
Chapter 4 - The Art of Negotiating with Elven Merchants

Gradually, Li Wei rose from the ground, taking a moment to steady himself.

He surveyed his surroundings and discovered that he was encircled by a diverse group of adventurers traversing the vast grassland.

With a clear destination in mind, they pressed on, although weariness had already settled in as the sun dipped low on the horizon. Yet, their eyes gleamed with unwavering vigilance, as they remained alert to any potential threat.

Gnomes, humans, Dragonborn, elves and even dwarfs.

All of them with distinct features.

It was Li Weis first time seeing these beings, but he could recognise them from one of the chapters in his book, 'A Crash Course to the Many Races and How to spot them!'.

Li Wei looked at the Gnomes. Small in stature, they were barely three feet tall. They moved with agility but also looked humorous as they moved with their little legs. Most of them had skin that was between grey and brown while they were eyes mostly grey to blue.

Meanwhile, the Dragonborn were a sight to behold. Their giant, scaled bodies towered above the rest, their draconic features striking fear and awe in the hearts of those who beheld them. Their eyes held a fierce determination, and their voices rumbled like thunder.

Naturally, not all of them were warriors; he could also see some rangers and berserkers too.

The Elves were ethereal, tall and slender. Their pointed ears peeked out from under their flowing hair, their eyes piercing with an ageless wisdom. They moved with a grace that seemed almost unnatural, their every motion a dance of elegance and poise. Some of them were high elves of different subraces and some were wood elves.

The Dwarfs. Sturdy and robust, they were a head shorter than humans but twice as wide, with muscular bodies that testified to their incredible strength. Their faces, weathered by years of labour, were often hidden under a thick, coarse beard, adding to their rugged appearance. Yet, when their eyes met yours, you could see a spark, a glimmer of determination and hardiness born of their enduring spirit. These qualities made them not only formidable warriors but also steadfast companions in the face of any challenge that came their way.

'An incredible enduring spirit is in the blood of the dwarfs and also in their culture.' Li Wei thought as he remembered their description.

Li Wei noticed that even though there were other races, the most common among them were still humans, making up a total of 60% of all the adventurers.

Li Wei looked around and figured out the situation.

His gaze returned to the three ladies.

"I apologise for not introducing myself earlier. I am Li Wei, an adventurer hailing from a faraway land," he declared.

Li Wei put on a serious face and looked in the distance as if reminiscing. The evening sun shone and outlined his profile. He spoke slowly, "I am not from this world. I have entered the ethereal realm and by a lucky or unlucky encounter ended up in what you called the Enchanted Whispering Pines."

The women gasped in shock.

Lirelia, eager and full of curiosity, was the first to recover. She gazed at Li Wei with sparkling eyes, "Is it truly conceivable to traverse between different realms, to venture into the ethereal realm?"

Li Wei nodded seriously and sighed, maintaining a solemn expression, "The multiverse is so much more complex and vast than one can imagine. I have crossed great perils and fought legendary creatures. My journey here was not without peril, and I cannot say for certain if I'll ever find a way back."

The Dwarven woman Gudrun had a deep look in her eyes as she spoke. "I have heard of the legends that our world is connected via the Ethereal Realm with numerous other realms and worlds. Although walking the Ethereal realm is nigh impossible."

The last of the three, the mother of the elven girl Lirelia who had been silent till now, finally spoke. "It's quite a tale you spin. It's hard to believe. What motivations did you have to enter the Etheria Realm?"

Li Wei gulped down trying to think of a reason. He regretted the words he said thinking that he should have stayed silent, but now he had spilled the beans.

God's acting is so hard, but the words just keep coming out of my mouth

Li Wei tried to explain his way out and was cursing the book in his heart. It did teleport him here but then it was also a great guidebook. Except for some of the more dubious chapters like, 'How to Charm an Elf,' or, 'How to Make a Dragon fall for you.' He was glad that he had read some of the chapters more in-depth that he thought might be useful.

Li Wei cleared his throat before responding, beginning to play his part in the made-up tale he weaved, "The Ethereal Realm was never a conscious choice for me," he sighed once again, sorrow could be heard in his voice. "It was rather a consequence of a grander quest I'd set upon."

He paused for a moment, glancing at the faces around him. The curiosity in their eyes was evident, and he knew he needed to spin a tale convincing enough to not raise suspicion. "I come from a land plagued by a cruel tyrant," he continued, his voice laden with a palpable sorrow that seemed to tug on their hearts. "He wields a power that is not of our realm, a power stolen from the Ethereal Realm."

