
Impaired Heart

Young and wild. They both explore their carnal desires until the inevitable. At sixteen she was pregnant with the MC child. A poor lad with a humble background. She was forced to abort the abomination while the MC was made to flee for his life. They both escape their hometown with an impaired heart. Will time repair the hearts. Bringing back the teen couple to each other embrace. Sit tight and enjoy how fate toys with the young teenagers in love until all puzzles are fixed.

Whi_s_per · Masa Muda
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36 Chs

Little boys seek trouble

Elaine slept until 9 a.m. She grudgingly did the needful. Today, she felt like going rogue. Maybe visiting the Saphila University without her flashy escorts.

She made a plan to keep touring the Saphila region, but in disguise. Heading out with Apple will place a big target on her. The ministers and business gurus she provoked won't rest until they assassinate her, no matter the cost.

Having Nebula take on the secret escorts mission. She required two agents who had to act as her best friends, which would be nice. What was his name again? Aha! Lucas. She has to book a reservation for the whole day with Lucas.

This idea was too wide. Apple kicked bitterly against it, but Elaine was too stubborn to listen. She reluctantly did her bidding, but she had already made sure her secret escort was in place. The main escorts were Ann and Cody, who were to act as couples enjoying the Saphila South region with her.

Lucas will meet with them at the exit door of the mansion. When everything was okay and they were good to go, Apple made sure she gave Elaine an identity card to smooth difficult places for her. She escorted her to one of the mansion's secret escape ways, which connected to Elaine's huge personal library.


A maze-like trap was conceived in the secret paths. Without a map for wandering in and out, one can kiss goodbye to leaving the maze alive. Sophisticated, deadly traps await all intruders.

The full mansion's map was with Elaine. She studied it for a while before carefully storing the map in its safe position. If there is a mistake and some random person gets a hold of this map, it will be a catastrophe. A lifetime of horror will begin. She had pissed off a lot of powerful people who wanted nothing but bloody revenge on her for acting out of place.

She exited the maze with Ann and Cody and contacted Lucas, who would pick them up at the agreed location.


Ten minutes later,.

In a coffee shop by the roadside. Two lovebirds were seriously confessing their love. The third wheel was almost having difficulty holding back her laughter. The singles were seething in anger to the point of causing murder. Two stupid love birds were ruining their day.

At last! Lucas, the private taxi driver, came to the rescue.

Ringtones ~

Elaine picked up the call. Soon, Cody settled the bill, and they left for the cab.

Inside the cab.

"Where to, boss?" The chatterbox was eager to begin a conversation.

"The Saphila University. I have heard a fable tale of it, but I have yet to see its magnificence with my very eyes." Elaine praised some of her wording. She aimed at getting some juicy buried news from the chatterbox of a driver.

"Haa! Back in the peak years of Saphila University, students were like the sand of the desert. Those days, I wanted nothing but to gain admission to the prestigious university. Not for the sake of having brag rights but for the alluring seductress and human succubus who are visibly everywhere jiggling the assets here and there. My only target was to hook on to the heel of someone who would keep me for fun.

Fret not! I was insanely handsome in my youth. Ahem! Where was I? Ehen, if I was successful in hooking on to one of those stinky rich ladies, I would have taken off by now."


Now, the couples are no longer role-playing. They were enjoying the chatterbox tales.

Their journey was never calm. The taxi driver seems to be a bottomless pit with bellies filled with tales. From one story to another, he never stopped for once. Elaine, Ann, and Cody got interested in numerous of his tales. They listened obediently, like a child listening to a bedtime story.

A lot of turn on the major roads leading to Saphila University. They saw the famous university, which shook the south region of the new continent.

The university spanned acres large enough to swallow two small countries. There are four exit gates at Saphila University. The taxi driver came through the eastern gate of the university. A well-guarded entrance gate with serious security officer who won't take no for an answer if lawbreakers are caught.

They were stuck at the entrance of the eastern gate. They were not allowed into the university premises until the taxi driver came to their rescue. He has a niece who is currently a student at the university. He occasionally visited her and knew the drill on how to see her.

He quickly processed the visitor's entry pass, which required them to leave the university premises before 4 p.m. today.

It was enough for Elaine to understand Saphila University. Where should she start? There was nothing great about listening from the horses mouths, which are the alumni.

A few steps into the evening study lawn, near the eastern entrance gate. A group of male students was relaxing and discussing the irrelevance of life.

Elaine walked along with three others. Her escorts and her secret driver. She tried to minimize her presence because her beauty is always a magnet for trouble.

It failed—woefully!

Whistle ~

A long whistle to attract her attention. The group of boys doesn't care for those walking with her. They out rightly made some bets on who got the lady for their boss in the quickest way. Elaine didn't give a shit about them. She has set her site on the group of girls sitting some meters away from her.

The early group of boys were not loving this. Their decision was to take the girl by force. The boss is interested in you. That is all your reincarnated lives tally on luck. She should feel proud, but she has the audacity to neglect him.


Two male students, who obviously had lackeys written all over them, jumped to their feet. They blocked the front and back of Elaine's paths.

This tactic always works for female students. It ought to work on this new chick. Elaine slowed down her step while staring at the lackeys as dead men walked.

As for the lackeys, they got a knowing smile. It looks as if this tactic of picking up a girl's for their boss will never die.

They thought they got her scared since she was silent. They domineeringly said, "Suspend all your activities for today. Our boss wishes to spend some quality time with you." One of the lackeys said this while pointing directly at Elaine

Cody wanted to make a move, but Elaine stopped him with her eye stare. He knew to lie low. The boss might have figured something out. Why not step aside and enjoy the show?

"Little boys, I do not have spare time to play naughty games with you all. You can see I am extremely busy. Do you mind stepping aside, please?" Elaine spoke in a very polite manner.

She noticed the students had begun to gather around, and these boys might have preyed on most girls with this lousy tactic. It is a pity they have hit a roadblock.

"What is this grammar you are blasting here? Everyone can speak blues. My boss wants to have time with you. Obediently obey the order from above or face our wrath."

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