
The Start of a new adventure

Hello, I am Kamiya Rei. I am a child of a normal parent, with normal siblings, in a normal world called earth or so I thought. I am a curious person which always pursues knowledge. I love science since it always explains any anomaly in the earth. I am also learning martial arts to strengthen my body. A problem that changes my whole life occurs, and that is…. My parents died from an accident.

"I guess this is just a trial, some kids cannot afford to eat, in the middle of the war, or getting tortured," I thought.

On earth war kept happening, revolution, racism, corruption, hunger, poverty, stereotyping, etc. So if my problem is compared, I am nothing but a speck of dust. But in the end, I felt restless, I finally realized I am useless when it comes to reality. I don't have the power to change the world, I am neither a king nor a president, and I cannot lead especially people thirsty for their desires.

"I hope everyone will get along" I smiled looking at the blue sky.

When I reach high school, everything starts to fall apart, I was a target of bullying and my brother commits suicide. I was used, betrayed by the one I trust the most.

"Why did you do something like this?" I asked

"Why? Because it is amusing. You look so innocent, wake up!! We are in an unfair world trust is something you cannot give to everyone! You are born alone, you live alone and die alone!

Yes I already know this but I still hope that human beings will change, but that hope was crushed. Eventually, my emotion starts running dry, to the point where I do not care anymore.

"I see. You are right but I hope you will not regret this decision you made. Let me give you a piece of advice too, everything in this world was created by consequences. Every decision will bloom ideas which either create or destroy. " I glared at him

Bloodlust starts overflowing.

"Wh-Wha-What do you mean?!" He flustered

"Don't be scared. I am not mad at you. It is the opposite, I am grateful. You showed me that human nature will always be harsh" I smiled scarily

Starting that day, I didn't trust any human, even my family. I kept socializing looking at their expression, are they lying? Are they telling the truth? At that moment I didn't feel anything when looking at a face of a human but hatred.


In winter, my other brother got imprisoned, he is the leader of a huge criminal organization, called Midnight. They smuggled drugs and weapons.

I was chosen as their next leader. I don't know anything about running a criminal organization but I still did it anyway. Since I know a little bit of chemistry I created weapons and drugs. Since I didn't like the idea of dragging innocent people in danger, I changed the rules; to aim at another criminal organization.

"Are you serious?! We will be wiped out!!"

"Yeah! Don't be a fool!"

"You are getting your head big just because the throne was passed on you!" They shouted

"If you didn't like the idea then be gone. There is only one king and that king is me" I glared at them

Many of them didn't like the idea but I disposed of them, by breaking them physically or mentally or threatening them. I controlled them like a chess piece, reading their movements, not caring.

"A king who is not embraced by the kingdom will burn it down to feel its warmth" I muttered

The criminal organizations didn't last for long, they got disposed of, imprisoned and some are missing including us. There is a regret lingering in my heart because it is my fault. I didn't even consider that they have family, I only look at them as another evil being.

"I am really a rotting leaf, my life is a sin, and I wonder what happiness is like? Have I been lonely for so long? Why am I still living? Do I really deserve to live?" I sighed.

As I walk under the starry night she is sitting alone, a figure of a girl. She is in distress, a girl without comfort, a girl which hated every human even herself because her eyes told me so. Eyes that experienced hell itself, eyes with no more life, to be precise an eye without light.

"What are you doing late at night? It is dangerous in this area. You don't even seem like strong"

"Just contemplating about life, the life of mine which is cursed" The woman replied while smiling

I listen to her tragic story, I can only sympathize with her, I cannot save her for I am also a human which she hates, and a human which is also suffering together with her. Cowardice? Scared? Powerless? No, I cannot save her because even I couldn't save myself

She asked me "Do you believe in a world of a happy ending?"

She knows the truth, there is no such thing as a happy ending for everything ends in a lonely death. Love will never be always love, it will become hatred. Hope will not always shine because despair will cover it. She knows it but why did she ask? Is she looking for positivity in another person to fill her heart? I cannot comfort her with positivity alone, truth is a cruel mistress.

"There is no such thing as a happy ending" I smiled. "There is one possible ending that every human awaits and that is death and death is never a happy ending. It is a lonely ending"

"For a person like me, death is a happy ending. This shitty life, I didn't ask for this yet it was given to me."

