
The calm before the storm

Elizabeth is a 24 year old woman. She is working at a publishing company, writing books, the job that she always dreamed to do. And, most of all, she lives in the place she always wanted to be: New York. She is just living the dream.

It was Thursday and, as usual she finished working and went home to see her boyfriend. When she arrived home, she gave a hug and a kiss to her boyfriend, James.

Elizabeth(smiling to him, still in his arms) Hi

James(kissing her again, smiling like an idiot) Hi to you too.

Then she realizes that the table is set with beautiful flowers, with wine and noticing that her favourite meal is in the oven.

She looks at him confused

Her: Ok, what's going on?

Him(smiling like an idiot, pretending he doesn't know what she is talking about): What are you talking about)

She pushes him gently, laughing.

Her: You know damn well what I am talking about James!

He steps back, letting her thinking that she won.

Him: Alright. I forgot my phone in our room. Can you get it?

She looked at him with big eyes.

Her: Really??? Why don't you get it yourself?

Him: (with puppy eyes) Please, I want to show you something. It's important.

She rolled her eyes and went to their room.

Her: Alright! But I hope what you want to show me is worth it!

A few minutes later, after searching the room for few minutes, her boyfriend's phone is no where to be seen.

So she decided to head back to the kitchen.

Her: James! I didn't find your-

She stand there speechless as James is kneeling in front of her with a ring box open with a ring in it.

Him(chuckles): Yeah sorry. My phone is in my pocket. I just wanted to make a distraction so I could get this out of my pocket and kneel before you could notice it.

He paused.

Him: Elizabeth Merch, you are the best thing that ever happened to me. We went through so much together and asking you to prom was the best thing I did. When I saw you I knew. I knew you were the one for me. I want to grow old with you and spend every minute I have with you by my side.

He takes a deep breath, a little afraid of the answer that will definite their whole future.

Him: So Elizabeth Merch, will you do me the honour of being my wife?

Elizabeth has now tears in her eyes.

Her(to James): Stand up!

James stand up, very unsure of what that meant.

Elizabeth just ran to him and jumped in his arms.

Her(laughing in happy tears): Of course I want to marry you James Bennet!!! Since you asked me to prom I dreamt of that moment!!

They broke apart and James slides the ring in her finger.

She kissed him passionately.

Her: I love you.

Him(Kissing her back): I love you too.

They broke apart.

She looks around, more tears of happiness in her eyes.

Her: You really did all of this for me? You took your time with the flowers, my favourite meal and set up the table, just for me?

Him: (like if it was obvious) Yes!

Her:(taking his face in her hands) You are the most sweet and perfect guy I know. Thank you for all this. Truly.

Him(kissing her back): Your welcome. But that's nothing comparable to all the moment that we are going to share together.

Her(smiling at him): Yeah.

Him(changing the topic): So, are we going to eat or not?

She chuckles.

Her(smiling at him): Of course my fiancé!



It was Sunday and Elizabeth went out on a breakfast date with all of her best friends. She showed them her beautiful engagement ring. They all gasped.

One of her friend: Oh gosh! Congratulations Lizzy! I knew that was going to happen sooner or later! I am so happy for you!!! Really!!

Elizabeth blushed

Her: Thanks!

Another of her friend: When is it?!

Elizabeth: In one month!

Another of her friends: Oh my gosh!!! Don't worry Lizzy!! We are here to help you plan this all up!!

Her: thank you so much girls! I feel so much confident and safe now.

They smiled to one another and started to eat their meals.



Just as another usual day, Elizabeth came home after work and waited for James to arrive. Suddenly her phone ring. She looks at the name and it's him.

She took it.

Her: Hi baby! Are you coming home soon?

Him: Hi hon. Yeah! I just finish working! I'm heading to my car right now! Do you want me to take some takeover so we can eat directly when I arrive?

Her(smiling like an idiot): I would love that.

Him: Alright then, it's settle. I will see you in not that long. I love you!

Her: I love you too!


She didn't know it yet, but it was the last time that he talked to her.

So Elizabeth waited, and waited, and waited. James work was only about 30 minutes from where they live. After an hour and a half, she started worrying. She tried to call him. No answers. Again. No answer.

Suddenly, her phone rang. She hurry up to see who it was, hoping that it was him to tell her that her was in a huge traffic. But, unfortunately, it was an unknown number. She picked up.

Her: Hello?

The person: Are you Elizabeth Bennet?

Her lips starts trembling. How could the person know they were engaged? It's only have been two weeks.

Her: Yes?

The person: Hi, I am a neurosurgeon working at the NYC med. Your fiancé just got a car accident. I would like you to come here as soon as you can.


So that's it guys for the first chapter! I am so glad how it turned out! I hope you will like it as much as I love writing it!

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