
Imagination is Reality

This novel is for those who love imaging to escape from there reality,and i want you to know our imagination could be our reality.

mercy_fantasy · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Note my reality 1

The basketball is coming but the girl won't move"this is it" said the girl in her mind.as if it's a fortune she was waiting for while hoping for someone to save her as if she was in a drama.but no one did so the ball hit her and she fell on the ground. then acute boy with short black curly hair ,blue eyes like the sky ,white teeth covered with small lips walked up to her he's the perfect looking guy she was expecting to save her and to say "are you ok" but got "are you crazy why did you hit my basketball "she was in disbelief so she said "what?" and he said it again "why did you hit my basketball ! are you blind" thats when she understood the quote " reality hits hard" then she got up faster than a cheetah to curse at him but he beat her to it .he picked up the basketball and said "next time move out of the way" and she felt happy and smiled a little which he noticed and just at that moment he said "your not the main lead in any drama quit imagining and stick to reality"and left to continue his game.while she is standing there like a fool processing his words. normally its not her first when someone told her to focus on reality but hearing that from a cute boy like him made her alittle sad because even though she hates to admitted it deep down she knows he was right .she said "stick to reality" while asingle tear fell down over her chicks thats the last thing she wants to do it just makes her sad...