
in marvel with gacha

The story is under rewrite so you can start from start to get idea or start after the skip part. Mc got transmigrated in marvel au and got gacha any character other than mc belong to their original owner this is a fanfiction

gacha927 · Komik
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38 Chs

can't run anymore

The mutants raced through the forest, their urgency heightened by the looming threat of a secret organization. The dense trees seemed to close in as they sprinted, their breaths visible in the cool evening air. X23 led the group, her senses finely tuned to every rustle and crackle that might signal impending danger. The dim light of the forest flickered, casting long, dancing shadows between the branches and amplifying every sound.

Without warning, the forest's serene quiet was violently shattered by a blinding flash and a deafening explosion. Havoc's energy blast tore through the trees with explosive force, carving a path of devastation that forced the mutants to scatter in all directions. The ground shook violently under the blast's impact, and the intense heat scorched the edges of nearby foliage, causing the once-lush greenery to curl and blacken.

As the dust and smoke settled, the mutants quickly regrouped, but the damage had already been done. The explosion had illuminated their position to the unknown operatives, who emerged from the shadows with lethal precision and purpose. What was once a sanctuary had now transformed into a deadly trap. The operatives moved with swift, calculated motions, their presence a dark omen in the encroaching twilight.

Laura, her claws extended and eyes scanning the perimeter with sharp focus, assessed their precarious situation. "We need to hold them off," she commanded, her voice steady despite the chaos swirling around them. "I'll create a diversion. You all find a way out—now! Don't waste time; every second counts!"

The operatives closed in with relentless precision. Their coordinated tactics and superior training were evident as they tightened their encirclement around the mutants. The mutants braced themselves for a fierce confrontation, acutely aware that every second could be their last.

At a distance, Coulson and his S.H.I.E.L.D. team reached the perimeter of the clearing. Through his binoculars, Coulson observed the devastation wrought by Havoc's blast and the methodical approach of the unknown operatives. He quickly contacted Nick Fury via a secure line, his voice urgent and filled with concern.

"Sir, we've got a full-scale engagement on our hands," Coulson reported. "The mutants are being cornered by a secret organization whose identity we can't yet determine. The situation is chaotic. This organization appears to have their own mutants and heavily equipped agents, which makes the conflict even more dangerous."

Fury's voice crackled through the comms, steely and resolute. "Understood. We need to capture both groups without escalating the situation further. Reinforcements are on their way, so proceed with caution. Keep your team hidden and continue to observe. We'll strike when we have a clear advantage and can minimize unnecessary casualties. Also, ensure the video feed is active."

Coulson acknowledged the orders with a grim nod, though Fury couldn't see him. "Copy that, Director. We'll maintain surveillance and wait for additional support. No unnecessary risks—understood."

As Coulson relayed the orders to his team, they took up their positions, remaining concealed in the shadows. The unknown operatives, relentless and methodical, continued to push the mutants into an ever-tightening circle. Despite their formidable skills and fierce resistance, the mutants struggled against the operatives' coordinated efforts and Havoc's devastating energy blasts.

Laura's team fought with every ounce of their strength and skill, each member leveraging their unique abilities to fend off the advancing enemies. The forest echoed with the cacophony of intense combat—powers clashing, shouts of struggle, and the roars of battle blending into a chaotic symphony against the dark, oppressive backdrop of the forest.

As the minutes ticked by, the stakes grew ever higher. The mutants fought desperately, but their situation remained increasingly perilous. Coulson and his team prepared for their critical intervention, fully aware that their timing would be crucial in shifting the balance and turning the tide of this high-stakes confrontation.


Author's pov

Sorry for short chapter but my mood is not good now. Anyways

For now the harem members from marvel are :

Psylocke, Magik, x23, Lady deathstrike.

You can suggest if I should add someone else.

Also how should mc start relation with them.

How will mc gain loyalty from them ?

Why will they will to do anything for mc and can let him do anything to their body?

Also Comment on following ideas

Save magik from limbo. Save lady deathstrike and Psylocke from Stryker .

Save white Queen from some facility where her clones/children's are made. So free army of telepaths.

Save Destiny and get her and Mystique.

Save Wanda from some facility.

Get storm by saving school children.

Also give ideas for some non canon female characters who will give mc their loyalty.

Comment on question/suggestion regardless when you read