
Immortal Dream Cult

Adam, a Dream Child, awakens in the Dreamverse, gifting him and his cult members immortality and sinister abilities. Will he sacrifice his enemies to amplify his powers, risking a descent into darkness? Can he preserve his sanity and morals, or will the temptation of absolute power prove too strong? Will Adam embrace his destiny and save humanity from the impending apocalypse he inadvertently ignited, or will he choose to only protect those closest to him? Warning: Slow-burn.  Release schedule: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday --- Longer synopsis: As Adam levels up in the enigmatic Dreamverse, a reality interconnecting countless universes through dreams, his power grows with each passing night. As a Dream Child, he is granted entry to this unique realm, awakening a talent that imparts immortality to him and his cult members. Yet, his awakening inadvertently opens the Dreamverse to others, igniting a series of inexplicable deaths. Now ensnared between the Dreamverse and Earth, Adam grapples with his role in the emerging apocalypse while striving to preserve his humanity. One thing remains certain: Adam will confront the repercussions of his extraordinary power and traverse the ensuing chaos, regardless of the sacrifices he must make. Will he accept his unforeseen destiny as the charismatic leader of an emerging cult, or will he falter under the weight of a world teetering on the edge of collapse? The future of humanity rests on his decision. What to expect: Weak-to-strong protagonist. LitRPG elements. Slow-burning plot. Well-developed characters. Protagonist becomes an immortal cult leader with immortal followers. Warning: Cult-building theme starting after the first arc.

EmpyreanLord · Fantasi
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83 Chs


When Adam heard the system tone and saw the welcome message he opened his eyes and was greeted by a vivid dreamscape, he stood still on the binding stone beneath him, looking out at the vast green meadow before him. The grass swayed gently in the wind, creating a sea of green that stretched out as far as the eye could see. The sun was shining down, casting a warm glow over the entire landscape.

To his right was a small brook, its clear waters trickling over smooth stones. The sound of the water was soothing, a peaceful background noise to the serene scene before him. He could see small fish darting through the water, their scales flashing in the sunlight.

Beyond the meadow, in the distance, were majestic mountains, their snow-capped peaks reaching up to touch the sky. He couldn't help but feel small and insignificant in the face of such grandeur. In front of him, he also saw a dense forest, the trees stretching up towards the sky like towering giants. The leaves rustled softly in the breeze, as if whispering secrets to each other.

Adam felt a thrill of excitement rush through him as he took in the vibrant colors and breathtaking beauty of this world. This was where his true adventure began. The Dreamverse was the one place where he felt truly in control, where he could escape from the mundane world and unleash his true potential.


Name: Adam Emmauel-Amin

Age: 8

Race: Human

Title/s: Dream child

Trait/s: Immortal

Talent: Partially awakened

Health points (HP): 120/120

Stamina points (SP): 130/130

Mana points (MP): 100/100

Class: Warrior (Tier 0)

Level: 2

Xp to next level: 2000


Strength: 15

Dexterity: 12

Constitution: 12

Endurance: 13

Intelligence: 10

Wisdom: 10

Charisma: 10

Attributes available: 0


[Stab] (common) (Tier 0)

[Sprint] (common) (Tier 0)

[Spear mastery] (common) (Tier 0)

[Cleave] (common) (Tier 0)

[Light armor proficiency] (common) (Tier 0)

Adam felt a sense of pride as he examined his meticulously designed status screen. The Dreamverse was governed by a system, presumably controlled by the consciousness of the Dreamverse itself. This system allowed each individual to tailor their status screens to their preferences. Over the years, with maturity and guidance, Adam had refined his screen, eliminating unnecessary details like respiration rate and system skills like [Inspect] from being displayed.

He called forth his singular title, which granted him access to the Dreamverse while asleep.

Title: Dream Child (Tier 0) - This elusive and enigmatic title is granted to the select few who demonstrate an extraordinary connection to the Dreamverse. As a Dream Child, you herald significant transformation, embodying the profound impact the Dreamverse can have on the waking world and Dreamverse itself. Your unparalleled accomplishment of entering the Dreamverse as a newborn sets you apart from any other Dream Child. In acknowledgment of your exceptional talents, this title bestows upon you the ability to partially awaken before attaining Level 10. This title will evolve as you progress through higher tiers.

Over the years, Adam had read this title countless times, viewing it as both a blessing and a curse. Although it enabled him to live longer than any other Earth human—since one hour on Earth equated to three in the Dreamverse—it had also subjected him to suffering and torment no child should endure. The Dreamverse had become a second home, where Adam had built a new life. Occasionally, he pondered how different his life might have been had he never entered the Dreamverse or if no caretaker had been assigned to him by the dream realm itself.

"Probably feral or even insane."

Adam's musings were cut short when he spotted movement at the edge of his vision. He swiftly turned and used [Inspect] on the encroaching Hive Warrior.

[Zentarran Hive Vanguard, Level 13 (Tier 1)]

Once a native human of the Dreamverse, this terrifying creature was now an amalgamation of human and insect traits—a testament to the chilling power of the Hive Empress's parasitic capabilities. The warrior's body was encased in a thick, chitinous armor resembling an insect's exoskeleton. Its deep, metallic black hue shone like polished obsidian in the light. The warrior's limbs had transformed as well—elongated and segmented like those of an insect. Its fingers had given way to sharp, razor-like talons, capable of tearing through flesh and armor with ease, yet dexterous enough to wield tools of war, such as the spear it currently held. Its legs had been restructured, bones twisted and lengthened to accommodate its new insectoid form.