Li Wei took a deep breath and began to paint a picture with his words. "Our once thriving kingdom is now a land of despair," he began, his gaze fixed on some distant memory. "The tyrant, cloaked in shadows, has conjured unimaginable horrors upon us. Fields that once blossomed with life now lie barren, poisoned by his dark magic."

He swallowed hard, forcing himself to continue. "The day he came to power, the sun ceased to smile upon us. Our rivers ran dry, and our forests withered. He took pleasure in our suffering, our misery fueling his insatiable thirst for power."

His voice trembled as he recalled the atrocity that still haunted his dreams. "Once, a brave group of rebels rose against him, filled with hope and courage. But he... he turned them into stone, right before our eyes, their faces frozen in eternal horror."

His hands clenched into fists as he went on. "Our children are no longer safe. He steals them from their beds at night, their laughter replaced by an echoing silence that haunts every corner of our kingdom."

His voice dropped to a whisper, the pain in his words palpable. "He has twisted our home into a nightmare. Every dawn brings new fear, every dusk, a fresh horror. Our hope is fading and our spirits are broken. Whatever this power is that he stole from the Ethereal Realm... It's destroying us." He ended on a sombre note.

His face contorted as if he was about to cry. He clenched his fists even tight as if he was about to weep.

Secretly he kept glancing at the three looking for a reaction but they were tough nuts to crack.

Why is it so damn hard to squeeze out a tear! My acting skills are lacking...

His words hung heavy in the carriage, and Li Wei took a breath before proceeding. "I ventured into the Ethereal Realm in the hope of finding a power that could match his, a power that could free my people from his clutches." His gaze lowered, and he added in a whisper, "I did not realise that it would lead me here, to a world completely unknown."

Silence enveloped the place once more after his words. Gudrun was the first to break it. "So, this tyrant, has he harnessed the energy of the Ethereal Realm?" she asked, her tone serious. Li Wei nodded in response. "And you've come here in search of a similar power?"

"Yes," Li Wei responded, "Not to conquer, but to liberate. To give my people the freedom they've been denied." His voice was firm and resolute, reflecting unfathomable sincerity.

Lirelia's mother, who had been quiet for most of the conversation, finally spoke up again. "And how exactly do you plan on doing that?" She asked, her eyes critically analysing Li Wei.

Li Wei shifted uncomfortably under her scrutiny. "There are stories ... legends, really, about an ancient power hidden here on Earth," he began cautiously, meeting her gaze. "This power, they say, surpasses anything known to my world. They call it the Heart of Gaia."

The name hung in the air, and the carriage was silent for a moment. Lirelia's mother was the first to respond, her voice measured. "And you believe these legends, do you?"

Li Wei nodded, his expression serious. "I have no other option. I must believe in them. For my people."

Lirelia's mother considered him for a moment, her gaze unreadable. Then she spoke again. "And if you can't find this Heart of Gaia? If these legends turn out to be just that—legends? What then?"

"I... I don't know," Li Wei admitted, his gaze dropping to the floor. "But I have to try."

The conversation lapsed into silence, each person lost in their own thoughts. For a long time, no one spoke. The only sound was the creaking of the carriage and the steady rhythm of the horses' hooves on the road. Finally, it was Lirelia who broke the silence.

"I think... we should help him." Her voice was soft but firm.

Lirelia's mother turned to look at her, a surprised expression on her face. "You want to help him find this Heart of Gaia?"

Lirelia nodded. "Yes. I think it's the right thing to do."

Gudrun grumbled something under her breath but didn't voice any objections. Lirelia's mother was silent for a moment longer, pondering on her daughter's words. Then, she nodded slowly. "Very well. We will help you."

A look of relief washed over Li Wei's face as he thanked them, his voice choked with emotion. "I can't express how much this means to me. No! To my people!"

The older elvish woman had a strange expression on her face, but still spoke out, "I should introduce our party to you. I am Eolande. Eolande Greenleaf, a merchant." She allowed a small, proud smile to play on her lips. "And this," she gestured towards Gudrun and Lirelia, "Is my family, the heart and soul of our enterprise of Greenleaf Merchants. We transport and trade goods across the vast lands of this realm, from the glistening shores of the Silver Sea, to the snow-capped peaks of the Starlight Mountains, and even to the dense, mystical woods of the Elven Forest."

"Gudrun is our companion who joined us many years ago via an encounter that is not so pleasant. While this young lady is my daughter who has joined the family business." Eolande gestured at her companions with a smile.

"Although I agree with helping you and I am intrigued by your story you should not expect too much. We are currently travelling to a nearby town to conduct a trade where you can stay at our Merchant Guild free of charge. I hope that would be of help to you."

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