"I don't know what happened to you but just be thankful to people who helped you"

"How can I thank those who betrayed me?! Yes, you don't know what happened! Everything in this world is a piece of shit who lives with their desires" She cried

Yes, telling her lies does not help this situation. She needs to be slapped by reality. The reality where everything is decided by you alone, heaven or hell. My master once said, "The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven"

"I was also betrayed, this life is shit but I keep smiling. Why? Because that is all I could do. I hated this life but I am also thankful for it. Some people have it hard compared to us. I am helpless when it comes to life. I am nothing but a coward, that is why I always keep my smile" I smiled

As the night sky serves as a canvas. Her smile was a painting I yearned for. A face conveys a bunch of emotions. Loneliness? Happiness? But those eyes showed love, love with grief, love with loneliness, and love with hatred. And at that moment I realize she is just like me, an empty shell waiting to be filled. While I am a shell who has a hole that keeps leaking. There is no contentment in my heart, and no one can patch it up even me.

I want to save her, I will refill her shell, and I will protect her smile. My mind was spiraling to these thoughts. This is my first time, is this love?

"But don't worry I will create your own happy ending, no, our happy ending. I will work hard. My name is Kamiya Rei. The greatest scientist in the world. Nice to meet you" I cannot tell her that I am from Midnight. Worst of it, its leader.

"I don't know you sorry but you have a great dream right there. Greatest scientist? You can do it!" she laughs

I know it is a fake laugh, a fake smile. Why? Because I already encountered that scenario. Since I hate humans I socialize with them by reading their expressions. I always think of them as evil being but this girl, I cannot see it in her. She really is special

"Hahahaha" she blurted out a fake laugh. "To think that I forgot the introduction and start ranting about life. Hahahahaha, I am sorry. My name is Yasuda Aki. Nice to meet you"

"You know? If you want to cry, just cry. Stop acting like a brave woman in front of me. I can see it in your eyes, you just want to let it out. I also hated humans but I never once an idiot in front of them. Take it off, you are beautiful without it. Even if they will not accept you, I will accept you"

"Ehhh, are you hitting on me?" She panics with a bit of sarcasm on her face

I sighed. "Stop with the façade, I can always read the expression of people, I've been doing this since I was betrayed. I know you are suffering but I am also suffering, we are suffering."

Her smile is now gone, tears flowed in her eyes.

"To think there is someone that can see beyond my mask. You really are something else. I've been hiding it since I don't want to annoy people. No that is not right, I just want someone that can see beyond my mask and save me." She told me while crying.

She blushed, she hugs me while crying. Yes, this is trust and comfort. To think there is someone who can give me this emotion.

"Whoah you have a nice face when you smile"

She blushed. "You are good with words, a smooth talker"

I got a call from the lab. When I am in job hunting, I managed to use my chemistry knowledge. Now I am a head researcher in creating new things.

"Sorry its work, let's meet again, cheer up, and move forward if you have a problem don't forget to talk to me" I give her my contact address

"Yep, If... We can meet again" She showed a lonely smile

"If?" I questioned myself silently.

I didn't understand what she meant but she never called me ever again. It takes 4 years for the news to reach me. That eventful night is the last night I saw her. She committed suicide.


When I learned the news, every ambition inside me starts to fall. My goals which are created by love are now destroyed. I am on a cliff, in there I am contemplating about what to do next but nothing comes inside my mind.

"I was supposed to give you a happy ending which you deserve. How can I give you one when you are gone?! Why did you take the easiest way, you coward?!" I cried

"Living here doesn't fit you" A gentle voice of a woman echoed in my ears

"Aki? Is that you? Show yourself!"

I never believe in a ghost but that voice sounded like Aki. I want to believe but I guess I am wrong.

"I am not your beloved but I will be one soon," The woman said teasingly

"Stop joking around. Who are you? What do you want?"

"Someone who will give you another chance" She showed me her face while saying it

I cannot see well because it is in the middle of the night but she definitely pushes me. I am really going to die? Where the hell is another chance in death? Give me back my trust you shit. I closed my eyes waiting for my last moments and her smile flashed in my mind. Aki's smile of loneliness. I miss her.

"I guess I will meet you soon Aki, I'll apologize for not saving you well in the afterlife" I smiled


As I open my eyes everything is hazy. As my curiosity peaks, I couldn't help but yell not thinking about the consequences. If this is heaven or hell I may have been branded as a disrespectful human.