The hybrid creature spoke in a combination of human speech and insect-like chitters, "Prince Adam, the Empress requests your presence."

Having completed its task, the Hive Warrior turned and walked away, resuming its duty to protect the hive. Adam didn't blame the warrior for not staying or guiding him; by now, he was accustomed to the hive members' behavior, who possessed minimal autonomy and strictly adhered to the instructions relayed by the hive mind.

Adam trailed the hive member from a distance, arriving before a colossal structure that towered over the surrounding landscape. The walls were composed of a dense, black substance, seemingly a fusion of chitin and organic matter. As he neared the hive's entrance, Adam observed the heightened activity: warriors standing in formations at the training grounds and drones transporting biomass out of the hive.

'What on earth is happening?' he wondered while passing the entrance and its guards. The walls were lined with rows upon rows of pulsating, fleshy pods, each containing a squirming humanoid figure of various races—humans, elves, dwarves—all primed for conversion into different hive units. The air was saturated with the cacophony of buzzing and chittering, as though the very walls were alive with the sound of a million insect voices.

Unfazed by the gruesome scene, Adam felt perfectly at ease, familiar with such sights. He navigated the winding corridors effortlessly, passing the parasite birthing chambers and pausing just outside the hive audience hall. He examined his attire, ensuring his clothes were neat and orderly, reflecting the strict military discipline instilled in him while living among the hive, and that the general would find no fault.

Upon entering the room, he saw Zara'Yebrel'Rukk'Zol, the Zentarran Hive Empress and the one he considered his second mother, as she had raised him in the Dreamverse since his parents were unable to enter.

Zara had meticulously crafted her human form, allowing her to interact seamlessly with Adam. She devoted significant time and effort to perfecting her appearance as a human female, studying the features of captives she had taken before converting them into hive units. Her true form, however, was far more daunting, and had initially frightened Adam when he was an infant. The Dreamverse had assigned Zara to care for him, forcibly teleporting her to his side and entrusting her with this mission. Over time, she grew increasingly comfortable in her human guise, so much so that Adam rarely saw her other forms.

At present, Zara was connected to her throne at the spine, her eyes closed as she issued orders to the hive from the safety of the audience and throne room. Her control over the hive amplified while connected to the throne, but she seldom utilized this advantage, as the area surrounding the hive had been mostly pacified through regular cullings of the awakened forest beasts and the various humanoid species of Lenus.

He used [Inspect] on Zara again, receiving the familiar message.

[Zara'Yebrel'Rukk'Zol, Hive empress, Level ??? (Tier ???)]

"My little princeling, I see you've made yet another daily attempt to inspect me," Zara said, opening her eyes and regarding Adam with amused glint in her eyes. She relaxed and sat with her hand supporting her chin. "So, what did you see this time?"

"Nothing, as always, Mother Zara," Adam replied, already aware of the outcome.

"Ah, persistence," Zara chuckled, her amusement evident. "One day, you might just unravel the mysteries surrounding me. But for now, let us focus on more pressing matters."

Adam nodded, "Of course, Mother Zara. What do you need me to do?"

Zara's expression turned serious. "For many years, I have lived in the shadows, caring for you and limiting the hive's expansion to the Ventcroft wilds. But now, my child, the time has come to unleash the full force of my might and assert our dominance over this world."

"The other races have had ample time to develop on this world. I'm not certain we can overpower them."

"The other races of this world are weak and misguided," the Hive Queen replied, her tone filled with disdain. "They have had their chance to govern this world, and they have failed. They squabble and feud. Even now, my spies bring me news of the Barolan king being poisoned by a rival kingdom. It is our turn to demonstrate the true meaning of power and control."

Adam listened to the Hive Queen's words, sensing the unwavering determination behind them. They knew that Zara was resolute, prepared to do whatever it took to achieve her goals, regardless of the consequences for others.

"We are Zentarrans," the Queen declared, her voice escalating in intensity. "We are an elemental force, a primal energy that has been restrained for far too long. We will not rest until all who oppose us have been crushed beneath our feet. We will reveal to the world the true power and might of the Hive, and they will tremble in fear before us."

"And what of me, Mother? What is my role in this war?" Adam inquired, their voice barely audible.

"You, my little princeling, will not partake in this war." Raising a hand to silence Adam's protest, she continued, "Not until you have proven yourself not only as a warrior but as a leader. I have no need for an unawakened child in my army squandering my resources. As promised, you will be given a drone, and you will learn to lead it into battle in the nearby forest."

"YES!" Adam couldn't suppress the grin that spread across his face. Zara had finally relented, and he was ready to take command of his first hive unit.

Zara frowned at his loss of composure. "I've also prepared a weakened level 10 beast for you to defeat in your awakening quest. I have high expectations for you, a Dream Child with the immortal trait. Do not disappoint me, child."

"Don't worry, I'm going to awaken even if it's the last thing I do. I could disappoint others, but I will never disappoint you."

"Go forth Adam, pick one of the drones and do not come to me till you have awakened." Zara spoke before closing her eyes and reconnecting to her throne.

Knowing he was being dismissed he turned around and left the room heading to one of the barracks ready to pick up his future subordinate.