This is the story of how IL and Icey met. If you don't know who they are, please read my main book "Fractured Mirror"! You will get plenty of information there, on who they are! This will be an ongoing book on the adventures they had before the events of Fractured Mirror! So stick around!
Before my Father, King Daniel IV, Ruler of the Tar Dimension (6th Level of Hell) passed, I was destined to be the king and take the throne on his passing. He passed quite early and faded away as all demons do. I, however, was different. I had the rare genetics that very few demons get. Satan, himself, was quite impressed that a tar demon, like me, could get these types of genetics. I am now the eternal ruler of the 6th level of Hell. There are 10 levels altogether. I'm somewhere below the middle. The further you go, the worse it gets. The souls that get put here are typically your serial killers and terrorists. So let's find out the story of how I met my polar opposite and the love of my life.
"Hey, boss, do you have a moment?" A soul asked, panicking.
"What is it." IL aggressively said.
"Someone is tearing down the ink pillars!" The soul yelled.
IL's eyes begin to shine.
"Which pillars." IL asked slowly.
"Your father's..." The soul said, sounding sad.
IL's head twitches.
"Thank you for the report. I will be sure to reward you later." IL said, walking out of the room and slamming the door.
A group of souls laughs as they vandalize and tear down the pillars built in the honor of the last king.
"Our new king is so stupid. He can't even notice that we are doing this!" One soul laughed.
"Stupid, huh?" IL said, appearing out of the thick, black, tar that is the floor.
"You know...the pillars you're vandalizing are my father's." IL said with a smile.
The souls widen their eyes as they realize they screwed up.
"We're so sorry!" One soul said, kneeling.
"We were not aware we were vandalizing your father's pillars!" Another said.
"Ok, I forgive you." IL said.
"Really?!" The three souls said with excitement.
"No." IL said.
A whirlpool in the tar begins to form.
"PLEASE SPARE US, YOUR MAJESTY!" The souls screamed.
"Oh, but I'm too stupid to understand how to reverse the whirlpool!" IL remarked, catching them in their own trap.
"You're a monster..." The soul said as they got sucked down the whirlpool.
"Ta-ta!" IL said, waving to them goodbye.
"Uhg, those souls are such idiots. I can't believe I had to send someone down to the 7th level. My level is clearly the best." IL said, being offended.
IL laughs.
"Damien?" IL asked to the air.
The same soul that told IL about the vandals appears.
"You've been my personal assistant for how long? About 250 years?" IL asked Damien.
"Today actually marks the 250th year, sir." Damien said, looking at his tablet.
"Good. Arrange a party for today at 4:30. Invite the top performing branch and our gaurds." IL stated.
"Yes, your majesty." Damien said, setting a reminder on his tablet for 4:30.
IL grabs his tablet.
"Please, Damien. You've known me for 250 years. Call me IL." IL said with confidence.
"A-are you sure?" Damien stuttered.
"Yes. Welcome to my friend circle." IL said.
"Thank you, for the incredible honor." Damien said.
"My pleasure." IL said.
4:30 comes by sure enough and everyone showed.
"Bruv, this party is really cool...who planned it?" IL said, looking at Damien.
Damien gives him a "Are You For Real?" look.
"Nah, I'm just messin'." IL said, laughing at Damien's face.
Satan walks in.
"THE PARTY STARTS NOW!" Satan yelled at full volume.
"Oh damn, the main man himself is here!" IL yelled.
"You bet your face, it is!" Satan responded.
"Damn, Damien. You did a pretty good job setting up this party!" Satan said, looking around.
Damien starts blushing and nervously laughs.
"You know...he's been my assistant for 250 years now." IL stated.
"Really?! Most of your assistants never last past 20!" Satan said, impressed.
"Right?" IL agreed.
"So, have you thought of who the queen will be?" Satan asked.
IL's eyes widen and he looks down and blushes.
"OH. LET ME CORRECT MYSELF. WHO WILL BE YOUR KING?!" Satan asked loudly, with an even bigger smile.
Every soul at the party gasps. No one had any idea that IL was gay, not even Satan.
"I haven't decided yet." Il said, looking down.
A few hours pass and the party went great. People were starting to go back to their positions, but Satan and IL were sat there talking.
"So how is being king going?" Satan asked, taking a sip of soda.
"Not that bad actually. I had to send 3 souls to the 7th level earlier today.
Satan spits soda everywhere.
"WHAT?! NO WAY. WHAT DID THEY DO?!" Satan yelled.
"They vandalized and tore down one of my father's pillars." IL said, looking out the window.
"Wow they were dumb." Satan said, laughing.
"Well, I hate to be a party-pooper, but there's another reason why I came." Satan said, sounding disappointed.
"Well spit it out...!" IL said.
"I have a job for you. I need you to get more souls from the living world." Satan said.
"You really think I'm ready for that?" IL asked.
"More than ready. You have your father's intense fighting spirit." Satan said, putting his hand on IL's shoulder.
"Thanks, S..." IL said with a low tone.
"Alright well, you can go whenever you're ready." Satan said, exiting the room.
"I guess we could go now..." IL said, looking out the window.
"I still cant believe this level is entire made out of Tariium." IL said, looking at the castle walls.
Tariium is a mix of Tar and Ink. It's an extremely thick, black liquid.
"Here goes nothing." IL said, closing his eyes.
"Good luck, IL!" Damien said.
"Thank you, buddy." IL said, teleporting away.
When I arrived in the living world, of course, no one could see me. I could see other demons and angels that were here, however.
IL walks around and grunts.
"Damn, this place is so bright..." Il said, shielding himself from the intense rays of the sun. IL walks under a tree for shade. IL bumps into someone.
"Oh, I'm sorry I had no idea someone was..." IL pauses as he realizes who he's talking to.
"Oh no it's fine I..." Icey pauses as he also realizes who he's talking to.
"Need a hand?" IL asked, reaching his hand out for Icey.
Icey giggles.
"Thank you." Icey said, grabbing IL's hand.
IL begins intensely blushing as he sees Icey's face.
"Are you ok?" Icey asked
"I-i'm fine, thank you for asking..." IL said, caught in a daze.
"I had no idea demons had a sensitive side..." Icey said, slightly laughing.
"You know, you aren't so bad yourself..." IL said, looking at Icey.
Icey blushes.
"T-thank you..." Icey said looking away.
Two angels and Two demons appear.
"Wow this is cringey." One of the demons said.
"Leave them alone. Maybe they will be the ones to break the curse between angels and demons." The other angel said.
"Sure." The other demon sarcastically said.
"Wait, aren't you the king of the 6th level of Hell?" Icey asked.
"Indeed." IL responded.
The demons and angels disappear in a heartbeat.
"Well I have to go...maybe we could meet at this same spot tomorrow?" Icey asked.
"S-sure..." IL said.
"Great! I'll see you then!" Icey said, fading away.
IL stood there speechless for a few minutes and eventually returned to his castle.
"So...we heard." Satan said.
IL gasps.
IL exhales sharply.
"Oh yeah, and we totally ship you and Icey." Satan said with a huge smirk on his face.
"Uuuuuuuh...." IL mumbled.
"Well, you better get some sleep. You got a big day ahead of you tomorrow." Satan said, winking.