

In America two years ago seven unidentified objects fell from the sky colliding with the crust of the earth, shaking it to its core and killing millions of people. After the dust settled the objects were revealed to be large towers, one hundred floors tall. Every person on Earth was given a choice to go into the tower or reject the tower's call. The ones who accepted were teleported into the tower by a green light, but for those who did not monsters from the depths of hell came from the soil of the tower's initial impact killing millions more. A giant timer was then projected on the tower's surface showing when the next group of people may enter the tower. Now two years later Elijah, Makoa, Cecil, Lola, and Luke are preparing them selfs to join the next "Tower Draft". What will they find in the tower, who will they meet, and who will they lose, all answers lie solely within the tower.

LEMOAN · Fantasi
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18 Chs

( The Towers Hull )

Makoa looks forward and sees his house burn down to the ground. Shocked by the sight, his legs lock in the middle of his driveway, his eyes reflecting the fire of the burning house as a voice fills his mind, slowly getting louder and louder.

"H... we gotta run... WAKE UP."

Hearing this, Makoa jolts up from the floor in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. Looking around, he sees nothing but black in all directions until he turns around and sees a wooden door with a design carved into it that spells "Open for a chance at a new beginning."

"Where the hell am I?" Makoa asks, confused.

Getting up, he realizes that his leg no longer hurts, and the cuts and bruises caused by the orc invasion have mysteriously disappeared. Suddenly remembering the events that transpired before he got here, he realizes that he must have accidentally pressed the accept button when asked if he wanted to accept the tower's call.

"Wait, Elijah!"

Jumping off the floor, he starts running towards the door at full speed.

'Please be okay, Elijah, Lola, Cecil, Luke, please!' he thinks in his eyes.

Running through the door at the end of the darkness, he looks forward and sees a light that blinds him. After adjusting to the light, he looks forward in amazement, not believing his own eyes. thousands of doors lined up beside each other to make a multi-mile-long circle; the only reason visible to him was due to the completely flat landscape that resembled the all-black room he was just in. The doors are stacked upon each other with wooden stairs that lead to them. Looking up, he sees multiple humongous, 100-foot-long fish that you would see only in fairy tales nearly 50 feet above him. Finally looking toward the middle of the group, he can only see a large ball of light hovering above a ten-foot-tall door that spans to the edge of the outer doors.

Through his amazement, he hears a door open beside him. As he looks over to see what caused the sound, instinctively, he starts to reach for his knife that is usually mounted on his assault vest, but when he reaches for the knife, he feels nothing. Realizing he has been stripped of his weaponry, he gets into a fighting stance ready for what's next. The door creaks open fully as he sees a pale white footstep outside the door, then a light brown footstep out swiftly after. Makoa's face widens, not believing what he sees.


Hearing his name, Elijah looks over to see Makoa running at him full speed. Colliding with him, Makoa hugs him for a couple of seconds before he quickly gets up and wipes off his vest a bit embarrassed.

"I thought you were dead," Makoa nonchalantly says while wiping the tears from his eye.

"Shit me too, after I had gotten swallowed I thought I was done for, well actually I couldn't think of anything cause all the blood I lost," Makoa said while thinking back.

-A couple of hours ago (5:59)-

As the jaw of the monster unhinges, he drops Elijah into its mouth. Looking up from the monster's gullet, he sees a blue light creep toward him. Squinting his eyes, he sees a pop-up-like box, like he was in a video game. The text reads "Do you accept the tower call."

'Is that the...' Elijah thinks.

The esophagus of the beast starts to close as Elijah crawls his way up the slippery, saliva-coated flesh of the beast.

I'm so close.

The orc, feeling this resistance, starts to contract his throat. Elijah moves higher and higher until he feels a tug on his remaining leg. Unable to move, Elijah reaches for the pop-up box but it's narrowly out of range.


