2 God?

And my vision starts to go black, I knew it I was dead.

as my vision was going black, I see a yellow light shining in the darkness, as it gets brighter...

A humanoid object appears in front of my sight, it looked holy.

"Greeting, my children". said the creature. "I am the god of rebirth, Veralo".

I try to make a sound, but nothing comes out.

"you may now speak". he says with a wave of a hand.

I try to produce a noise and "WHERE AM I AM I DEAD". comes shouting out of my mouth.

"yes you are 'dead', but I'm here to give you an second chance in another world". said veralo

"are you serious this is just like the novel I was reading last week". I say

"Just like that, truth be told I very fond of you". veralo says " I've been interested in you since the day you were born, and now your 'dead' I'm here to give you a second chance".

"you mean I get reborn in another world"? I say "do i get some sort of god powers like the novels"

"hmm, how about I'll grant 3 of you wishes for you new life" said veralo

"yes" I say smirking with a little frown.

"I want the ability of being pretty much unkillable"

"I want the ability to summon legendary items"

"and I want to be born powerful" I say

"ok, ok" veralo replies with a sigh "let me send you off now"

My vision suddenly turns black and I feel my body hit the ground...

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