
In Pokemon With A System

Ayaan_Wasim · Komik
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14 Chs

Pokemon Camp

Time Skip 2 years.....

In these two years many things happened like me and Rouge getting close and training together, me becoming professor Oak's assistant after helping professor Oak in completing one of his research and while researching with him he told me that the pokemon also in Kanto which are not of this region which made me very excited to start my journey but my went down the next second when I heard professor saying that I'll have to get a trainer licence to start my journey for which you study in the trainer school which I will be joining in a month till 18 years after that you can get your own trainer lisence other than that I got some reward from quest and got myself another Pokemon how you ask


Eve -"Leo come fast we have to go to Pokemon centre dad called said that Ninetailes is going to give birth"

Leo -"Really mom then what are we waiting for let's go Rouge mom come we have to go fast"

Eve -"Yes Yes let's go"

When we reached there we saw dad walking around with a worried look which anybody can tell that he was worried about Ninetailes so mom went near him to calm him down.

Eve -"Dear don't be scared nothing will happen to Ninetailes she's very strong she'll have no problem"

Alex -"Ah... Eve and Leo both of you are here. I know she will be fine but still can't help being worried"

Leo -"Mom dad they are coming"

When I said that everybody looked in th direction where I was showing and we saw Nurse Joy with a pokemon egg in her hand and Ninetailes behind her coming towards us.

Joy -"Sir don't worry the operation was successfull here" said nurse Joy while giving the egg to my father at the same Ninetailes came to my father.

Alex -"Nurse Joy there is no problem with Ninetailes right"

Joy -"Don't worry sir she's just tired after giving birth she'll regain her strength after some time"

After hearing that we all sighed in relief then dad looked towards Ninetailes as she nodded as if giving approval then dad turned towards me.

Alex -"Leo here take this pokemon egg with you me and Ninetailes discussed with each other and she agreed to give her child to you. We saw with how much love and compassion you take care of your pokemon so we decided to give this to you"

Leo -"Really thanks dad and Ninetailes I'll take good care of it"

Saying that I hugged my father and then went to Ninetailes to hug her also then I heard her {Leo promise me that you will take care of my child with as care as you do for Rouge}

Leo -"I promise"

Then from that day onwards I, Rouge and Ninetailes started to take care of the egg I also used to pass my arua in the egg to make the body of the pokemon inside stronger ofcourse I asked Ninetailes first and when she agreed I started to do it. (I found this technique while taking care of Rouge when he was an egg)

Afterwards when the egg hatched I saw a really cute Alolan vulpix but what surprised me was it's fur it was white like and Alolan vulpix but it also had bit of fur like the Kanto vulpix which made it look like it had done highlights it also made it look cool. We named it Rei. Then I took a look at Rei's stats which almost gave me a heart attack.

Leo -"Violet can you please show me Rei's stats"

[Yes Master anything for you]

Yea during these years I and Violet have also gotten really close now she talks with me in a loving tone.

[ Name - Rei (Alolan Vulpix)

Type - Ice, Fire

Age - 0

Strength - E--

Agility - E--

Dexterity - E--

Intelligence - E--


Snow Warning

(The Pokémon summons a hailstorm when it enters a battle)

Flash Fire

(Makes the Pokémon immune to Fire-type moves )


Icy Wind, Ember, Swift

Egg moves:-

Hypnosis, Ice Fang, Draining kiss, Mystical Fire]

/Flashback End/

Today I and Rouge were traing he had reached reached beginner stage of aura training with my teaching and I reached the advance stage. And I also used to do spars with him while teaching him some fighting techniques. We also trained our aura to the extreme to make it pure and dense. Once in a while Machamp would train us and correct us if did any mistakes. Rei would train with Ninetailes and Arcanine both would teach her how to control her elemental energy and help her master her moves. After the training I and Rouge fell on the ground due to being very tired.

Also today is one main events in the pokemon series which I am going to steal from Ash we are going to a Pokemon Camp organised by professor Oak the camp will be for three days. Yes I know all the things but according to my parents I have to go to spend some time with kids of my age and also to meet a certain girl.

I and Rei got ready and went to the camp with mom. Rouge will not come with me this he will be staying in home and receive special training from Machamp as he is really close to master some moves. As we reached the camp we saw professor Oak standing there waiting for others to reach I and Rei went to him and greeted him he saw smiled at us while greeting back and petting Rei.

