Wang Lei the "Immortal God Emperor" the one who was the supreme being in cultivation world was not satisfied with his achievements and he wanted to gain true immortality. One fateful day he encontered a violent source of energy and out of curiosity he went to check it out. But you know curiosity killed a cat. He was thrown to a place where magic exist. Would this world help him reach his goal or give him something new? Read this story of an immortal who due to boredom becomes an adventurer and experience many emotions which he never felt.
How many years has it been since the last time I had a company with me? When did I get so much immersed in cultivation that I didn't even cared about others who wanted me to be by their side? Why am I even thinking about such trivialities?
I am "Immortal God Emperor" such a useless cause should not distract me from my path to true immortality.
Oh here I am remembering my past again. The past me was so arrogant never cared about others. That day same it was such a common day, I don't know how would my life would have turned out to be if I didn't got hit by the lightning?
"Hey are you going to sleep the whole day? Or join us?"
Someone is calling me? Ah I guess this was my destiny. I am so grateful to God for giving me a new life.
How many years it has been since I came to this world. I have gained so many things here that I am now afraid to lose them. But why is everything turning dark.
"Lei wake up you can't die so easily, you are so strong how can you...."
Is someone crying what is happening. Oh I was stabbed. How foolish of me to leave them alone. This is just a start how can I die so soon?
I am not going to give up because I am the "Immortal God Emperor".