
In Jujutsu Kaisen As Tenjou Yuuya

Thrusted into the world of JJK by the higher beings to become their toy for entertainment follow Damon's journey who now possessed the powers of Yuuya Tenjou along with his door and cheats as he ventures into this unknown world of curses. *** Author here! First of all thanks for reading this. This is my first work so I hope you all won't me mad if I somehow mess this up. The protagonists won't be any good guy like tenjou Yuuya was and would be more of villain and lone wolf kind of guy so I warn you to not read this if you hopes of getting nice and naive kind of main character. I haven't thought of romance as I want this to be more focused on action but I may change my mind in the future. As for Harem or Not? Well that depends upon the future me.. once again thanks for reading

Dragon_7454 · Komik
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23 Chs

Curse Energy

Hey guys!

Before you read the chapter, just know that many things might not go as they did in the plot, and concepts might appear kind of wrong. Even though I'm writing a fic, I can't be sure that what I imagined and understood from the manga and novel might be correct. After all, I ain't a master on these topics, so if I somehow mess it up, please do warn me.


You have acquired the skill [Meditation: 1].

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, surrounded by various legendary plants in his garden, Yuuya closed his eyes and focused within his body.

*(Yuuya's POV)*

Curse energy... a fascinating concept, I must say. A supernatural power wielded by sorcerers, making them capable of achieving amazing feats no normal humans could accomplish.

Cursed energy results from humans' negative emotions, and, as its name suggests, it is dark in nature. It manifests through fear, anger, grief, and other intense emotions that drive human beings to the edge. Depression, envy, jealousy, suffering, and guilt are all potent sources of cursed energy, culminating in cursed spirits. They are born from the accumulation and fermentation of these negative emotions leaking out from humans.

Being able to perform destructive techniques like Ryomen Sukuna, the ability to command elements of nature like Jogo, or destroying an army of curse spirits by just simply uttering a command like Yuta can – there are countless applications of curse energy.

Closing my eyes, entering the state of meditation, I concentrated inside my body, focusing on my stomach.

It was once mentioned that sorcerers have to make cursed energy flow, so most instinctively believe it starts from the negative feelings in their stomach and flows through the rest of the body.

Believing this, I began to focus on my stomach, hoping to find the point where curse energy is believed to be concentrated in one's body.

Skill [Meditation: 1] has leveled up.

As I was in a deep state of concentration, I felt my mind calming down and the degree of my concentration increasing.

As it did, a strange feeling unknown to me began to appear in my body, more specifically on my stomach, where I concentrated my mind, and finally discovered for what I was meditating.

You have acquired skill [Curse Energy Perception: 1].


[Curse Energy Perception]: makes it possible for you to perceive curse energy.

Breaking up from the meditative state, Yuuya looked at the description of the newly acquired skill [Curse Energy Perception]. The skill allows Yuuya to properly perceive curse energy if it's within his range of sense.

As the skill appeared on his status, the information on how to use this skill automatically appeared in Yuuya's mind, which he instinctively activated.

"What's this-"

As Yuuya activated his skill, he couldn't help but be dumbfounded by what he felt. A tremendous amount of curse energy concentrated could be felt, stored in his own body.

The unimaginable amount flowed throughout his body, with his stomach as the center passively.

There was no leakage of any curse energy from Yuuya's body as the curse energy flowed in his body like a raging sea.

"Is this my curse energy?"

Yuuya muttered in disbelief as he perceived his own curse energy, which appeared to be almost never-ending, as he conjured up his status.

- [Tenjou Yuuya]

- Occupation: None

- Level: 150

- Magic: 1500

- Attack: 3000

- Defense: 3000

- Agility: 3000

- Intelligence: 3000

- Luck: 5500

- BP: 5000

Skills: [Appraisal] [Endurance] [Item Box] [Language Comprehension] [Spearmanship: 1] [Meditation: 2] [Curse Energy Perception: 1]

Titles: [Master of The Door] [Master of The House] [Otherworlder] [Person Who Visited A Different World For The First Time]

Yuuya looked at his updated status where a new skill was added that was of Curse Energy Perception, but there was no mention of curse energy in the attribute column.

'Hmm. Though I get curse energy perception, there is no mention about CE in attributes... Hmm, wonder why?'

"...Is this because of the growth characteristics of the attribute?"

Yuuya muttered to himself as he knitted his brows. All attributes in the status can be increased by the use of BP, but curse energy being set at birth and can't be increased further by no possible ways, so maybe because of this characteristic, the CE was not considered as an attribute.

After pondering about this for a while, Yuuya finally reached the conclusion and once again began to look at his inhumane amount of curse energy reserves.

'This amount... was my conjecture true?'

Yuuya couldn't help but question as he observed his massive amount of CE. Previously, Yuuya had mentioned the existence of spiritual power that was similar to CE that Yuuya innately possessed.

The similarities between the spirit power and curse energy were so much that Yuuya previously thought of both being the same in this world. And looking at the large amount of curse energy, the previous wish that both energies be the same seems to have come true.

As mentioned before, Yuuya Tenjou was born with an abnormally large amount of spirit power thanks to his constitution that he inherited from his ancestor, who was a really strong sorcerer in the Heian period before he passed away.

This constitution was responsible for Yuuya gaining that oversized body, which was the result of the storage of large amounts of spirit power in his body, making Yuuya appear short and stunted his growth.

After leveling up and gaining magic power, the side effects of possessing this constitution were nullified, resulting in a change in Yuuya's appearance, granting him the ability to finally wield spirit power, unlocking Yuuya's dormant abilities.

As Yuuya thought about the curse energy and spirit power being the same form of energy, he couldn't help but laugh. 'So, this is how they want to make things interesting?' With "them," Yuuya obviously referred to the higher beings who had made Yuuya's life their entertainment—replacing spirit power with curse energy, giving him talents in the curse department, along with his already overpowered cheats. Nevertheless, Yuuya is grateful for this replacement in talents, as it made things only easier for him.

As Yuuya slowly stopped laughing, he stretched out his hands and thought about manipulating his curse energy over to his hands. It took a few moments, but curse energy in Yuuya's body soon began to gather in his hands, as a red-black colored aura enveloped his hands before flaring wildly in the air like fire.

You have acquired [Curse Energy Manipulation: 1]


Hey Guys!

This is how I introduce curse energy I hope you all like this.. oh by the way I ain't giving yuuya any innate curse technique as you know it would result in him just getting more and more overpowered though being op is what I desire my character to be but I also don't want to make him too broken to the point the fun would be lost.

About addition of magic I think most of you are forgetting one important thing 'a curse can only be exorcised by another curse' this is what Megumi mentioned and in this novel magic won't be able to do much against curses like how spirit power was specific to attack demons in Yuuya's plot.

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