
In Naruto With Minato Template (Complete)

Anime was fun but the reality is much more serious. No one is Good or Bad. They are what benefits them the most. Corrupted Konoha System. Hard childhood and manipulative third Hokage. Hiding from Danzo and his root while getting strong. This is not an Anime any more no. Its the real life and every little thing matter. Thank god I have a system. Need to get strong because its the survival of the fittest. I do not own Naruto or any other character name I use in this book beside my main character and the one I create. Join my Patreon and get 20+ chapters ahead of Webnovel updates. patreon.com/Kamidemond

kamidemond · Anime & Comics
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310 Chs

Chapter 151 : Confidence 2 (Rewrite)

"So what that you are stronger. I will still beat you" Naruto shouted and at this Kirito's eyebrows just twitched.

Kirito just sighed at this and did not say anything more. He just raised his hand and showed a "Come On Then" motion with his fingers.

This officially started the match. Both Naruto and Ino immediately vanish from their place.

"Well, they at least know that they can't directly attack me" Kirito smirked.

He did not go after them. He just waited.

"Why he is not doing anything" Tsunade asked.

"I am pretty sure that he does not need to. It was Naruto and Ino who challenged him. So he is giving them the opportunity to show what they can do" Jiraiya commented.

Kirito did not have to wait for a long time as Naruto was still Naruto, and could not wait for a long time.

Kirito saw multiple Naruto coming towards him. They were already making Rasengan on their hands.

"Well at least he knows that he can't hold back when facing me" Kirito muttered and waited for Naruto to come.

"He is still not moving" Tsunade was confused about what Kirito was doing.

But Just when Naruto's clone was a little close to Kirito, they all pop.

"Huh" Jiraiya, Naruto and Tsunade exclaim. Even Ino who was hiding and watching narrowed her eyes not getting what just happened.

Kakashi on the size too narrowed his eyes.

Kirito on the other hand just smirks at others' reactions. "Focus Haki" Kirito muttered. What Kirito did was something he had been practising for a long time. Controlling his Haki. Specially Conqueror's Haki.

After knowing that the real Naruto is not among the Shadow Clones. He just pops all the clones with his Conqueror's Haki.

"Come on. I am waiting" Kirito said looking towards where Ino was.

Ino at this had a little complicated expression. She quickly took out senbons and threw them towards Kirito.

Noticing the senbon coming towards him, Kirito very swiftly dodged all the needles.

"Are you sure that you don't want to add some more people here," Kirito asked Tsunade.

"Oi, Don't underestimate us" the sound came from above Kirito. It was Ino.

She had her fist clenched and was ready to deliver a chakra-infused punch. Kirito could tell because he too learned this technique from the past Tsunade.

He didn't have much time to perfect the technique when he was in Konoha because of the impending war but later he did.

Usually, he would have used his speed or Hirashin technique to dodge this attack. But before starting the fight, Tsunade restricts him from using Hirashin completely and also limits his speed to Jonin at best.

Her reason was, "Don't want to see how fast you are brat. You and your father have shown that quite enough. Show me your power"

And at this Kirito replied. "Fair enough".

So Kirito opened his palm and quickly gathered air in his palm. "Wind Palm" Kirito used the fact that Ino was in the air and blew her away.

"It might look pretty awesome attacking the enemy from above with a single punch but it has many disadvantages," Kirito said this to both Ino and Tsunade because he knew that Ino learned this from Tsunade.

In fact, he was aware of Tsuande's fighting style because he fought with Tsunade in the past.

"Thousand Years Of Death" Kirito heard this and already knew who said this. Kirito at this just internally sighs and uses Armament Haki in his left leg.

Naruto who was aiming to stick his fingers into his brother's asshole thrust his finger. Kirito at this time just slowly turn left and Naruto's finger rather than striking the butt, aimed at the knee which was covered with Armament Haki.

"Haaaa" A sharp sound came and Naruto quickly backed off. His finger was almost broken and swollen at this point.

"I told you repeatedly not to use those techniques. It's embarrassing." Kirito said with a huge sigh on his face.

"Poison Style, Poison Mist," Ino said blowing poison-style mist from her mouth.

Kirito saw this and got interested. "Hmm, that's new," Kirito thought.

Kirito saw the poisonous mist coming towards him and got ready. He really did not want to dodge, at least at this level of fight.

So Kirito just formed one hand sign and thought. "Great Wind Break Through".

A powerful gush of wind blew from Kirito's mouth and the entire mist was blown away.

"That a new trick. The mist, did Haku taught you" Kirito asked.

