
CH 2 war... war never changes...


I say with deep conviction thinking of all the horror stories my old self heard of homemade weapons exploding. Grabbing a coat and my wallet i leave to buy supplies.

-- 22 2077 --

putting down the last of the food i bought i look at the boxes of food lining the hallways and every available space.

"yea... hopefully no rats get in... or this'll be the biggest waste of my life." i sigh as i look at the boxes, but i wasnt as worried because i thankfully got to buy a small automatic cap maker and found that the vault had another exit with a lift like vault 111 thankfully it was very quiet and hidden... unlike the real one that was in view of everyone and loud as fuck.


"hmm? wait what?" i mumble as i see the reward... taking out the seeds i look at them trying to figure out what they were and after a bit of inspection i figured they were tomatoes.

putting them away i press the avoidance field to see if it had a description or something.



Seeing that i knew 1 thing now... i get zero descriptions only the name of the items i get... great if I ever win some obscure virus and stupidly take it out i am dead.

leaving the vault i look around at my home that had everything that wasnt useful sold I get on my sleeping bag and fall asleep with a radio turned on with the valume up to the max.

-- 23 2077 --

waking up i look outside my home and see all the families are still walking around... if tensed a little with all the nuclear war propaganda.

"these people are all going to die... welp that's there issue im not going to accept randoms into my vault... much less fallout civilians..." i say while turning around and after grabbing anything i hadnt stored inside my vault i head down to my vault.

Entering my vault i press the scout robot reward causing 30 robots to appear infront of me.

the scout robots seeing me give me a salute with 1 of the robots walking up to me. <"SIR UNIT 1 REPORTING FOR DUTY."> the robot says in a synthetic voice.

"uh... unit 1 follow me i need you all to do some important jobs." motioning towards the robots i get them to follow me towards the cryo pods and after telling them what needed to happen i leave 2 there and separate the rest to other the entrances with half and half at the back entrance and the front so if anyone ever gets in.

Walking towards the overseers desk i get on the computer and turn on the lockdown protocols and luckily since this isnt a vault made by vault tec it didnt have the ability to be opened from the outside.

walking around and trying to talk to the robots all i got was literal robotic responses... zero personality to talk with...

"PHHHT... " the radio i had put on to alert me switches channels to a radio station broadcasting what i knew would happen.

"Followed by... yes, followed by flashes. Blinding flashes. Sounds of explosions... We're... we're trying to get confirmation... But we seem to have lost contact with our affiliate stations... W-We do have- we do have... We do have coming in... That's um... confirmed reports. I repeat, confirmed reports of nuclear detonations in New York and Pennsylvania. My God." and then silence... everything freezes as if the world was waiting for the inevitable... and then...



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