

- The Void -

In the void a soul could be seen floating around ''Ah, finally dead, its so quiet here'' the soul said closing its eyes embracing the peace of eternal slumber that it never got on its shit life on earth...

''Wake up!'' some-one said and light began to envelop the Void.

''Fuck! cant a man just get his sleep!''

''No, i have a question for you mortal do you wish for a second life?" The voice coming out of the light said.

''Is it gonna be as shitty as my previous one?''

''No, this life is gonna be 100 % different then your life on that low tiered mortal planet named earth'' The voice said.

''Then fuck yeah! wait a minute who are you?''

''well i am a God or what other degenerates call me, ROB'' The voice said with a mocking tone

''so your saying that you are a Omnipotent being''

''Yes i really am, now do you accept the chance at a second life'' The voice said

''Yeah so like are you going to send me or am i gonna get wishes?

''Oh yeah i almost sent you without those''

''Wait what''

''Nothing five wishes nothing more nothing less'' The voice said revealing itself to be an old man.. with white hair and a long beard which seemed to exist for the sole purpose of being rubbed sagely

''Hmm i dont know''

''Alri- wait what?''

''Ooh! i know your supposed to be omniscient right?''


''Great! gimme some suggestions''

''Wait a sec''

''Pssh no worries i got infinity time inside here''

''Alright here it is'' The old man came back with a White A4 paper with five suggestions written on it, it says

1. Arc of embodiment, The magic to create anything out of thin air with your imagination.

2. Multiverse travel, Able to travel the infinite multiverse.

3. Inside universe, A universe inside you [ no homo ] once you enter you will be able to do anything such as ''want to learn a God tier technique, just go inside the universe and within a hart beat its comprehended beyond perfection even better than the creator of the technique''

4. System, simple a system but you can choose what type of system


''Yeah, i could work with this but i want to change two things if possible''

''And that is?''

'' Change Arc of embodiment to Denial of nothingness since well Arc of embodiment is just a nerfed denial of nothingness, and change the immortality to Primordial body since well its potential is infinite and it evolve's infinitly ''

''Sure kid, alright which universe do you want to begin with and you can choose the appearance of your body''

''Hmm, lemme start which MHA that seems to be easy as long as i avoid the All for creep, i'm good and about the appearence... 1... 2... 3... done!, alright thanks grandpa ROB'' the soul said

''Thanks, whats your name kid?'' ROB said

''My name...'' the soul said and stopped in motion seemingly having ptsd flashbacks

''My name you know what ill go for a new one''

''Alright goodbye kid have a good immortal life with your future waifus now'' the ROB said winking

''Thanks'' the soul said before dissipating like it was never there

''Haa he reminds me of my child'' the ROB said ...

Hey... how's it going? my first Fan Fic hope the prologue wasn't bad

Immortal_Assholecreators' thoughts
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