

today my first day in college. I was just inter in the college. what I see the college is so big and looking so beautiful I never show that much beautiful even I never imagine. how beautiful is this college ohhh no. I can't express my feelings!!!!

I am so happy.slowly slowly I am going through the principal office there I am new and feeling so nerves. one students passing by my side. I asked him. where is principal office?

just go straight and turn left there is principal office.

I say thank you.i was just reach front of the principal office door relaxing my self and knok the door and say.

my I coming Sir!!

principal - yes coming!! what is your name? what work you have here?

I say my name is Min! I am a new student. In sixth grade section( A)

principal- Ok so you are new student.all the best for your new journey take hard study!!

Min - thank you sir. may I go?

Principal - yes you can!!

Thank you sir

now I am going to my class room with my class teacher. when I inter in the class room there is too many students I am so surprise. because before that have I never seen that much student in on class . I was just looking them. suddenly my teacher say to me Min you have to introduce yourself. My name is Min !! nice to meet you all of you.

Teacher go and seat wher you find a seat ok.

then I heard some on call me my by name. Min come here seat next to me.

then I want to see who is. when I was see his face I am so happy and so surprise. that Parson is my childhood friend Kim.then I Go and seat next to him and suddenly hi hug me and say thank you Min for coming in this school.you know I was feeling so much lonely Now I am so Much happy.

I was also feeling same. then I am seating next to him .

teacher- every on take out you not book we are going to give you some answer and question. which is important for you exam.you should have to remember all the question answer. ok

then teacher is only speaking and I am so week in study I can't write anything without watch. Kim is so intelligent and I asked him for his help. Kim can you show me you not book because I can't write anything without watch. you know already. then he help me he show me his not book. after that one student who's is seating next to me. he see me to write by watching Kim Not book. then he looked me very surprise and say Min you are that much week in study even you can't write anything without watch.

that time I was feeling so much nervous and also insult.

but that time I just trying to let it go that topic. I say no I can write but some words wich is so big that I could not write. then he say ok.

but ok was thinking in my mind and I decided to improve my study. I feel so bad I am really that much bad in study what will I am going to do next. don't worry min you can improve you study. then you will show them how intelligent you are.

Kim- Min... Min Min....

Min- very surprise say Yes... you call me.

Kim- yes I was calling you very long time but you can't answer. what are your thinking that's much deep haaa..

Min- nothing.. haa why your u are called me.

Kim- nothing just teacher is gone and I want to go toilet. will you go with me.

Min- yes I can.

Kim- ok then let's go there is something I want you have to know about our maths teacher he is very strict ok

Min- ok I was very poor in math this subject is very lowest then other subject. even I can understand other subject but math I could not understand.

Kim - Now again what you are thinking. every time you only thinking. take easy don't carry to much pressure ok.

Min - Ok

then we are reached at the toilet and we are doing pee suddenly Kim Just look my face and want to see my magic snake but quickly I hide and I feel so nervous. what are you doing Kim then say.

Kim - why you are feel shy we both are man.Do you remember when you first day came in school and we are gose in toilet you can't pull down your pant zip then I was pull down.i had already seen and tach your magic snake. that time you magic snake is so small and soft .now just I want to know tell the time it's same or you have progress.

Min- You have to see you magic snake I don't want to show you. I say with smile!!

Kim -OK OK if not today one day I will definitely see and tach you magic snake.

Min - ok I will see who will going to see my magic snake.

You have done your pee. then let's go in our class.

Kim - ok let's go.

we are come back I our class room.when we inter in class room my one friend asked Min from where you both are coming I say from toilet.

ok both of you know each other.

Min - yes we are school child hood friends.

student- ohh that's why you are so close. ok now came and sit on your seat math teacher is coming.

Min -really ok then give me space.

who is seating next to me is name is Jing

Jing- do you know our maht teacher is so strict.

Min - yes I know.

Jing - Haaa.. you know but who told you ohhhh... I know it's Kim. ...I am right.

Min- yes Kim told me about math teacher.

teacher is inter in the class room and we rae stand up and start greating good morning Sir...

teacher - good morning and sit down please

all students- thank you Sir..

teacher- now take out you note book ee are going to study today {sine ¢ nad cost ¢}ok .

and he start writing on the black bord but I could not understand anything.

then I asked to Jing do you understand anything.

Jing- yes not all little bit I can understand.

Min- ok then good... but I can't understand anything ahhhh.. it's to hard to understand math.

jing- don't worry slowly slowly you will understand every thing.

then I think in my mind Jing you don't know I can't understand what use of slowly slowly.

Kim- say Min Ohhh now you forget me.. haaa .... you have make one new friends..

Min- Kim what are you saying how can I forget you haaa... you are my childhood friend you know.

Kim- ok ok I know I just kidding... why you take serious..

Jing- Kim what you want he just be your friend. from now on he is also my friend. I am right min....

Min- yes from now on we are friends ..

ok now it's long talk we have to focus on our study

Kim- yes

then we are start study. now bell is ringing it's time to luch

Kim- Min what you have in luch.

Min- Nothing special just noodle.

Kim- oh I know you love to eat nodded. Jing what you have in luch

Jing- chapati and vegetables.

Kim- ohh I have eag roll.but Min is vegetarian.

Jing - really.

Kim- yes

Jing that's why he is so thin. Min you have to eat also chicken and also eag then you have to become fater other wise you be thin.

Min - I don't care. I don't like to eat any kind of meat.

Kim ok leave this topic we have to take our lunch.

jing- yes.

we rar having our lunch.

Min - Kim and Jing do you want to test my noodle.

Jing- yes I want and you have also eat my chapati and vegetable. ok

Min- ok.kim what about you.

Kim- yes I can also test ok. then I was gives them some noodle. Jing- ohhh. it's really so good.

Kim- I know I have already had his noodle before that.

Jing- thank you Mim for your Noodle.

Min- don't say thank you we are friend's in friendship there is no sorry and thank you. ok

Jing ohh.....you giving filmy dilog... haaa...

Min- not flimy it's real ok.

Jing- ok ok... I understand..any way do you know the next class is so much enjoyable.

Min- which subject we are going to learn in this class??

Jing- the next class is.... English...!

Min- ohh so how it's going to enjoyable class.

Jing -because in this class our is more interested in listening song as well. that's why.

Min- ok that's good. because I love to sing a song .

Jing- Oh really so today I will give you name for singing !

Kim is just watching our face and very loudly say that's enough. now we have to go in our class ok .

Jing- what happened Kim are you ok.

Kim - yes I am ok

Jing- really.

Kim- yes

Min- ok ok we have to go now.

when we reach in our class what we are see our bag is not there wher we put.

Min- Kim and Jing where is our bag's.and we are so surprise.and Kim is so angry. and his face looks so scary!!!!


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