
Shrimp Behind Stones

[Mia's P.O.V]

"Stupid Arte. What is her problem anyways? Just because I trusted her to take care of Hani, she thinks she can say whatever she wants?" I thought aloud. I am practically fuming. She barely knew Reuban. How could she just run her mouth about him? Saying such a nasty stuff.

I turned on the radio and plugged in my USB drive which had angry music collection. The song Black Blood by SUSPECTS played. I cranked up the volume and sped up. I really cannot move on from her accusations. Con artist? Please. He's the sweetest man I have ever met. I should know that better.

I drove straight to his home. I parked my car in front of his entrance and gave him a call. I know he still isn't asleep since the lights in his house are still on.

"Sugar. It's nearly 11 PM. What's up?" he answered. His voice still sounds sweet. How could anyone say that he's a con-man?

"Yeah, babe. I'm here actually. You think you can let me in?"

"Oh, sure. Hold on." He ended our call and few seconds later, the gate opened. I drove in and parked at his porch. As I got down the car, he came out of house with only his pj pants.

"Oh, darling, isn't it cold?" I asked, walking towards him auto locking the car.

"I was. Until I saw you." he answered, biting his lip. I went into his embrace and we kissed for quite sometime. When we finally done, he asked,

"What's the matter? Didn't you had dinner with your friend earlier? Why the long face?"

Tears started welling up my eyes and it dropped even before I could wipe it off. As I started crying, Reuban escorted me into his house and brought me to sit on the sofa of his living room. He went to his kitchen and offered me a can of beer. I took it, snapped the lid open and gulped it down. All this while he only sat next to me and patiently waiting. Even at this point I got angrier at Arte for accusing Reuban like that. If only she met him, she'd knew that she's wrong about him.

I after calming down a bit. I leaned back into his outstretched arm on the sofa.

"Darling. You'd never lie to me right?"

"Of course not. What would I lie to you about?" he asked calmly while caressing my hair.

"About your ex-fiancé. You guys really fell out of love right?"

Right after I said that, he stopped caressing my hair. My heartbeat increased. Why isn't he answering me? Since that's what he said before, he really should answer me in a flash. What's the hesitation? Just before I turned my head to look at him, he got up from the sofa and kneeled down in front of me. He gently held my hand and looked at me with his beautiful puppy eyes.

"Mia, my sweetheart. Could I possibly be lying to you at all about this? It really is true. She and I really broke off our engagement because we realised that we were not meant for each other and we shouldn't force ourselves anymore. As much as it was painful at that time, you came into my life at the right time. Like an angel, you became the remedy of my broken heart. I can never forget how beautiful you were at that time and your beauty never fade even now."

With those wonderful words, he kissed my hands, coaxing my anxious heart. I felt more at ease now. I smiled at him and looked at him endearingly. He too looked at me with endearment and a little concern too.

"But baby, why would you ask about it? Do you not trust me anymore?" he asked. I felt severe pang of guilt at his question. Great, stupid me, way to go in making him feel bad just because I feel insecure at someone else's words.

"No baby. I trust you, 100 percent. It's just something my friend said. Probably she is just jealous of us that she ran her mouth as she pleases." I said. I hope that is assuring him enough that the problem in the question I asked was me and not him.

"What did she say exactly?" he asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Well, she said that you actually broke up with your ex not because of you guys falling out, but because you... um... you cheated her money." I said guiltily.

He giggled and pecked me on the forehead. He sat at my side and hugged my shoulders.

"I think your friend is just worried about you. She's probably tired that she have to balance her life with the baby, so she just say things like this accidentally. Don't worry about it so much. Why don't you wash up and stay here for the night? You must be tired." Reuben said while massaging my arms.

"Yeah. Guess I'll do that. I'll go and wash up babe." I said and gave him a peck.

[Reuban P.O.V]

Ah damn. That chick is a royal pain in the ass. How did she found out about me? I knew she was a trouble the moment I talked to her in the phone.

Well, good thing Mia is completely wrapped around my little finger, or else all my plan would have been completely shattered. Guess I'll need to watch her, huh.

"Hello, yes. I need to you to follow someone. I'll send you details later. Find out about her as much as you can."

With that, I ended the call.

"Baby..." Mia called out to me. I got up and went to coax her more.

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