The flesh of the monster starts to crush Elijah's leg while he frantically squirms to get to the pop-up. Getting pulled to the belly of the beast, Elijah quickly grabs the uvula of the orc and uses it as a rope to pull himself up. In pain, the orc starts to run around causing chaos in the monster's body. Due to the pain, the monster loosens its esophagus letting Elijah free as he climbs higher until he gets to the base of the tongue where the box is. He swiftly presses the accept button as he starts to deconstruct into a green light and passes out.

"Then I suddenly woke up in the room with the weird door, now I'm here," Elijah said. "Speaking of here, where is here."

"The tower... I think. Honestly, this is not what I expected," Makoa says while reaching into his pocket and pulling out a cigarette.

"Really man, I don't think right now is the time for a smoke," Elijah said sarcastically.

"Hey man, I'm stressed, I'm just trying to take the edge off, okay."

"That stuff is going to kill you one day."

"Not before the monsters do," Makoa said while searching his pocket. "... you got a light."

Looking at Makoa with a straight face, he points down at his pants, or what remains of them.

"Okay, you could have just said no."

Hearing a sound above, Makoa and Elijah look above them and see the door above Makoa's open. After a couple of seconds, Lola walks out of the door.

"Lola!" Elijah exclaims.

Looking down, she sees Elijah and Makoa.

"Elijah!" screamed Lola.

Running down the stairs, Lola leaps into Elijah's arms crying.

"I was so worried when I woke up that you two were gone and I had to free Luke and I thought you two were dead and... and..." Lola exclaims.

"Hey, hey, it's okay," Elijah says while consoling her.

Makoa looks to the side of him as he hears the sound of another door creaking.

"Bout damn time."

"Screw you," Luke says while walking towards them.

"Luke!" exclaims Lola.

While walking past Makoa, Luke looks at him and fist-bumps him subtly.

"Hey, Lola," Luke said while embracing her. "Whoa, Elijah, what happened to your leg."

"Long story short it was bitten off, but now ... it's back and white," Elijah said.

"Yeah, he kinda pulled a Michael Jackson," said Makoa.

... Silence filled the area.

"Ha Ha Ha, okay, that was a good one bro," Elijah exclaimed.

The rest of the group starts to chuckle at Makos joke soon after Elijah. feeling a bit better they hear the sound of another door opening. They look over. All looking over at the door, they see a man with the same uniform as them, looking back over at them.

"Uhh hello," the man said.

"Wassup, bro," Makoa said.

As Makoa said this, another door opened behind him, and another after that, and another, and another, until hundreds of doors were now open. Looking around, Elijah sees tens of thousands of doors opening, as a mob of people suddenly forms.

"Holy shit, there are so many people," Luke said in amazement.

"Yeah," Lola said stunned.

As more and more people flood into the space, Elijah's group is forced to move closer to the middle of the room. Getting closer and closer to the middle of the space, they start to get a better look at the glowing ball and gate. The gate in the middle has carefully sculpted depictions of humanity. At the base of the marble structure, there are cavemen in the skin of deer and leopards. Higher is the Spartans in their covenant headwear, wielding their mighty spears. Near the top, military soldiers are sporting Kevlar vests and modern weaponry, but at the top, you can see exoskeleton mech suits, great in stature. Cyborg-like creatures plague the very top of the gate while the ark shows two large humans reaching their fingers toward each other where in the middle the ball of light resides.

After a couple of minutes, the sound of doors opening and closing finally slows down and eventually stops. The sound of talking was so loud and so frequent no one could hear themselves think. As the talking and confusion hit their peak as if on cue, the ball of light started to ascend as the sound of people talking died down. Looking up, Elijah can see that the ball of light is an egg, the size of a grown adult hand. Suddenly a deafening crack sound can be heard coming from the egg, then it happens again silencing the crowd completely. For the third and final time, the egg cracks.


At last, the creature hidden within the egg is revealed. All the group looks up at the newly revealed creature in shock and confusion.

Through this shock, Makoa says, "Wh... WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!"