
Immortality: Live

A desire for the power to live forever would be a foolish option. To begin with, it was never a good idea to wish such mystical and unachievable ability, regrettable as well as creating a devastating result. Perhaps one is fated to change the future of those cherished, but never the past and himself. A boy was chosen by fate to achieve everlasting suffering, the ability to remain alive no matter how much he tries, set on a journey to find what caused this crisis to happen to him, forced to face the calamity ahead of him to continue one's legacy.

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6 Chs

A Nightmare

Inside a familiar cave, Obirus stands, frightened by what was happening. He couldn't even figure out on what just occured anymore. All he saw were the lights of the strange symbols he founds on the cave walls.

"Mado! Everyone... Hey, wake up! What happened to all of you!?"

In a cave where there's no help that can be sent, there is a boy who is in tears staring at his friend's corpses. He was just standing and trembling in fear and soon collapsed with his knees on the ground.

Obirus shouted as he couldn't believe what just happened, he was in disbelief.

"There's... There's no way it's true... It can't be..."

When he turned away, he saw the city in flames. It was in complete destruction and despair. The smoke and fire was spreading all around the whole city. It was as if he's experiencing despair for the first time, considering he was in a fortunate family.

"This... This can't be real.."


"My home!"

Just as Obi was about to run away in a hurry, Madoe spoke before having his last final breathe.

Obirus then ran away while bursting out from tears. The thought at once that he's hopeless, forever. However a glimpse of light can still be seen somewhere in years that is.

"The buildings, the structures, everything is burning! I don't like this! Please save me, someone!"

Obirus finally arrived at his home, but rather it isn't in a good condition. It's but just rubbles.

"Under those... Don't tell me-"

He woke up realizing that he was only having a nightmare, gasping for air.

"So, that was only a dream."


Obirus after a long investigation last night, he became tired enough to even space out during classes.

Obirus: "In the end, we can't even continue further. But we might come back anyway."

Kenneth: "Yo! Obi, you seem unusual today. You look pale, are you tired?"

"Oh, and this is Kenneth Tremoran. He's pretty much an airhead, and lively. There's not much I can describe him however, he's basically that one classmate who doesn't contribute to anything but instead worsen the worst situations.

Obirus: "Yeah, pretty much you're right."

Dan: "Now now Kenny, you should let him rest for awhile before Sir Pancake comes through. He's probably rushing again by now considering, he's always late to start classes."

"Dan Milleor, the top and president in our class. He's our life savior every time there was a question given to us and we couldn't answer. He's probably one of the smartest students in our school. He can get emotional at times but we'll just comfort him anyway and its natural."

Kauro: "Yoo!! What's the fuss in the morning?"

"Kauro Ikari, don't judge him by looks. He actually got anger issues. There's no way to stop him when he goes haywire. Basically the only way to stop him is to make him sleep and he'll forget it when he wakes up. Believe it or not, those types of situations occured for a few times now. No wonder his last name meant anger."

The door then opened and the noise became quiet. It seemed to them that someone had arrived early for the first time.

Sir Pancake: "What's good everyone! Please go back to your seats!"

Dan: "Egh! This guy arrived early for the first time... How could that be?"

Sir Pancake: "Alright, please raise your hand when your last name is called. Attendance we go!"

Kauro: "Don't you think that guy is different than his normal self? He's the type of guy to stay depressed when something terrible happened."

Obirus: "I'm sure he just got motivated or something good had happened."

Sir Pancake: "Ikari?"

Kauro: "Oh, here!"

Sir Pancake: "Milleor... Murakame..."

Obirus and Dan: "Present here."

Sir Pancake: "And lastly... Unme?"

The door once again opened, the last person who was late now arrived just in time when the class were about to start.

Madoe: "Good grief, I'm late now. Anyway... Good morning to everyone! I will enter if you don't mind."

Dan: "Now that reminds me, he wasn't here when we arrived. Now that he's here I guess there's nothing we can get worried about. Because the next class, is supposedly..."

Sir Pancake: "Baking! Today, we're gonna bake and the winner chosen will get the opportunity to make the people you like eat it whole!"

Obirus: "Now that's a troublesome worst scenario, I don't even like anyone here."

The moment Kauro, Dan, and Kenneth heard the prize, they all are driven to nuts as these 3 share the same goals and same person.

Dan: "Chance!"

Kenneth: "I will claim that victory!"

Kauro: "You two sure don't give up. It's obvious that she likes me!"

Madoe: "Now now, there's no time to be arguing. Settle this at once when the baking starts."

Obirus: "There's no helping them, but I'll try avoiding to win."

A moment of silence, Kenneth then raised his hand to ask a question.

Kenneth: "Excuse me sir! Are we going to bake pancakes because your name is Pancake?"

Sir Pancake: "Hey now that's rude! But good question Ken. Today... We are baking cakes!"

Obirus: "Okay this shouldn't be that hard to lose."

Madoe: "How are you so confident on losing?"

Sir Pancake: "Alright then... Preparations done, and... START!"

Kenneth: "Alright mates! It's time to bake!"

Kauro: "Don't mess up the kitchen again you idiot."

Madoe: "This is the worst ever..."

