
Life and Death

Ever since Tom has left the Void his powers felt strange and would feel as if there were thinking for them selves, then he suddenly fell unconscious. The others all gathered around him in hopes of reawakening him.

"Where am I?"

"You are with us for now" said a mean yet cute young girl.

"Who are you?" Asked Tom as he looked around.

"I'm life, over there is my brother Death that's who you are here to see I don't want you in here." She said pointing to a little boy.

"Life and Death, great names, why were you named that?"

"Because I decide who lives and he decides who dies." She said in a rude tone.

"Well she choses who lives then she gives me the people she doesn't want anymore" said the young boy.

"What? So Lie you chose who lives then you just give Death them when you don't want them anymore, which kills them?" Said Tom.

"Yes, it's always been that way." Said Death before his sister said anything, "before I continue don't worry you are alive, this isn't you heading to heaven to meet our dad. No, you're here for me to talk to you about the time an orb flew into your chest. That awakened your powers of earth and whatever. But before that you had a special power already in you, but it was turned off. That power was from the death crystal."

"Why didn't it work, in fact it still doesn't work." Said Tom.

"Because I hadn't activated it for you yet as it is the most powerful crystal along side Life and no one should have both as them could any human tell them apart from a god, just imagine if they had all the crystals they would be a god in your universe. You can't let anyone do that by the way. Anyway it technically did always work as it boost your powers and now you can control the dead and other things related to death so have fun." Said Death.

"Also you said something about your dad in heaven. Is your dad God?" Asked Tom

"No, well yes. He's not called God, he's called the One True Deity and he is very powerful as you would expect from someone with that name." Answered Death.

"You're awake!" Yelled Jay.

"We thought you could have died." Said Simon.

"I didn't die but I did meet Life and Death." Said Tom, "Death was kind. Life on the other hand seemed a little mean."

"Are you challenging Life to a fight?" Asked Olli jokingly.

"No I couldn't fight her, she looks about 7, despite probably being billions upon billions of years old, but I do think I would win in a fight." They continued to talk about Tom's meeting with Life and Death and he warned them all about the existence of all the crystals and that he had one himself.

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