
Immortal Throne

David remained a virgin until his death, yet his soul awakened in the ruins of an alien world and accidentally inherited the Immortal Throne. His heritage included but was not limited to: a mini sun of infinite energy; three slumbering ancient guardian gods; a loyal and beautiful maiden named Lynn. With Lynn's assistance, Davi nurtured the strongest magical body, took it as the vessel of his soul, and embarked on a journey to conquer this fantastical world. Savage beasts roamed wildly, demons gathered in multitudes. To survive, he must hone his strength continuously!

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30 Chs

The End of the Goblin

"Lynn, what should I do?" David anxiously asked in his mind.

"It seems you have no way to deal with it anymore, Master. Just leave it to me now!" Lynn's tone was as calm as ever, betraying no panic.

"Alright Lynn, I'm counting on you!" David felt resigned. Rather than being beaten so humiliatingly without learning anything, he might as well let Lynn make short work of this.

Under the goblin king's furious assault, David was completely restrained and unable to fight back.

However, in an instant, the goblin king suddenly sensed an intimidating aura of power...



In a flash, the goblin king felt an overwhelming aura emanating from David's body, giving it pause and making it hesitate to approach this woman any further.

"W-what's going on?" It stopped in its tracks, gazing at David on the ground in shock.

David slowly got up from the ground, his clothes tattered and torn, but his skin still as fair as jade, emanating a faint magical aura that flowed over it.

What terrified the goblin king most were her eyes, now blood-red like a wild beast's, exuding a frightening killer intent that seemed ready to devour humans alive.

"It's time to end this farce." She said calmly, her tone icy with killing intent.

"Huh??" The goblin king was still confused, feeling as if the woman before it had somehow become a different person, completely unfamiliar.


A powerful aura suddenly erupted from David's body. The air within miles instantly froze, and all creatures couldn't help but shudder as an eerie, terrifying energy spread, as if they had entered the depths of hell itself and seen the arrival of the Grim Reaper.

"Before getting to business, let me first rescue the captured humans." She said in a low voice, casually using telekinesis to pull the hostages from deep within the goblin settlement.

"Unfortunately, the other three are already dead. Only Alec's sister is still alive. It seems they wanted to keep her as a bride for the goblin king, which is why they didn't kill her yet." Lynn explained to David mentally.

The hostages were pulled through the air by telekinesis and landed on the hill where the others were waiting.

"Run now." A cold female voice echoed in their minds.

The people immediately came to their senses. Without stopping to chat with the rescued sister, they hurriedly led her to retreat.

By now the goblin king also realized something was wrong. An overwhelming sense of pressure made its hair stand on end and its heart pound wildly.

"It's over, it's over!" The goblin king finally realized they had lost and tried to escape.

"This aura is...could it be Her? I remember my grandfather telling me as a child that the Lost Forest contains countless powerful magics, but it has always had just one true master - the 'Lost Girl'!"

It had thought that by absorbing its offspring's power and activating the "Bloodline Return", its strength, speed and defenses would all increase dramatically, making it invincible.

But now it just wanted to use that power to escape quickly.

However, Lynn just watched it coldly, not worried at all about how far it could get.

She slowly ascended higher into the sky, looking down at the ground where everything seemed tiny. Even the goblin king's massive body was just an insignificant speck of dust down there. Its attempt to flee at high speed looked ridiculous in Lynn's eyes.

"For dealing with monsters who have awakened unusual abilities, using fire magic is the most reliable way to finish them off." She murmured softly, also giving David a reminder to gain experience.

"Flame!" she chanted lightly.

Instantly, a crimson ember materialized out of thin air in her palm.


The tiny flame danced and leapt excitedly in Lynn's palm, like a trapped beast eager to break free.

It swiftly grew and expanded, morphing from a single spark into a gigantic fireball a thousand times its original size in an instant, emitting a deafening "boom."

Its radiance became more and more dazzling, its color changing from orange-red to a searing blue-white, as if Lynn was holding a miniature sun high over her head.

