

The heroes on the surface had basically finished off all their enemies and the city was filled of their corpses. After the last few went down they all got together outside the house they were previously resting in. Jay looked up in sky to see the ship of their destroyed foes, he smiled but Metal Man then looked up and his suits sensors went crazy, "Guys! There's a gas coming for us! Get inside!" They all quickly ran inside the house and Godspeed closed every window in the house.

"Are we all in danger from this gas?" Asked Ty as he looked over to Metal Man.

"I can't tell. It's safest if we all stay in here though."

"I agree and I'm sorry but you're Tom is going to get locked out as I'm now activating lockdown." Said The Stone Ninja as he walked over to a switch and flicked it. Every window and door then had several inches of metal appear in front of it.

"That's fine, my father would die to suck a gas and neither would I so I'm teleporting out of here and I'm going to him!" Said Ty, he then teleported up to the captains quarters where he saw Tom hovering a golden blade over Damien's body. Tom looked over to the corner of the room that his son appeared in, he smiled and said, "Son, I can kill him. But I can't."

"What do you mean! He is a galactic threat, no, he is a threat to the multiverse!" Shouted Ty, "If he is not stopped then he will only kill more!"

Ty then walked over and also formed a golden blade from his hand, "I'll kill him if you don't!" Ty pushed his blade to Damien's throat and looked at his father, Tom turned around and walked over to the ships window, "He can't die." Said Tom, "He just can't, because he is a part of me and I had the death crystal at the time of his making. So stab him, it's only a small hurdle." Tom the turned back around to see his son midway through swinging his arm, he sliced directly through Damien's head and it went flying across the room, "He can't die, but he also can't live without a head!" Ty looked down on the corpse and saw its arms twitch, the body rose from the floor and limped over to its head and stuck it on hit neck where his body the healed it back into one piece, "Us three here in this room are immortal, you're friends aren't though, they could die." Said Damien as he disappeared from the ship. Tom and Ty looked at each and then looked the out of the window on the ruined city. They ship the ceased to exist and they both fell down to the surface. They both performed a perfect and in sync landing with hundreds of spins before landing on the floor without even bending their knees.

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