
Ideas for fanfictions i plan to write

Just some ideas i've been having for fanfictions i plan to write when im in a place in my life where i have the time to write. Most will likely be self-inserts, cuz i like that genre. And honestly, not sure when or even if i'll have time to write these, so feel free to take the ideas and write your own stories with them. But tell me if you do write your own stories with these ideas, so i can read them :)

Amir_Blumenfeld · Komik
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in bleach with kamui (Bleach)

Have not put much thought into this one tbh, but i thought it would be cool to write about a guy reincarnating in bleach as a soul reaper.

The shikai ability of his zanpakuto would be to shift part of his body to a pocket dimension, thereby making attacks pass through him.

And his bankai would be the ability to travel into his pocket dimension, and to bring others into it as well. And while in the pocket dimension, no one except him can use any special abilities, so no kido and no zanpakuto abilities for his enemies, while he himself can use them.

Maybe also make it so that while his bankai is active, his mind is located in the pocket dimension, so that his mind cant be targeted, making him immune to illusions and stuff like that.

Let me know what you think, and if you have some ideas on how to improve the concept.

Also, if you want to use this concept, please send me a message first. Would appreciate it.