

A man pointed a gun at a man on the ground that was pleading for his life. BANG! The gun went off and the ground was splattered with cranial matter. A slow menacing clap came from a throne in the shadows of the room. A butler had stood near the throne, but within the light from the light catalyst lanterns.

The man who had shot the one on the ground signaled to the janitors who quickly cleaned up the body and cranial matter littering the floor. The man was a simple henchmen who had joined under his boss way back when. Other henchmen walked into the room with their own chairs. There were seven counters. Four of them were in a square, sort of like lab stations. Cooking utensils were on those tables. The fifth one was about twenty feet from the throne.

The figure on the throne was obscured by shadows. The henchmen numbered eighteen. There were three of them to a counter. They looked uneasy as the butler next to the throne did a few hand signs and the shadows started to lift. Another figure was on the opposite side of the throne as the butler.

Upon that throne was a man of about twenty with medium navy hair, aberrant crystalline blue-black eyes, and an innocent face. He was wearing navy colored pants, a white undershirt, and an unbuttoned cyan button up with black fedora. He rolled off the makeshift throne and tumbled down the steps that were there onto his face at the bottom. The fedora was somehow still on his head. He stood up, giggled and clapped his hands together. He walked over to the seventh station, put on a white apron that had text that read 'kiss the demon', and snapped his fingers.

As soon as the guy snapped his fingers, the guy next to the throne that wasn't the butler hopped out of a shadow and leaned on the station. It was a guy of about sixteen with white hair and heterochromatic eyes. One was red, the other was green. This guy wore black khakis, a buttoned up white button up, black suspenders, and black gloves at all times. His sleeves were rolled up all the time too and his hair was a mess. 

The guy in the fedora started laughing and clapped once. Then he spoke in a voice filled with joy.

"Let's make some ice cream!"

The butler had quietly walked down to partake in this activity...