
In Pursuit of Happiness

Penulis: DaoistRDBDL2
Contemporary Romance
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What is In Pursuit of Happiness

Baca novel In Pursuit of Happiness yang ditulis oleh penulis DaoistRDBDL2 yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. ...


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D Rank Demon of the Wastelands

Wasteland Hero’s a yet unreleased full dive video game. Jake had received an early access copy in the mail. He had never been much for games, but his mother had. She even owned one of the expensive full dive consoles. Now that she was dead, having passed suddenly from cancer it was his. Logging in he found a game, unlike anything he had expected. Instead of stiff blocky graphics, what he discovers is a game of unparalleled graphics where high science fiction such as power armors, personal shields, smart guns, and even plasma rifles was commonplace. Just as common as high fantasy tropes of magic arrow shooting archers, fireball launching wizards, and mightly knights in shining plate. Within the game, he soon finds friends and even love to help him escape from his grief. Together with his new friends, he sets out on the simple adventure of getting stronger in a game without levels or experience. When tragedy strikes a grief-stricken Jake finds out that nothing is as it seems. What is virtual and what is real are completely different than he always believed. Worse, even as he struggles to cope with recent tragedy forces beyond his control seek to ruin everything. Soon he realizes just how small his world really was. With attributes that are stuck at D rank no matter how much Mugatgen he absorbs. His Power Claw class having no skills and being purely melee. Combined with his fear of working with any other players, will he become the hero of the wastelands? Or will he become the Demon just like his new nickname? Note: The first arc is slow-paced meant to cover the MC's introduction to the world. The event that shaped who he is to become. It is much slower-paced than the next arcs. The second arc is also written so you could jump in there if you wanted to skip the slower backstory section. Up to you the reader. Maybe give the more fast-paced arc a shot then catch up on the past.

Eleraan · Fantasi
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70 Chs

To Beyond

Year 2400, Humanity finally manage to create Warp Drives to move across the galaxy faster that light and some consider this as "New Era of Galactic Exploration", But in year 4450 all natural resources within the Milky Way Galaxy is nearly depleted that triggered Interplanetary War between the two human alliances the United Government of Humanity (UGH) and Revolutionary for Greater Mankind (RGM). In Planet 43A-085B or Planet Grace in the Andromeda Galaxy, The RGM manage to discover an very high concentration amount of resources such as rare earth metals that commonly used for space industry and military space technology so they send an Expedition Forces to conduct mineral survey and build FOB (Forward Operating Base). As the RGM Expedition Forces manage to make first contact with the local inhabitants in the Planet Grace, This inhabitants is designated as "Elf" or "Elven" due to similar characteristics of Elf in Earth Mythology but due to unforeseen fail negotiation RGM Military Forces conduct a very brutal all out planetary invasion to completely annihilate all of those who stand in their way. Secret Military Intelligence (SMI) of the United Defense Forces (UDF) manage to intercept this crucial occurrence until it reaches the unified government, after lots of reading and debate for this matter within the council majority of the vote is agree to send Expedition Forces of their own to decrease any potential of increasing the influence and power of the RGM. This is a story of an UDF Marine Special Operation Unit Lieutenant who fight for greater good and a elf princess who fight for survival of her kingdom and her race.

MeowMeow26 · Fantasi
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  • Rata-rata Keseluruhan
  • Kualitas penulisan
  • Memperbarui stabilitas
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • latar belakang dunia


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