
Immortal's Path

Wukong, the illegimate son of King Xanxus who was the leader of all elves. You see even though he was the son of the King, his life did not go well as the Elves valued pure-bloods and for this reason he and his mother were exiled. You see the King did not bother with his son as in the world of Vlailos, half bloods and quarter bloods and so on could not activate their bloodlines... but one mystical day, as he was doing some light exercise near to the waterfall nearby to his home, a mysterious orb of light came flying out of nowhere as it instantly headed for the child's head changing destiny for good, now watch as this legendary inheritor causes waves and chaos within the cultivation world as we know it.

ThatBearOverThere · Fantasi
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16 Chs

Life 10: The Fruit Of Might

In these past few days he discovered that he could only enter the Monkey King Realm for 2 hours a day. After that, the natural limitations of the pocket dimension would kick into place. This means that, for him, a single day could be compared to 15 days for others!

And normally Wukong would use the Realm at about 9pm to 11pm as he found that when the clock struck twelve he would be allowed back into the Realm as it needed a 'day' to recharge its energy.

And after his countless experiments with barbecuing and roasting, his skills could be said to have reached an unfathomably high level. The meat he roasted, be it the color or the taste and smell, were all of a high quality.

And what he did in the daytime was travelling and exploring the vast plains within the Eternal Mountains, and when it became dark he headed into his pocket Realm and began to unceasingly cultivate and increasing his strength.

Currently his Frost Fist Technique had reached the small success range aiding him greatly in battle and hand to hand combat.

But he felt that he still hadn't really mastered them properly and so he carried on practicing the most basic of stances over and over.

His right Fist aimed straight followed by his left hand and slowly by slowly his Fist speed kep increasing until it became hard to see his arms, and all one saw was a blurry mosaic of faint brown skin.

As his arms went forward he stopped after he had done a hundred strokes with each Fist upon the air, and then began to train his legs as he gradually positioned his right led in front of his left leg, and then he placed his left leg in front of his right leg.

He did this continuously until you could only see a blur appearing from his movements, he did this so that within a fight he could immediately activate Phantom Steps and teleport behind the enemy and strike them with a quick kick.

And he did this type of training, called foundation training for a week. And after the week he heard a 'ding', "Ding, Host your fruits are now ready for consumption, due to gaining sufficient Qi from the host!"

When he heard this, his training stopped immediately and all that remained was his tanned like skin colour sweating rivulets of sweat from his body as drops of this liquid fell down from his forehead.

And after quickly taking in air, he headed straight into the King Realm, and once he was within the Realm he glanced at the 10 glistening, Orange-Red Fruits, with crazy fever.

After thinking it through, Wukong went in front of the sturdy and vigorous looking Tree Of Might and sized up the 10 glistening, Orange fruits of Might. He allowed their savory smell to waft over him before he extended one of his hands and plucked one of the fruits off the branch of the tree.

He saw that the fruit was a light orange color, and it looked similar to that of the durian fruit. And he found that it's created from the Tree Of Power after enough energy and life force is absorbed through the tree's roots.

Soon without any hesitation he grabbed the durian like fruit and bit into it, and as he did so it's fruit juices lingered in Wukong' mouth as he quickly savoured the flavour before engulfing it like a monster that hadn't been fed for many years.

And immediately after he had consumed the fruit, it increased Wukong' muscle mass dramatically, already his body was akin to a sixteen year olds and was lean and nimble, but after eating the fruit his muscle mass increased dramatically with his muscles and height being increased as well, and now Wukong stood at a height of 1.75 metres.

And immediately his Battle Power Of 25 increased randomly and his Battle Power became 50,  this happened as the Fruit Of Might increased the users strength. After eating just one fruit Wukong did not dare to eat another as he felt as if his body would implode due to the excess energy.

After it was eaten, the fruit released waves of fiery Qi that arose from his Dantian, it circulated through all of his energy channels and meridians, infusing his body with boundless strength!

And immediately he activated his Frost Unparalleled Cultivation Technique, To aid him, and as he did so his whole body took in a reddish purple hue, and as he did so his tendons and bones further refined themselves, causing his body to secrete an odour-full of stench, it was so bad that the little greenery around him had become eroded due to its stench.

And after that his body gave out a black slime like solution that came pouring out his body.

During this period of time, Wukong also discovered that the crystal clear water inside the pond of the spatial realm would automatically refill itself to it's original level after every reset.

Wukong was ecstatic on this discovery as he knew that this water was not ordinary water, it had mystical properties! After that he took a look at the purplish soil underneath his feet and pondered: "Should I plant something here? If I don't, it would be a waste of fertile land, but what should I plant? Ahh, I know, medicinal plants!"

Soon Wukong planted down into the ground, a few medicinal plants, such as the 10 Year Rosé Ginseng and the Yu (Jade) Plant.

•10 Year Rosé Ginseng: It boosts energy, lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels, reduces stress, promote's relaxation, treats diabetes, and manages sexual dysfunction in males.

•Yu (Jade) Plant: A relative of mint, the Yu Plant is a versatile medicinal herb that helps relieve anxiety, insomnia, wounds, herpes, insect bites, and an upset stomach. It also speeds up the healing of your body.