"Where am I? Hello? Anyone there? Kami-sama? Are you there? Heyyyyy!!" I yelled

As I continue to yell, the floor starts shaking.

"I might have angered the gods" I smiled wryly

As the floor keeps shaking harder, I can hear the footsteps of a huge being closing in me. This is not the work of a god but a giant thing. 'Where the fuck am I?' That is the phrase I could mutter as I fear this unknown thing that is getting near me.

"What are you doing here human?" The unknown thing asked

I manage to regain my composure and talk to the unknown thing "I am sorry but I am lost. Where am I? I am not here to disturb your peace, If possible can you teach me the way to get out here?"

"You are in my labyrinth"

As the haze cleared up a large dragon appeared. As I pinch my cheeks checking if I am dreaming but I didn't wake up, I even use my fingers to cut my skin hoping the pain will wake me up but I didn't even felt a single pain what is more shocking is that it regenerated fast without leaving a scab. 'Is this for real? Where the fuck am I? The only logical reason is that I am summoned in another world but is that even real?' My thoughts are spiraling but the only problem is.... 'If this thing will attack I am surely dead'

"Oh so you are from another world?" The dragon asked

"Did you read my mind? Yes, I am from another world. I am a bit confused right now." There is no merit in lying

"I didn't read your mind but your soul is something that is not from this world. You see I am a dragon capable to read the movement and consciousness of a living being's soul. That means I can tell if you are lying or not"

"I see, but I thought dragons are prideful creatures which stand in the top and you are speaking equally with me a lowly human"

"It is true that some dragons look down on humans but for me, that is not the case. I look at everyone equally. Be it the smallest creature, magic beast, or gods I will treat them equally."

"Sounds good to hear. I am Kamiya Rei, a lowly human" I smiled

As a black mist like a storm raging surrounded the dragon being its eye. Black particles fall down and the flowers in the labyrinth started turning into black and blooms. It is scary yet beautiful at the same time.

"To think you've survived my dense mana flow which represents the death that was feared by everyone." The dragon disappeared but a beautiful black-haired woman with her hair down appeared. She is holding a scythe with a height same as hers. She is naked.

"Who are you? and please can you wear a shirt" I yelled at her while I averted my eyes. 'Who is this erotic lady? She is so beautiful.'

"I am Altireese Bahamut, the dragon of death and destruction, a direct descendant of the great god of death."

'Oyoyoyoyoy! Who is this last boss character-like appearing in front of me! I don't even know the basics!' I shouted in my brain. "Uhm Bahamut-sama can you help me get out in here. I promise I won't do anything in your labyrinth" I panic a bit

"Don't be so formal for me just call me Reese. I will help you get out in here but for one thing" Bahamut chimed that looks like she has an idea

"Anything, just don't kill me. I just started my new life and you will end it right here"

She laughed "HAHAHAHAHA don't worry this won't kill you. Fight me!!!"

I was shocked "How the heck am I gonna live if I will fight you are you dumb?" words slipped out in my mouth

"Don't worry, don't worry you are still young don't think the small things" She said while laughing

"Is my life a small thing to you?!"

"OK HERE I GOES" She charges in a blink of an eye but I manage to dodge it.


"Don't worry you won't be killed. Come on! Fight back!" She told me while laughing and slashing towards me.

I guess there is no point if I don't fight back. When I arrived here I noticed that my body is different and stronger than on the earth, my mind also strengthens and my reaction speed surpasses trained armies on earth. I guess this is one of the perks of being summoned. Since I learned martial arts on the earth with the strong boost of my body my skills become top-notch. but can I really defeat a dragon? more of it a direct descendant of a god?

I jump backward hoping to lengthen the distance so I could spot her blindspot but she decided to chase me not giving a second of thought.

"Oy! You are trying hard for a beginner like me!" I shouted while evading her attacks looking for an opening.

FOUND ONE. I focus my strength on my right arm and thrust it into her kidney. But it was to bait me in. I didn't react on time and my left arm got cut. It hurts but not as bad on earth. I can manage myself in this pain.

"Damn that is why I hate intelligent people like you!" I smiled

"You let your guard down right there but don't worry I can restore your arm. I have high-tier healing magic"

"Wait there is magic?!"

