
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · Filem
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140 Chs

Start of Voyage

Max and others introduced themselves to Ace, and Deuce also awakened; at first, he was apprehensive of Max and others, but with Ace's encouragement, he began speaking with Max and others as well.

"So, you guys are repairing your ship. Can we come with you too?" Ace asked after Max lied to him, saying that they were temporarily staying on this island until their ship got repaired.

"Hmm, you can," Max replied.

"But I have a better idea," Max continued.

"Tomorrow morning we will duel; if I win, you two will join my crew, and if you win, I will join yours. How about it?" Max said calmly, trying his best not to smile.

"If I win, will that ship belong to me?" Ace asked after a moment of time.

"Yes, if you win, you will be the captain of the ship," Max replied.

"Good, then we will fight tomorrow." Ace nodded, and Max smiled happily.

Deuce and the others on the side didn't say anything, but Felicia smiled, Deuce frowned, thinking how simple-minded Ace is, and Bucky nodded.

Max then created a house with four rooms, as he didn't need sleep but his partners do. He then left others and went back to working on the ship; his ship will be complete by morning.

"How strong is he?" Deuce asked Bucky after seeing Max create a small wooden house just by touching a tree.

"I don't know," Bucky replied honestly, as he also didn't know how strong Max was.

"No matter how strong he is, I will defeat him," Ace smiles and says out loud.

Deuce, Felicia, and Bucky shake their heads at the carefree Ace.

Next Morning

"Hahahaha, it's ready!" Max laughed and looked at his master piece.

The ship he built is a combination of fantasy and sci-fi elements; its outer body is similar to Black Pearl, with a carved angel with three pairs of wings in the front, and from inside, it's equipped with all modern facilities. The ship is white and blue in color, with three visible canons on each side and a machine gun at the front. The ship also contains an array of secret armaments.

The ship has no sails because it is powered by Anulax batteries. Max's ship can also be turned into a submarine or an aircraft.

"As for the name, I am going to call it 'Angel of Destruction', "Max said, looking at the ship.

Max then went to the wooden house he had created and saw others grilling fish.

"You guys became addicted to grilled fish?" He inquired because, although they are not currently in need of food, Bucky and Felicia are still devouring the grilled fish with great enthusiasm.

"It's not our fault; this fish tastes so delicious, plus it eases the pain of training very fast," Felicia replied.

"Yes, our recovery increases drastically after eating this fish." Bucky nodded as well and spoke.

After hearing these, Max pondered, "Maybe the food here is another reason for the abnormal physique of these people in this world." He refrained from eating the fish last night since he believed it wouldn't taste well just by cooking on flame.

"Give me one too," Max said, and Bucky passed him the grilled fish.

Biting the fish, Max commented, "It's really tasty."

After eating six more grilled fish, he called them to show the ship he had built.

Bucky, Felicia, Ace, and Deuce followed after Max and saw a big white and blue ship.

"Awesome!" Ace shouted like a kid, seeing the ship.

"You really built this giant in one day and night?" Felicia asked, seeing the massive ship.

"Yes, now let's go inside." Max nodded, and a ladder dropped from the ship. Max and others climbed the ladder.

Ace, just after entering the ship, dragged Deuce to explore the whole ship.

"This ship is self-navigating, correct? Otherwise, if it's manual, I don't think a few people will be able to drive it," Bucky questioned as he boarded the ship.

"It's automatic; I installed a small A.I. in the ship; we just have to order it, and it will move to wherever we want." Max gave a nod, adding in his heart, "Building a ship with a Remaker ring is simple; the labor-intensive part was building the ship's engines, weapons, and other components."

"Hey, Max What's the name of this ship, and how are we going to maneuver it without sails?" Ace questioned, and Max pondered whether Ace had actually seen the entire ship in so short of a period or had only come back to inquire.

"This ship's name is Angel of Destruction, so how about we fight? You didn't forget about last night's agreement, right?" Max smirked and challenged Ace to a fight.

"Of course, let's fight, and then I will be the captain of this ship," Ace smiled and said.

"Okay, let's go back to the beach." Max nodded and led everyone back to the beach.

Max and Ace then confronted each other on the beach as others looked on from the sidelines.

"Who will be winning?" Deuce inquired.

"Max, it's obvious," Felicia said, and Bucky agreed.

Deuce nodded as well; he believes Ace will lose to Max.

Ace rushes at Max, attempting to hit him in the skull. Max just leaned slightly, parried Ace's fist with his left hand, and punched Ace in the gut with his right hand. Ace groans while clutching his stomach as a result of Max's punch.

"Just accept defeat; you will never be able to defeat me," Max stated as he noticed Ace clutching his stomach.

"Don't joke with me!" Ace yelled and raised his head, accidentally releasing his Conqueror Haki.

"This kid has conquered Haki," Bucky and Felicia exclaimed, feeling the Ace's pressure.

The Ace Conquerors Haki pressure causes Deuce to tumble back to the ground, as he never before came in contact with it.

"Edward said Haki is the King's symbol, and he has it, which means he's a really talented guy," Felicia added, and Bucky agreed.

They had much more Haki experience than Ace is releasing; Edward's Conqueror Haki can make them paralyzed compared to Ace Haki, who is like someone tickling them, so they didn't feel any pressure from it, unlike Deuce, and they already learned how to awaken Conqueror Haki from the Haki training guidebook, which was to stimulate it with other conqueror Haki.

Max, Selene, and Peter were the only ones who were able to awaken Conqueror Haki after Edward discharged his Conqueror Haki and tried to stimulate others' Haki. The rest of them lack it.

And now they see a stupid youngster using it; they don't know how to describe how they feel right now.

Max smirked and released his Conquerors Haki; unlike Ace's childish Haki, Max Haki made them feel like they were standing in front of a giant who could easily crush them.

And this is when Max just directed it at Ace. After only a few seconds of conflict, Ace was unable to handle Max Haki and fainted.

"Carry him to the ship, and let's go and start our adventure." Max remarked as he started walking back to Ship.


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