
I will be the strongest flame user

mob_mobbers · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs

the angles wraith

"and yeah that's how I bought my bar." Terry sits down with shrunak "woah... how are you so cool?" shrunak asks with a shine in his eyes "I dunno man, I guess I just am." Terry smirks "hey sword guy, you haven't paid yet." the waiter says "I'll have the bill now please." the waiter hands Terry the bill for the food and drinks, Terry's devilish smirk turns to dread as he scrolls through the bill "i-" he stutters with his words, shrunak starts to walk away slowly "why does the pulled pork cost 500?! they weren't even that good..." he rubs his eyes in hoping somehow the price of the food would shrink "and why does the cheesecake cost 90 gold?! are you guys running a scam?" Terry slams the bill down "also why does the wine cost 10,000 gold?!" the waiter is backed against a wall "w-w-well you se-" Terry grabs his sword "go on, continue." Terry coats his sword in magic, paige and mark look around for Terry in the restaurant "where the hell did he run off to? I leave to check up on a old friend and he does this." mark hears something causing his ears to twitch "oh no!" mark grabs paige and run off to Terry "gravitational sl-" Terry was ready to make half of the bar disappear until *BOOM!* paige let's out a incredible burst of magic, sending Terry to the floor "I am so sorry sir, I'll pay the bill since somebody couldn't." paige grabs the bill and has a look at it.

the restaurant burns up in flames, paige walks out with mark carrying Terry whilst ake was walking with shrunak and Anastasia "Terry was right that place was a scam, cheesecake for 90 gold my ass." they all walk back to Kira's house.

Kira was waiting for them at the door with a smile on his face, his leg grew back, scar somehow not healed "Kira your leg!" shrunak runs up to Kira and hugs him but Kira doesn't return the hug, he just whispers into shrunaks ear "stand back..." shrunak looks in confusion but then he sees that his house has a beam of light and it disintegrates the house, they all pause "well I suppose it's not really a suprise but ya know when I told you all about the time an angle gave me that offer?" mark sighs "you took the offer." "I took the offer." mark puts Terry down "well it wasn't really a surprise, but this is!" mark throws a rock towards Kira but he catches it and disintegrates it "well shit." everyone looks at mark in disappointment. Kira tears off his shirt and he forms a scarf that seems to be made up of energy, two wings made of energy, his wings a shining yellow with them acting like shields for him, then Kira summons a spear made of light into his hand but it looked more of a trident than a spear. "this my friends is my Primordial spear, hand crafted by God themself and also the very thing that will smite you all." Terry wakes up rubbing his eyes and once he looks at Kira his face turns stern. "tell me Kira what was the angels plan!" paige demand with her eyes seemingly showing a Phoenix made of fire. "their plan? oh you guys are not gonna like what I have to say." Kira stabs his spear into the ground causing the ground to grow cracks throughout it "armageddon, they want seven of us to end this world and build a new one." Terry stands up and grabs his sword "is that so Kira!!" kira looks over to see Terry with his sword, he notices that Terry is gritting his teeth "you're going to destroy this world, including me and dawn, dawn and I loved you like a brother and when the attack from biliverus happened and you were protecting all of us and gained that nasty scar." Terry unsheaths his blade "and what about the time when max died, you loved him until the very end." Kira clenched his hand "don't bring him up." he muttered "max would never of wanted this, is this what you think he wanted? to destroy humanity!" Terry coats his sword in his magic making glow a bright blue, Kira thinks back to Max's words "hey Kira, promise me you will protect everyone especially dawn and Terry, our life wouldn't be the same." max smiled at Kira before he was struck down by an enemy soldier's bullet. Kira grabs his spear and throws it towards Terry "silence!" he shouts before the spear flies towards Terry, Terry brings his blade down the middle of the spear but it doesn't seem to effect it "when I say don't speak his name I mean it, he's gone." the spear comes back to Kira's hand.

"uncle Kira, what's going on?" violet asked causing Kira to look at her watering eyes "begone." he says before making violet disappear, shrunak furiously starts to walk up to Kira but ake grabs him shaking his head "you call yourself an angel but your no angel! all you are is a pathetic fallen angel!" mark yelled causing Kira to form a flaming sword "speak when spoken to foul one!" he cuts mark in half, with half of his arm sliced off aswell "now begone." Anastasia runs over to Mark's torso slowly falling to the ground "mark!" "Ana-" mark disappears with his lower body falling to the ground. paige, Anastasia, shrunak and ake can only look in shock, ake bites his lip in rage "bastards..." ake is flooded with flashbacks of what happened at his village, his father's death, his mothers torment and his very own torment. his hatchet carrying years of history just in its worn handle. "infact all of you disappear, but I warn you all that I and the six others will bring armageddon to this world and build a new!" Kira teleports all of them to different places in the worlds with different climates and cultures all of them not knowing if they will meet each others ever again, but Kira has a tear come to his eye and then another archangel comes down from the heavens and comforts Kira, this angel was tall, four separate wings sprouting from his back, the wings were black and had eyes on them, the angel had a blindfold covering their eyes, a loincloth covering their groin, long lustrous blonde hair, a scythe resting on their hand "worry not my disciple, soon we will make everyone rest in paradise or eternal torture."
