said and envy stopped watching 

"What now?"envy asked with a tired face and lot of fear, she haven't eaten anything

"Eat this"Edward throw a sandwich at her and a bottle of water

Envy was suprised but she didn't think much and just eat and drink because she didn't had any food or water since last night.

Edward waited for her to eat everything and after a few minutes she finished.

"What now?"she asked again with fear

"Well, are familiar with Jason Todd?"Edward asked

"No, who Is he?"she asked, if she knew who Is Jason Todd is she would have start begging Edward

"Well a bad thing that happened to him is about to happen to you"Edward said and pull out a crowbar from his inventory

Envy didn't know where that crowbar came from but her eyes widen in fear.

"No please, no, don't"she pleaded but Edward didn't care and just walk toward her:"I will do anything you want I swear just don't hurt me"begging was useless

Edward use the crowbar and hit her right arm with a right power to not broke her bones but still bruised her.

She screamed in pain but that didn't stop Edward, he hits her again and again and envy try to run but the chains didn't let her.

This was the greatest pain in her entire life and even Edward himself haven't been hurt like this since he came in this world.

The sound of hitting flesh filled the basement.

Legs, hands, waist, almost every part of her body are bruised.

Edward finally stopped and looked at the crying, pathetic envy, he may don't show it but he didn't like doing this but he decided to completely have envy Adams, as a singer and a assistant so he needs to do this, sure he could just buy something from the system shop to mind control her but Edward hate doing such things so much.

He wants to first break her and then build her again and when he succeeded he will allow her to hit her as much she wants but that's all for later.

He put the crowbar back in the inventory and then rip all of her clothes.

Unlike what envy expected he didn't rape her.

"Natalie, see you later and I leave some paper towels and a bottle of water, and I believe you already know what to do when you need to use the toilet"Edward said her real name and teleport to his home and leave the naked envy alone

She didn't become suprised so much that he knew her real name and the pain is so much for her to care.

(MC pov)

I don't have a problem torturing the people who deserve it but envy didn't deserve it but at the end I will let her to hit me as much as she wants because when I'm done she's will be royal to me and I don't like to be cruel to the people close to me.

I'm not some expert in torturing and changing people mind and if I failed I will give her three choice, make her forgot everything with help of the system or she can hit me as much she wants or make way for her to become strong to beat me with her own powers.

After all I can fix it so there isn't really a problem.

Anyway this is for if I failed, I really don't think I fail but it's good to have a back up plan.

[Didn't think you could do something like that]

what? I can fix it so there isn't really a problem, right?

Ramona is still out so I think I just train for now to empty my mind.



So the tutoring part was dark for you or was it bad written?

Was the dark part bad? Was it good?

The torture is just a one time thing so don't worry, this torture is the first time MC had made mistake and in the next chapter he will know he can't do something like because he can just fix it.

there is going to be a character development, don't worry it won't annoy you.

He didn't saw a problem with torture because he thought he can fix it but he should have just accept that what he was going to do is bad and should have stopped but because he can fix it he did it but he will learn his lesson.

The next world is cyberpunk edgerunner but not yet.