"Of course duh... You don't even know it exists? and here I am waiting for a challenge" she sighed


"If you are summoned, gods will bestow you a personal skill, information about this world and your goal. It is said that if you finish that goal you will be granted a wish. That's what I was told"

"Then I'm different then. When that mysterious voice pushed me I thought I died but here I am facing you!" I said sarcastically

"Hmmm. That sounds odd, well think later. Now give me your arm I'll attach it back"

When she connects my detached arm, she chanted magic "Miracle born from prayers heed my voice, Healing Prayer" A huge light appears and I can now feel my arms. When the light disperse I saw my arm in one piece. 'It really is real'

"Thank you very much" I smiled at her

"Ok, then I'll teach you the basics of magic. Your physical attacks and reaction speed is topnotch so there is no need. I'll also teach you physical reinforcement and multi-layered barrier disposal for defense"

"Is that okay? I will be wasting your time."

"Well for us dragons, months are just like seconds"

"If you insist"

She explained to me. "So the base of magic power is magic capacity and magic compatibility towards the elements. There are 6 elements, Water, Fire, Wind, Earth, Light, and Dark. There are people who can use Space magic. Space magic is the rarest type of magic that someone can use. It is used for storage, teleportation, or gate. There are also Forbidden magic and Original Magic."

"Do you need a chant for using magic?"

"Most mages in this world are using chants. It is rare to find people to use chant-less magic." She replied

"Can I use chant-less magic?"

"Let's try!" She shouted excitedly "Let's go with fire, imagine how hot the fire and how big it is. Next is to control the flow of your magic power. Your magic power will determine how hot your fire and how big it is."

I produced a black flame and it is indeed hot. As I am amazed and curious at the same time. Reese was standing there shocked.

"Did you just made a god-tier magic chant-less and you manage to control it precisely?!"

"Uhm, I didn't know but I imagine it to be the hottest and the size will be the same as the palm of my hands"

"That flame is the flames of purgatory, it will burn forever if you don't have high-tier purifying magic. If you can use it, then I guess you can also use the holy flame which is greater than my Healing Prayer can you try it?"

I tried but only ordinary flames will come out. As I got curious I questioned myself 'Does science apply in magic?' I did a little experiment. I create a fire then use wind magic to remove the oxygen inside it. It dies but it reappears again. "I see, magic is also the fuel for the fire but what if there is no oxygen available?" I asked Reese to create a barrier around me.

"What for?"

"Experiment time!" I replied excitedly

"Well, here I go" She created a barrier around me

I ask questions to verify my hypothesis

"Can you hear me?" I asked

"Of course, I can hear you because I have ears duh why did you even ask a simple question"

So sounds can pass through huh

"Does sound pass through barriers?"

"If it is magic imbued sounds it won't. there are also barriers capable of blocking the sound to leak outside but my barrier is a simple barrier"

"Can air pass through the barrier?"

"It cannot, the trapped air inside the barrier is the only air you can breath"

Ok, I've finished the asking let's do the experiment! I created a fire in the palm of my hand and remove the oxygen inside the barrier. The fire died and reappeared but when I fired a fireball it died. Next, I used the flames of purgatory as a fireball and it also died.

"Did you just purge the flames of purgatory?!" She asks me while in a state of shock

"Well to be precise I didn't but science did" I replied and realize a thing "How the hell am I still alive?!" I'm shocked

To trap me in an oxygen-less space is the same as suicide. 15 seconds is enough to kill me. I also didn't release the air inside me so my lungs popping will be natural. That is the fatal mistake I didn't realize

"What is science? How did it do it? and of course, you are alive there is no fatal magic inside the barrier except for your purgatory flames"

"I'll explain later I promise, but first I need to know more about magic. And you can now remove the barrier. Thank you very much" I smiled

"You better hold your promise! or else" She pouted then she continues to explain "Spells are categorized by tiers. Low-tier, mid-tier, high-tier, and god-tier. God-tier magic can only be used by gods and demon lords but some humans manage to use it, and that is the summoned heroes."

"Is summoning heroes part of the summoning magic?"

"No, it is different, only gods can summon heroes from another world using their divinity"

"Am I a summoned hero?"