After Rei hatched I gave a research theory of mine to the professor about my research which I did after Rei was born that when a regional pokemon is born in another region where another regional pokemons are present of the same species it may become a varient pokemon due to different climate they have their genetic evolved. When professor saw my he was interested in it so to see if my theory is correct or not he asked some of his old friends after some it was they said that the theory which I gave was correct. After this I got a certificate that from now on I am a the youngest assistant professor (promotion).

After some time we saw many kids coming with there parents in between those people I found a 'certain girl' she had maple blonde hair and blue eyes in a small frock she looked very cute. When everybody reached the camp first day there was not much just some activities then some knowledge on pokemons. Then we were left we were allowed to do whatever we want I went to the 'certain girl' to talk with her.

Leo -"Hello miss how are you"

She looks at me and then says shyly while blushing

??? -"Hello I am fine but who are you"

Leo -"Ah.. sorry for the late introduction my name is Leo and what is yours"

??? -"My name is Serena nice to meet you"

Leo -"Nice to meet you too Serena would you like to be my friend"

Serena -"Really can I be your friend everybody says I am really boring and don't want to be my friend"

Leo -"Yea and those who didn't want you to be there friend might have lost their the brain. Not wanting to be friends with such a cute girl they might be mad but good for me now I can have you all for myself." I said while blinking an towards her which caused her to blush really hard. Seeing her like that I subconsciously spoke my thoughts out loud"Cute" which she heard and ran towards her room and ofcourse she couldn't hide her face which was now beet red looking like a tomato. Seeing that I chuckled and started thinking about things I should prepare for tomorrow.

These are Rouge and Rei's present stats

[ Name - Rouge (Riolu)

Type - Fighting

Age - 1

Strength - B++

Agility - B++

Dexterity - B

Intelligence - B++



(If hit with a dark attack, its attack increases) Prankster

(increases the priority of status moves by one)


Close Combat, Karate chop, Endure, Counter, Double team, Extreme speed, Focus energy, Mega punch, Mega kick, Protect, Quick attack, Sleep talk, Aura sphere, Cross chop, Brick break, Drain punch, Force palm Focus punch, Agility, Focus blast, Sky uppercut, Vacuum wave, Reflect

Egg moves:-

Rock smash , Sword Dance, Calm mind]

[ Name - Rei (Alolan Vulpix)

Type - Ice, Fire

Age - 1

Strength - C--

Agility - C--

Dexterity - C--

Intelligence - C--


Snow Warning

(The Pokémon summons a hailstorm when it enters a battle)

Flash Fire

(Makes the Pokémon immune to Fire-type moves )


Icy Wind, Ember, Swift, Quick attack, Ice beam, Ice ball, Fire spin, Fire fang, Heat wave, Bite, Flame change, Dazzling gleam, Charm, Fairy wind, Ice shard, Double team, Fury swipes, Protect, Light screen, Reflect, Dark pulse, Agility, Extreme speed, Endure, Sleep talk

Egg moves:-

Hypnosis, Ice Fang, Draining kiss, Mystical Fire]

And Leo's stats

[ Name - Leo

Age - 5

Strength - A--

(Power, Stamina, Defence)

Agility - A+

(Speed, Movement)

Dexterity - A-

(Hand movement, Flexibility)

Intelligence - Ex++

(Thought processing, Learning speed)

Charm - Ex++



Adaptability (Level - Max)

(You can adapt to anything)

Inner Dimension (Level - Max)

(Your own dimension rich in energy and only you and Pokemon can enter)

Aura (Level - 92)

(Can control aura very easily and make multiple projectiles. Able control the projectiles naturally)

Aura Sense (Level - 89)

(By releasing your aura in the surrounding you can sense anything in the radius of 890 meters)

Photographic Memory (Level - Max)

(Remember anything after a single glance)

Cooking (Level - 55)

(What you cook will always be tasty people will want more of it)

Martial Arts (Level - 78)

(You can fight with multiple fighting techniques)

Weapon mastery (Level -50)

(Able to use all kinds of weapon with ease)

Stealth (Level - 70)

(Other's can't sense your presence easily)

Telepathy (Level -64)

(You can talk with others in their mind)

Breathless (Level - Max)

(You can live with out breathing)]

To be Continued...

Some skills were were learned by training with pokemons in the ranch and other were quest reward.

(Skills leveled so much because they were also training in the inner Dimension didn't describe this part cause I don't want to bore you all with just training. It'll be described in one of the chapters)

I am thinking of making snivy as the third Pokemon of the party. If any suggestions they are welcome (Grass types).