Waves of heat rolled forth, blowing Lynn's hair and clothes about violently. The extreme temperature emitted by the fireball caused the surrounding air to warp and distort, as if it were a massive volcanic vent.


The enormous fireball, having reached its peak, suddenly began to shrink rapidly with a "whoosh" sound.

It diminished back to its original size, but had turned into a twisted, erratic sphere of blue light, giving off an incredibly sharp and terrifying aura of energy.

The air around the light sphere seemed to be sucked in by an invisible black hole, twisting into spirals and emitting an eerie "whoo" sound.

Inside the sphere, energy oscillated and collided at high speeds, booming as if ready to tear the whole world apart.

Lynn's clothes and hair were pulled by the powerful suction. The killing intent in her eyes grew stronger, condensing destructive power capable of smashing anything to dust in her hand.

"Rest in peace!"

Lynn hovered high in the sky, then hurled the blue light in her palm down towards the ground!


The light sphere shot downwards, emitting a piercing sonic boom as it rubbed against the air, like a meteor falling from the heavens, leaving a long fiery tail in its wake.

Vortices formed around the air as the light sphere sliced through it at astonishing speeds with a "zing" sound.

In fact, the whole process likely happened at several times the speed of sound.

"Th-this can't be!" The goblin king already felt the pressure descending from above, but before it could react, the ultra-fast meteor accurately struck it right on its head!

For an instant, the world sank into deathly silence, as if time itself had stopped.

Next, a massive mushroom cloud swiftly bloomed under the goblin king, its raging shockwaves nearly toppling the entire forest.

The roiling mushroom cloud crackled with countless lightning bolts, igniting the surrounding air and bathing the entire sky in dazzling blue light.

The blistering heat turned the earth below an ashen color, vaporizing all vegetation in an instant!


Boom boom boom!!!

After churning and swirling in the sky, the deafening rumbles finally arrived, sending thick smoke billowing towards the clouds.

The ground shook ceaselessly, the reverberating shockwaves even snapping the roots of distant trees and dislodging boulders from cliffs.

Dust filled the air, rising far above the treetops and blotting out the sun completely.

"Whoa!" The people fleeing the battlefield were knocked off balance by the sudden shockwave, some stumbling directly to the ground.

The terrible ripples passed through the air trailing heat, making everyone feel scorched.

"What...what the hell was that?!" The usually refined Alec finally couldn't help but curse.

He was utterly unable to comprehend what had just happened. What kind of terrifying power was this? That woman, could she really be a fairy?

Everyone stared at each other, both frightened and awestruck. Even now they still felt a chill down their spines.

This was far too frightening. Could this really be something a human was capable of?

Alec couldn't help but think back to when he had used the standards for cultivators to judge her as at the fairy level. How naive and laughable that was!

Just what level of powerhouse could unleash such destructive force?

Even the strongest experts acknowledged in the continent probably couldn't reach her degree, could they?

With power of this magnitude, a few more attacks could easily annihilate an entire city. They weren't even on the same scale.

"My god, what did I just witness! This is like an apocalyptic catastrophe!" Alec exclaimed.

"No, in fact from start to finish, the goblin king was merely a plaything in the palm of the goddess. She was just humoring it for a bit longer." Alec now addressed David as goddess, to show the highest respect.

What he witnessed with his own eyes was that despite seeming vicious, all of the goblin king's attacks failed to inflict any real damage on the goddess, at most only reddening her skin slightly.

Yet with one strike, the goddess could cause such massive devastation. This showed just how enormous the difference in their power was.

Her abilities had already far surpassed human limits. She was like the supreme ruler of this world.

By now, even the goblin king with its awakened abilities was probably annihilated without a trace, not even leaving any remains, since it was at the core of the explosion.

"This is truly inconceivable. Goddess, you are far too powerful!" Even Leah was so shocked she couldn't find words, having believed in the True King since childhood and holding immense admiration for the goddess.

The strongest person she had seen before was Commander Joseph, how could she have known there was someone who could unleash such cataclysmic might, practically like a living deity.

Everyone stood dumbstruck, gaping at the massive mushroom cloud churning in the sky. Their faces were pale, still shaken by the experience.

