
Imprisoned by Silk and Gold.

"You hit your head, Delany. You hit it when you were six. You looked dead, probably why your brother left you alone." "I don't have a brother dad and you don't have a son." Thomas looked broken and his eyes started to water. "I have a son. He is 12 years older than you. He has black hair and hazel eyes. He looks just like your mom! Thomas's eyes watered. Your brother had been brainwashed by his luna bitch to take out her rival pack...and that was us, Delany. Your brother killed my wife and led the attack on our entire pack. They slaughtered everyone, women, children men they killed everyone!" "This is the lowest shit you could ever pull dad." "Just look for yourself. Like I said. you lost your memory. You woke up and couldn't remember anything except for me and your mom i thought it was blessing in disguise. it meant my baby girl didn't have to remember the mass genocide of her entire pack. I mean just look at the photobook. It's all their." I couldn't help watch my teary-eyed father break down. He pointed to a photo book on the table and I reluctantly picked it up. Of course, I wished there was some magical excuse for his shit but I knew this idea was absolutely absurd. Until I opened the photo book. My head suddenly spun and an inner voice told me to keep going. Going through the pictures was startling. There I was, running around with distant but familiar kids. I had grandparents, and they looked in love with me. And I had a brother! My dad was right, he looked like my mom. Actually, we looked a lot alike too. Memories of a past life flooded my mind. I'm from a pack of werewolves. A large and happy pack. And then my stomach dropped. My brother's wedding was a murder scene. I watched as my memories flooded back into me and I watched my loved ones being slaughtered by my brother's mates pack...on his command! My heart began to break as I watched my mother's sad eyes. She had amber color eyes. They were soft and loving and I watched as she was sliced apart by large wolves. Her eyes her distorted and bloody. She was gone. How could I ever forget? I fell to the floor in pain and a voice told me to hold it together. "I know how rough I've been on you but I needed a wolf. And I thought if I was rough, you would..." I had so much anger. I wanted to rip my brother apart. I wanted to slice that mate of his into a million pieces. "I know what you were thinking dad. You were thinking about uncle Peaty. You were thinking of how his anger changed him into his wolf at 10 years old. I wish I could have been a stronger daughter for your father. I wish I could have been there for you." I stood up with a sense of conviction. I finally understood it. My father had dealt with the over baring pain of the loss of his entire pack. As Alfa, the pain must be unimaginable. During the slaughtering, he felt each one of his pack members pain and fear. He would have felt each and every one of their deaths. The burden he felt, brought tears to my face. I couldn't help but run into the arms of the man I waited my whole life to get away from. "I missed you, dad! I'm so sorry." "I missed you too, baby girl! It's good to have you back!" This was like having a reunion with someone I hadn't seen in years and then it was interrupted. BANG. BANG. BANG...The front door flew wide open.

PiperShea · Fantasi
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19 Chs

Chapter 10: This means war


Delaney was beautiful. She looked absolutely stunning. Her coat was gold and shined like the sun it's self. Her eyes were still green but they looked like glistening emerald gems instead of her normal jade color.

The longer I looked at her the more I could feel our mate pull. It's was intense. Kodiak and I are completely in love.

Delaney was the most overwhelmingly beautiful wolf I had ever seen and she was all mine. . I could feel her giving herself to us.

Now that she had completed her wolf transition her mate pull towards me would have strengthened. Our pull will eventually be so strong one of us could go mad if we chose to ignore it, some wolves have even died. Even Kodiak wanted to mark her here and now. He couldn't ignore it. It was like she was compelling us to move closer to her. I want her...no, I need her.

I can hear Ronan's wolf growling. He isn't about to let this happen. Amalie was small but quick she jumps in between us and lowered her head in a protective stance. She links with me, "Sir. do you want me to rip his throat out for you?"

I consider her offer but Delaney falls to the floor breaking the pull she had on Kodiak and I and my overpowering lust subsides so I can focus again. I watch Delaney's body withers back to her human state and I answer Amalie. "Don't let him follow us, Amalie." I know this is a dangerous order to give.

I switch with Kodiak and pick Delaney up in my human form. She feels like she is burning up. I need to get her to a pack doctor.

I feared for Amalie but I can't help being selfish. This was my mate and I have to help her. I didnt have time for a weak ass alpha who wants what's mine.

I can hear thier battle cries behind me but I don't turn back, even when I hear a tear-jerking shriek.

I know Amalie is hurt but surprisingly Ronan still hasn't made it passed her. That girl has earned my respect. Delaney chose a good friend. I'm glad I didn't kill her.

I look down at my sleeping beauty and realize the mark on her sholder changes so many things. I need to alert the authority. They will be looking for the new royal.

My stomach dropped. Will I have to protect her from them? I have to get back to the authority and explain things.

Amalie POV

"Don't let him follow us, Amalie." That was all my wolf needed to hear. Our future Alpha gave an order. This fucker won't get passed us. My wolf Lynn looks at the Alpha in front of her. He is large and known to be violent and malicious. But that doesn't mean shit to me. Our pack is raised tough and I'm no exception. I have 5 brothers and I know how to fight and I know how to kill. If he touches Delaney or Luca he will die.

Ronan let's out a bone-chilling growl. I'm in his way. I understand he wants me to move but that's not happening.

Luca picks up Delaney to leave and this makes Torak howl in anger and then he charges. This is it. Lynn takes the full brunt of the attack. She snaps and snarls taking chunks of his fur with her daring him to try to get passed her. As ally packs of this territory, I've been privy to Ronan's wolves fighting habits. He never loses and I know I'm not evenly matched at all. I give a wicked smile. I might not be evenly skilled but I know he always jerks to the left before his attack. HUDGE mistake shit head. Lynn plunges as he darts left and we take his front leg and snap. He whines and plunges his teeth into my neck for revenge. Lynn lets out a horrible cry. The pain is excruciating. He won't let go. He trots around in a circle with my neck still in his mouth proving a point. He bits down hard putting me in my place. I let out a horrible cry. I can't help it. It hurts so bad now. My breath is short.

After a minute he spits Lynn out we can finally breathe. But did I mention I have five brothers? Well, I do and they don't let people mess with there baby sister. As Lynn picks herself up I see my brothers charging in, in wolf form, forming an attack circle around Torak.

I shake my self off and try harder to get up. I fall on my first attempt making my brothers snarl in anger.

But im not weak. I get up to join my older brothers. This is going to be one hell of a fight.

Torak howls. His howl was a call and we knew what that meant. He was calling his pack.

"Little sis, what did you do?" One of my brothers asked quickly linking with me. I guess he wanted to know what we were about to die for.

"It's an order from our future Alpha. We can't let him get passed us. He wants our future luna."

My brother quickly understood. No wolf can resist the order from an Alpha even if its the future alpha and especially if it's to protect our further luna.

I was right that there was going to be a war. I just thought it would be tonight.

"We understand my brothers said in unison.

My oldest brother took point. "Let's take this guy down then."

By now Ronan's pack was amassing out of the tent quickly transforming into a wolf form getting ready for a fight. Luckily the black claw pack was quick to put the pieces together. Friends that had just been inside together enjoying each other's company we're now separating and locking in battle. It was utter chaos until a loud booming voice erupted over the field and past the forest behind us. Everyone froze, even Ronan. The academy principal stood tall and menacing over the crowd. "End this now or suffer the consequences."

"F*ck, that guy is scary!" I say as I drop to the door and passout.