Madoe smelled something, the odor of a smoke. He looked everywhere to know where the smoke is coming from

Obirus: "Work done! This should be good. Now I can lose."

Madoe: "Obi, your apron is burning! What the hell did you even do?"

Dan: "For baking, I need a 1:1:1:1 ratio but I'm missing the sugar. How do I complete this? Look around... look around..!"

Kenneth: "This is no use, I used up all the spares and I feel like I need a special ingredient."

Dan: "So you did take everything! And, those aren't spares! Those are our ingredients, how could you!?"

Kauro: "You poor things, It's so obvious I'm winning her love!"

Dan and Kenneth: "You shouldn't be talking when you haven't even progressed yet."

Kenneth then spotted something glowing, which is...

Kenneth: "Hmm..? Oh! A special ingredient! On the drawer I go..."

When Kenneth grabbed it and was about to put it on his cake... Madoe realized it wasn't an ingredient.

Madoe: "Hey Kenny, how's your... cake... going..? Wait stop! That's not an ingredient, that's a-"

When Madoe was about to tell Kenneth that its something else, the whole kitchen exploded and bursted fire.

Crowd: "Its a school fire! Run outside! This can't be happening right now! I now I can't express my love anymore! There's no way... The masterpiece I'm creating..!!"

Sir Pancake: "Stand back, everyone!!!"

Sir Pancake who came out of nowhere suddenly is carrying a fire extinguisher and used it to stop the fire.

Madoe: "Kenny, what have you done!?"

Dan: "My work..! Impossible..."

Kauro: "You little... You just messed up my work! You couldn't just destroy it when you wanted to! Do you envy me that much!?"

Madoe: "What work are you talking about, you barely put flour on the bowl."

Dan: "That was a sodium, Kenny. Take a hint will you? That's definitely not an ingredient. We all could've died if it was especially a plutonium. But more importantly, what even is a dangerous chemical doing in the kitchen?"

Sir Pancake: "Chemistry, even though our main topic is baking, it's still chemistry."

Dan: "Even though its chemistry, how could you just put a dangerous chemical anywhere easily spotted?"

Sir Pancake: "I wanted to see how you mix different types of ingredients."

Dan: "This guy is dense."

Obirus: "Aw man, it would've been a shame if we all died before we continued to explore the c-"

A hand suddenly stopped Obirus from talking to prevent secrets from being exposed.

Madoe: "Shh! Obi, don't just talk by yourself regarding this, you idiot."

Dan, Kenneth and Kauro out of confusion, asked the two what Obirus was about to mention just now.


Madoe: "Oh that's... That's totally nothing! Hahahahahahaha..!"

Kenneth: "Something's fishy between these two."

Dan: "Alright it's decided... We stalk both of them tonight!"

Later that night after classes...

Seyra: "A whole night? That means you won't be coming home until tomorrow?"

Obirus: "You're right. Don't worry though, nothing bad will happen."

Seyra: "Oh how could I? I'm sure you'll be able to manage by yourself. Maybe you're going away to maybe... Meet a strong mage! Join a group of strong magicians! Fight deformed monsters! Use a weapon or maybe... Fight a chained-sickle weapon expert!

Obirus: "Come on now, quit with your fantasies. Alright, I'll be packing my things now."

Seyra: "Take care sweetheart!"

Madoe outside the door waiting for Obirus greeted him and set out.

Madoe: "Lets go."

Meanwhile... Kenneth, Dan and Kauro who are following Obirus and Madoe, these three are hiding behind walls.

Kauro: "Hey, is this even a good idea?"

Dan: "I'm sure it is, supernatural occuring midnight... This isn't bad!"

Kenneth: "Adventure, adventure..."

For moments of time, Madoe and Obirus finally reached the cave. But the atmosphere changed, the feeling when they first entered through the cave wasn't the feeling they are experiencing the second time.

Kauro: "Hey, those two... Why did they keep this secret? They didn't tell us they were going to go on an adventure!"

Kenneth: "It could've been cool..."

Dan: "Quiet, you two! Stop being dense, they aren't on an adventure. More likely, they are investigating because how could they just go out on night?

Kauro: "You're real right there."

Dan: "Let's just continue watchi...ng? Hey wait, where's Ken-"

Kenneth: "Yo!! What are you guys doing in a ca-"


Kauro: "Why did we even take this guy with us?"

Obirus: "You?"

Madoe: "Why are you here?"

Dan and Kauro then pushed Kenneth, alongside Obirus and Madoe inside the cave. They all fell onto the grounds but then, they heard a boulder closing them inside making them stuck forever.

Madoe: "Huh? What was that noi-"

Before Madoe was about to speak another word, lights everywhere around the corners even above them glowed.

Obirus: "These are..! The symbol I found last night! But there are many of them... Hundreds? No... Thousands!"

Kenneth: "Woah!!! This is cool!"

Dan: "No this isn't at all, can't you see we're stuck here?"

Obirus turned away to see the entrance of a cave, turns out it wasn't a boulder that blocked them. It was a stone gate.

Obirus: "Impossible! This cave... No, this isn't a cave!"

There were 4 more symbols, not lighted up.

Suddenly an orb from above appeared in the center, and spoke making echos inside.

"Preparations... Completed."