
1 : entering the world of hooman

In a secluded space protected by a special barrier there stood a palace and within the palace stood a young man in front a middle aged man who was sitting on the throne ''Um, Father can i finally explore the world of those Hoomans'' The young man asked the man who was his father. The Young man had bright Red hair falling down to his waist and had silky soft skin, and Crimson Red, some might mistake him for a beautiful woman

''they are called Humans, and are you sure, i mean they are greedy, lustful and sinful creatures'' The Man said who also was known as The Flash,the scarlet speedster the one who killed most of the evil speedsters around and who also looked like an adult version of the Young man in front of him except having short hair, [ yeah this version of Barry Allen is still the same except he kills WHICH WOULD BE MUCH EASIER THANK YOU ]

''Pssh, father i am already a Tier 2 speedster within no time i will reach the 3rd Tier'' Bart Allen said

''Hmm, well that is true, but here take this, this is a device that can help you it helped me and even Thawne uses it'' Barry said

''Alright Thanks Father!'' Bart said and grabbed the Device and ran of leaving a trail of Crimson red Lightning

''Woohoo!, alright now that i'm in a secluded space- wait how do work this thing'' Bart was confused until he found a button and clicked on it and a blue holographic female head appeared in front of him [ Hello, My name is Gideon, ] Gideon said

''Woah... what do you do?"'

[Well, just say it and i can help you Bart allen ]

''Wait... you know who i am?''

[ Of course Bart allen the Child of Barry allen the Scarlet speedster, The Flash Ex-Arch Nemesis of Eobard Thawne also known as Reverse Flash ]

''Woah, alright can you bring me to Earth where those humans live''

[That i can do, does Mr.Allen know how to phase? ]

''Of course even Tier 1 speedsters can do that!''

[ Than all you need to do is phase beyond the North Barrier and run for 100 KM And youll reach the town where your father has set made everything ready for you, a house and a citizenship card, and then you can live in the town known as Kuoh Town, and attend Kuoh academy, ]

''Alright! Lets do this!'' Bart Allen said and set off for the Hooman world and ran so fast he was running at 50 Km/h and when he saw the Giant blue barrier stretching up to the sky he phased through...

''Hah!, it worked i am no longer in that hell hole!'' Bart was celebrating since he was living in the protected barrier for his entire life of 15 Years ''Gideon you still there?"

[ Always will be ]

''Phew, alright you said 100 KM but in which direction?''

[ North-West from here and if Mr.Allen gets lost just ask me i have a map of the entire world Present, Past and Future ]

Bart Nodded and Began to run and in order for protective measures, he activated his suiit, but this isn't no normal suit where he only is wearing FUCKING EYE PADS no it covers his whole face- imagine its like Iron man's face thingy with the technology except the suit is all black and blue eyes like that bitch, zoom. but zoom has a leather suit, instead bart has Titanium armor Given by his Father.

''Wow, so this is what a human town looks like'' Bart said after arriving he pushed a button an the side of his face and his armor folded into each other, and was looking marveled at how Humans look exactly like the speedsters except more ugly, a bonus given by the Outer God of speed Yomagn'tho.

''Well, then Gideon show where my house is'' Bart said and Gideon answered.

[ Here a message from your father, this will explain everything = Hello, Bart if your reading this then that must mean you have reached kuoh just go to the house close to the school, since its simple for you, also Gideon will give you your, Citizen Card and then try to learn as much about the Humans and once you have broken through you must come back to us, Your house will show on the Card] After the message finished playing a Citizen card came out of a little card shaped hole with all the information, on it of course human information.

''Since there is no Moon or Sun in the Speedster's Dimension, then this must mean that i will learn how to do this thing human do, what was it called gideon, when humans in the night when they are tired and lay down''

[ Sleep, its called sleep ]

''Woah, alright i am going to sleep'' Bart said and Ran to his house within a Pico-Second arrived there.

''Alright so do i just lay down and go to sleep?''

[ Simple as that ]

''Oh, yeah i can already feel it...'' Bart said slowly falling asleep and this is well a story of a not so naive boy but rather a kid who just wants to learn about the outside world

my chwest hurts i shat so hard my large intestine became the G- nevermind you don't need to know that

Immortal_Assholecreators' thoughts
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