"Sadly you are not. If you are one then I'm not here to teach you the information. Also, heroes are usually summoned in churches, not in a labyrinth"

"I see that's good to hear. Being a hero is a huge burden, I just wanna enjoy the life here"

Of course, I don't plan to go back to the earth. That world is a shitty place

"You really are something else, I'm surprised" She smiled and resume the explanation "The summoning magic is also categorized by tier. Low-tier, mid-tier, devils, and Divine Beasts. The familiar you summon is depending on the magic power you pour but devils have a different case, they are summoned by sacrificing a living thing, to be precise, a soul. In the ranking of devils, there are the lower devils, archdevils, and the seven sins, the rank of the original devils that reside in Nieaviller and Musphelheim, which is the realm that is guarded by my older brother Alphonse Nidhug the dragon of miasma. The divine beasts also reside in the lower heavenly realm. They can give you divine protection but not as strong as gods."

"What is the difference between you and the divine beasts?"

"A HUGE DIFFERENCE!" She shouted proudly while puffing her chest "We ancient dragons can take a human form but they can't. If you want to compare them, compare them to the elder dragons!" She pouted

"I see I see sorry haha"

"Now explain to me how did you purge the purgatory flame?!" She shouted while being curious, her face is close to me. "I've been a dragon for a thousand years chasing knowledge and wisdom from people to people but I never heard a purgatory flame being purged. What is science? How did it do it?"

"So you are ten thousand years old?"


"You see science is everywhere. I don't know if it is applied in this world but I guess it is. In my past life, since we don't have magic, people use science to make the impossible possible. And lastly, I just remove the air inside the barrier to kill the fire that is why fire cannot be created inside the barrier."

"Then how the hell are you still alive? We ancient and elder dragons don't need air to live but lower dragons cannot live without air for days. Even if you are good at magic and martial arts, with a human body you will die without air. Is that even the work of science?"

"That's what I want to question you! I thought you did something" I sighed

"Well, I didn't do anything, and if you are safe then all is well" She giggled "But science is cool! Can I learn it too? Do I need magic?"

"Of course you can, everybody can do science. That is why I love it. You just need knowledge and you can make the impossible possible! It is basically magic for us humans who don't have magic power."

"That is so cool! Teach me about it!" She put her beautiful face closer to mine

"Of course, but teach me how to use and control magic first"

After a month and a half, I learned high-tier spells from Reese. She didn't teach me summoning magic, more like she can't because she didn't know the magic sequence and formation. She said, "If you venture through this world you probably will meet a royal mage or adventurer who uses summoning magic. You can ask them to teach you, you can also go to libraries I'm sure there is one book in there" She also didn't teach me god-tier magic because she said "It is too dangerous" So the only god-tier magic I have is the purgatory flames. She also gave me money and a map.

"I'm sorry I cannot give you a weapon, My hobby is to collect knowledge, not treasures," She told me

"It is ok you've been helpful for me and I am thankful for it!"

"So it is time for us to part ways" She smiles sadly as she sees me off at the exit of the labyrinth

"Why don't you come with me on my adventure, let's go around this world together and discover something new!" I asked her

She blushed while rubbing both of her index fingers "R-R-Really?! I'll catch up to you! I have something to do in this labyrinth so don't you die!"

"Of course I won't die, I just started my life here after all" I laugh

"Until we meet again! Wait for me ok?!" She told me proudly while puffing her chest and tears rolling in her eyes

"I look forward to meeting you again Reese-san" I smiled

As I walk towards the forest I reminisce the days I spent with Reese, I almost forgot she is the dragon of death and destruction. "To think the embodiment of fear gave me happiness. It's been a long time since I felt like this" I look at the sky and closed my eyes. The smile of Aki appears "I guess I can't meet you in the afterlife but I hope you are doing fine. I will forget my past but I won't forget you the first girl who gave me happiness and love" After that, I continued my walk following the map that was given to me by Reese. The nearest city will be the Kingdom of Camelot.

"I also look forward to meeting you, my future husband" The voice whispers to my ears teasingly. When I turned around there is no one and suddenly I remembered that is the same voice that probably summoned me here.

"I guess looking for you, asking you, and also thanking you will be my priority" I smiled and continued my journey

I'm a newbie author so if you have some idea about my story comment on it and let me know.

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I just wanted to make an isekai plot for fun I hope you will enjoy it!

RJ_Fernandocreators' thoughts
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