
I Think Mr.Celebrity Loves Me

14Sarahsha97 · Fantasi
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30 Chs

Chapter-3: Mission Failed

[Sarah Pov]

By the look on her face I know it has to do something with her.

While people were busy asking questions and I am trying my best to tell them that it was just a rumor.Stacy was laughing her ass off.

I looked towards her and gave her a look to save me.

"Then come to korea with me" she told me with her hand gestures.

I am still thinking what to do ,someone from the interviewers who came to interview me asked "is this appendix genetic? "

That's it, I am done. I turned towards Stacy and nodded as the signal for yes.

She asked me " are you sure? No changing of answer.ok? "

I nodded like 20 times.

She started jumping like a madwoman . Strike the words that i said before "it's my first time that i win over Stacy ''

After 15 min of continuous jumping and dancing she came towards the people interviewing me about appendix .

"Hey guys, what are you all doing? " she asked them.

One of them told her "we got a post that Sarah from our company is suffering from an appendix problem and we need to support her. So we came here to comfort her. "

I immediately looked towards Stacy because I know she was the one who posted it on our company interactive account.

"Guys the post says Sarah from our company not from this department .She belongs to another department. So, chill" she told them .

I can sense the disappointment in all their voices.

And they started to disappear one after one and left me just with stacy.

She is still holding her laugh.how so many things can happen in one day i was late to office for the first time in my life, i got breakup with an imaginary gay boy friend and i was suffering from Appendix problem.

After office she took me to the mall to be frank she dragged me to each and every shop in the mall. The whole time I was like "stacy! What is the use of new clothes, I already have enough".

She was like "please sarah, don't make me beg for this. Why don't you just say yes"

Getting irritated with my nagging she suggested to play rock paper and scissor game. If I lose I should do what she says and if I win she has to do whatever I say.

I am gathering all the strength and beting them on my fingers.

"Here we go" she said .




Please god let me win at least for once I thought within myself and closed my eyes and showed paper.

When I opened my eyes I saw her doing the victory dance as if she had won 1 million dollar in the lottery.

"Enough, stopppp!!! Everyone was watching us" I told her while pressing the p word.

"Born beautiful is not my fault and i don't give a fuck about them"she said while still dancing around me.

[Around 10pm]

"We reached home late and we are flying tomorrow and had a lot of packing to do"she said while walking back and forth.

I can see how much she misses her boy friend.even though she may appear as bitch, flirty but she never cheats on him. Because she loves him a lot.

This reminded me about my ex boyfriend with whom i built a home of dreams.

I came out of thoughts when she was literally shaking me in panic .

"What's wrong with you? First stop shaking me" i told her in a shaking tone.

She did as I told her to do.I took a long breath .

"Don't worry, let's do it together" I said in an assured tone.

"Thank you my love"she told me.

"We are coming to Korea" she shouted loud.which made both of us laugh .

I still feel how anxious she was to meet him .She is meeting him after 4 months.

I don't know what he does but more than 6 months he stays abroad ,so it was very hard for them to meet regularly.Crazy Long Distance Relationships.

It was around 2am we finished packing.

She made me pack all the new clothes that she forced me to buy.

When we were departing to sleep she called me.

" what?" I asked her.

"Before "she is hesitating to say.

"Tell me Stacy !! I am so tired already" I told her.

"Then promise me that you won't get mad at me" she asked me.

"Ok, i won't get mad at you. now tell me.I am sleepy" i told her.

"Before at the mall, when we played the game "she told me.

"You mean Rock Paper Scissors?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Actually to be frank it was you who won the game" She said and rushed to her room and closed the door.

I Can't believe this woman. She made me spend half of my salary on clothes that I never wanted.

I went towards her room and kicked her door and told her" you little creature i am gonna kill you for this".

"Don't bother me Sarah, our flight was morning 9. I need to take beauty sleep to make him fall for me again .Now shut up and stop making trouble" she told me.

What? Was I the one who caused the trouble? Isn't it the other way around?.

I am very happy for Stacy and how she was in love. I went back to my room thinking of the things that happened today and hugged the blanket of dreams.

"Please believe me it was not my mistake" i told to my relatives

But every one was pointing at me and keep on telling "It was your's fault that your family members were dead"

I am trying my hardest not to cry and convince them to let me see their dead bodies before cremation .But 30 people shouting at you and pointing at you as a cause for your own family's death.

Tears couldn't hold any longer.I am crying my heart out while begging my relatives to let me see them for the last time.

"Humans like you shouldn't exist in this world. Get lost to Singapore before we kick you out"My Mother's brother told me with a lot of hatred in his voice.

I still remember the day where my uncles along with their families and we used to go outing,camping and on tours and all i can think of my mom and dad happy faces during the time that we all spent together.

But Now the same members are accusing me for my family death.There were right though, I was the reason why this all happened.

Feeling helpless and wanting to see my family for the last time.I keep on telling while crying "please please please".

"Sarah!! Sarah!! Wake up" i heard Stacy's voice.

"Are you ok? My Goodness! You are crying" she said while holding me.

When I opened my eyes I saw Stacy who was in panic seeing me and I couldn't control myself. I hugged her and cried my heart out.

"Is it the same dream?" She asked me.

I replied yes by nodding my head while still crying.

This is best about her because she understands better than any one in this world.

I don't know what i would do if she moved to korea to live with her boyfriend.

"How do you know? "I asked her.

"I came to wake you up .And you are..." she told me.

I Don't want to spoil her good mood early in the morning,so to cheer her up

"Then what are you doing? Let's get ready.its already 5:30 am" i told her with a cheerful voice.

"Oh!! Yes , lets get ready you dumb head" she told me.

What do you think so far?

What might have happened to Sarah?

Do you people want me to write in Stacy pov?

Please let me know.

What will happen when she goes to Korea?

How is she gonna meet the boys?

It's my first story .So please be considerate.

Lots of love


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