The destructive power had surpassed all their knowledge, even more frightening than doomsday.

"Are you all alright?" David gently descended from the sky and came to their side.

Her robe drifted softly in the wind. Her light green hair cascaded down like a waterfall, smooth and flowing.

Now, everyone looked at her with complex expressions, all trying to conceal the surprise and unease in their hearts.

Even the usually brazen Emma was unusually restrained, mouth slightly agape, cold sweat beading on her pretty face.

Only Leah's eyes shone with adoration and joy. After the initial shock, she quickly revealed a sweet smile and threw herself into David's embrace.

"Goddess, I'm so glad you're unharmed!"

David smiled and stroked Leah's head. Her gaze fell upon the young girl rescued by Lynn.

The frail, bloodless girl lay in her brother's arms. Her face and limbs were covered in wounds both large and small. Her clothes were tattered and torn.

She seemed to have gone through a vicious battle. Though she survived, she was extremely weak and had completely lost consciousness.

"Thanks to you, Goddess, my sister is safe. She has just fainted!" Alec wept tears of joy, which rolled down his cheeks like snapped pearls.

"I'm sorry, but your other three companions had already lost their vital signs." David said heavily.

Hearing this, Alec bit his lip and lowered his head.

"I already knew. There's no way they could've lived until now. This is all my fault, I've failed them..."

"But having Agnes back is an immense blessing. I truly can't thank you enough. From today forth, my life is yours!" Alec said, almost kneeling down before being stopped by the others.

"This isn't the place for conversation. We can talk more back in the village." David said.

Waves of heat continued to wash over them from the explosion's aftermath. The air temperature was high, flames had spread far, and the pained shrieks of goblins could still be heard faintly...

At the epicenter of the blast, no trace of the goblin king remained. In its place was an unfathomably deep crater, with lava churning dimly visible at the bottom, exuding sweltering heat that made it hard to look directly at.

It was like the gates of hell, devoid of any life...

After this disaster, the goblin settlement would surely be crippled beyond recovery, never to regain its former ferocity.

Along the way, the villagers grew increasingly reverent towards the goddess. Only Emma and Leah still dared to approach David. They excitedly discussed the earlier battle, their words revealing admiration for David.

Upon reaching the village, Bernard was immediately surrounded by people. Nearly all the villagers had gathered at the village entrance, gazing southward. The tremors from earlier were distinctly felt here, making them worried some great disaster was impending.

"Chief, Chief, terrible news!" A villager came rushing to report.

"It seems some major event occurred deep in the forest. Earlier there was a burst of blinding flames, with pillars of smoke billowing into the clouds!"

"Yes, I was taking an afternoon nap and suddenly felt shaking. I thought I was just groggy, it felt like an earthquake!" An old woman said, massaging her waist.

After hearing the villagers' account, Bernard was instead relieved, a smile emerging on his face.

"There's no need to worry. This was no disaster, but the tremendous shockwaves created when the goddess vanquished the goblin king. It's a miracle!" Bernard said excitedly.

The people exchanged bewildered glances before reacting, looking upon David with astonishment and awe.

"This is truly inconceivable. She really is a goddess!"

"With such a powerful goddess protecting our village, what more could we ask for!"

Everyone began chatting animatedly. The earlier tension and anxiety melted away. They were filled with admiration and gratitude towards David. With her here, they had the confidence to face any threat.

"The goddess is truly formidable. I was so blind, actually imagining getting a laugh at her expense last night. How foolish of me!" A middle-aged man said remorsefully.

Knowing the goblin settlement was no more, the village erupted in cheers. It was clear life would only get better from now on.

The villagers embraced each other in celebration, with laughter and cheers ringing out. The children jumped and frolicked, as if at a festival.

Seeing the beaming villagers, Bernard couldn't help showing a gratified expression either. The gloom that had oppressed him these past days finally dispersed, replaced by hope and joy.

Everyone understood that from this day forth, the village would welcome an unprecedented era of peace and prosperity.

They had the goddess to thank for all of this. She was like the guardian angel of the village, allowing them to see a bright future ahead.