Ino at this just nodded.

"Alright, I guess I can go on attack now. Get ready" Kirito said with a slow tone.

Both Naruto and Ino at this got alert. Even Jiraiya and Tsunade were watching this attentively.

"Not so quick" but at this time a sound came and Kirito felt the temperature dropping.

"Oh," Kirito muttered and quickly jumped up. Just after that multiple ice shards launch to the place he was standing.

"And here I was thinking of not dodging," Kirito thought.

"Long time no see Haku. How are you" Kirito looked towards the ice user from a distance.

Haku looked exactly how she looked in Shippuden when she was a he and came back with the Edo Tensei Technique.

"Nice to me you too Kirito Kun" Haku said with a beautiful smile but at the same time threw multiple senbon towards Kirito.

"That's one way to welcome a friend" Kirito created a shadow clone without any hand signs and used it as a shield.

"So you are also challenging me," Kirito asked but just then he sensed someone above him.

Kirito knew this chakra signature. But why she is also attacking him?

Kirito turned around and saw a pink-haired girl falling from the air and her fist oozing from powerful chakra.

"Chaaaaa" Sakura shouted and was about to hit Kirito directly on his face. Everyone saw this and got excited. This is because they know that the punch is very powerful and if Kirito does not dodge then he will be hospitalised for sure.

Sakura closed the distance pretty fast and swung her fist, ready to deliver the powerful chakra-infused punch.

Kirito did not even bat an eye-lit and stood there. Just when everyone thought that Sakura would be successful in defeating Kirito, she suddenly stopped midway.

"Huh what, what going on" Sakura found herself stopping and then something wrapping around her body.

It was wind, Kirito's mastery of wind was enough by now that he didn't need any hand signs to control it.

 It made Sakura stop and not let her fall.

"You are not just fighting with your own teammates but also my and Jiraiya's students" Tsuande shouted.

Kirito just nodded like he didn't care even if Tsunade and Jiraiya both came together at him.

Tsunade actually wanted to learn more about the signless wind Jutsu but currently was not the time.

"Okay," Kirito said and threw Sakura away with the Wind Blast.

"So Ino, Sakura and even you Haku learn from Hokage Sama," Kirito asked.

He immediately got a positive response.

"Yeah don't think that you can defeat all of us alone" Naruto shouted.

Kirito did not even pretend to hear Naruto and looked towards Tsunade.

"You should add more people if you really want to see what I am capable of," Kirito said with a plain tone.

This brought different reactions from others.

Naruto, Ino, and Sakura were angry that Kirito was looking down on them. Haku on the other hand who has personally trained under Kirito knew Kirito's personality and had a solemn look on her face.

Tsunade Jiraiya and Kakashi on the other had complicated expressions on their faces. They knew that Kirito was not lying but most of his strength lies in his speed and flying thunder god technique which he couldn't use in this fight. So why he is so confident?

This question started to plague them and now even they wanted to know how strong Kirito has become.

"Asuma, you also joined," Tsuande said after thinking about it.

"Are you sure Hokage Sama?" Asuma asked. This might be a little too much for Kirito to handle he thought.

"Hokage Sama, we can handle him. Let us do it" It was Sakura who said this. Actually she personally never liked Kirito that much especially after he bullied her Sasuke Kun. Of course, she was the only person who thought like that.

"Don't worry, Asuma will only act if he thinks that you guys need some help" Tsunade said.

"Great now with Asuma sensei's help there is no way we can lose Dattebayo" Naruto said like he already won the match.

Kirito just sighed and looked towards Naruto. " How the hell I teach this stupid brother of mine that he needs to be a little more wistful especially when he is fighting."

"I will go first then" Haku said and started forming hand signs. Kirito noticed this but he did not give too much attention to Haku because no matter how fast Haku is, nothing gets unseen by Kirito's Observation Haki.

Kirito immediately turned around and found Sakura already near him. Kirito's eyebrows raised a little. " She has gotten fast" Kirito wondered what kind of training Tsunade made her go through.

The punch came towards Kirito and he was ready. He swiftly grabs her ankle and turns his entire body to drag Sakura with him.

It was very similar to what Po learned in Kungfu Panda 2. The real harmony of and control of external force.

With skilful movement, he redirects Sakura's punch towards the ground. 

"While I am fighting you, let me teach you something useful.

Never only rely on power, your own power can be used against you. You all need skills even before power." Kirito said with a smile.


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Hope you like the chapter.

Thanks for hitting the stone goal. There will be a additional chapter after this today

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