And since the Monkey King Realm was 15 Days equalling 1 day in the outside world it meant that maybe the Plants and herbs could undergo evolution and natural selection increasing certain properties.


Soon the year of Wukong' independent training was finished and it was time to return home, the durian like fruit had allowed Wukong to propel in power.

But still he hadn't reached his sisters Battle Power (BP) as his sister had a battle power of about 75 BP.

His speed was really fast like honestly something that Normires couldn't even dream of. And with a leap he was airborne as he used his body to guide himself like when someone throws a pillar straight (think of Tao Pai-Pai's method of travelling, now imagine Wukong as that Pillar.)

Soon the skies had already faded to a reddish yellow as dusk approached. As Sun Wukong gazed into the far-off direction, at the entrance of Frost Manor. He saw an unforgettable silhouette. That graceful bearing and that charming appearance, it was as if it had been engraved onto his heart, unforgettable for all eternity.

What Wukong saw was the silhouette of his sister Lucia. At the instant he saw her, an indescribable feeling of warmth materialized in his heart. Unknowingly, his pace got quicker and quicker and reached a terrifying speed as he sped over towards Lucia.

"Sis!" Tears involuntarily dripped down his face as Wukong felt very blessed at this moment that he had a family member who cared, for him and raised him. Thinking back on his experiences for the past year as well as the time when he almost died to the Pterosaur and to the Triceratops, but still, he eventually survived and finally returned home to see his sister.

Hearing the familiar voice, Lucia felt a shudder in her heart. Looking ahead, she saw Wukong lunging forward and she tightly embraced him.

"Ah, little brother, why are you crying? Let Sis take a good look at you, hmm your hair has remained gravity defying and not growing an inch, but you seem to have matured somewhat spiritually, and you've even grown taller!" Lucia gently patted Wukong forehead as she started to tidy his unkempt hair, as it reverted back to his signature spikes and bangs.

As Lucia did this, Wukong was revelling in this after his harsh year of training. After his mother had died he had no one, and in the towns and cities he traveled he saw plenty of kids with parents who were happily playing with their children yet he was the only without a father, without a mother.

It wasn't fair why did fate take away his childhood, why? What childhood, was what he thought as he remembered the days were he had to remain starved and remain thirsty due to no money or income to his family.

He remembered the times when he was ridiculed by the other kids as he had no father, it may not seem like much I mean most would have gained a thick skin after all the years of hearing the same things.

But He, But Wukong never forgot nor did he gain thick skin and every time he heard this he asked his mother where his father was, Who? Was his father, and each time his mother was like, can't hear you I got my AirPods in, as she masterfully dodger each question of his.

And at the end was when he learnt of his father, yes the penultimate day before his mother's death due to overworking and starving herself for his sake. Only when she was on her death bed coughing up blood did she tell him.

I mean you have to understand he was only five when he heard such things and well it scarred him mentally. Think about your mother upon her death bed coughing up blood before she reveals the truth of your existence and then dying the next day.

Leaving you no emotional support, that was the reason why he loved his sister, because after dealing with all this emotional trauma, she appeared and helped him in every corner teaching him from the basics.


"Hahaha, who would have thought that there would be such a coincidence, I came out today in hopes of seeing you Lil brother!"

And after she said this she cheekily pinched Wukong' cheeks, and as she smiled happiness was evident in her glistening blue eyes.

When heard and felt this Wukong felt extremely emotional in his heart, he didn't know for how long His sister had stood there, waiting for him to come back, but he knew that this was certainly not the first day that Lucia waited for him outside of the entrance to the Frost Manor.

"Sis, your little bro has matured, in the future let me share your worries and burdens for you, alright? Don't you worry about anything and just let me handle everything."

Wukong just glanced at Lucia, his gratitude was almost overwhelming him to the point that he did not know what to say. Despite this, he knew that because of the bond they shared, there was no need for him to actually say anything.

And while heading back he saw his sisters footsteps and were firmly carved into the ground, showing that she had gone up here countless times in order to catch sight of him. He speculated that for the whole month from dusk till dawn she had been waiting for him.

And with this he stuttered, "S.. Si-Sis" for a moment before his voice gave up. Wukong knew that he was very important in Lucia's heart, although previously she had agreed to let Wukong leave Mount Huaguo, he knew that she had done so very reluctantly.

Despite the worries in her mind and the fear in her heart, she did not say a single word. She had always been alone, suffering in silence, just like him. After awhile, they arrived at the courtyard which belonged to the both of them. After entering the room, Wukong took off his backpack and thought of the nine Fruits Of Might in it.

"Sis, somehow, I fortuitously came across these fantastic fruits during my travels up to Eternal Mountains." As he was talking, Wukong opened his backpack and took out the Durian Like-Fruit's Of Might "Fiery Century Fruit Of Strength!" His sister Lucia exclaimed, as if she was shocked to her core!

Wukong himself was startled too. To think that the Fruit Of Power from the Realm of the Monkey King could actually be identified in the outside world as well.

"Sis, you can identify this fruit!?" Wukong asked, dumbfounded. "This is the Fiery Century Fruit Of Strength" when he heard this name he felt as if he was going to die of cringe, the name 'Fiery Century Fruit Of Strength' just sounded plain retarded.